day 1, 50 pound goal

Hey guys. I'm new to this--a friend of mine talked me into trying this website. I am to be a bridesmaid in June and refuse to wear a dress in my current state! I'm horrible with dieting, and know that like many others, need some motivation. Wish me luck as I work to meet my goal.


  • Lacigirl11
    Lacigirl11 Posts: 21 Member
    I know how you feel i am also very bad at dieting but i think if we all work together we can meet our goals! Welcome! i have only been on this site for a about a week and so far it is great!! Good luck! :)
  • kpepper07
    then do not think of it as a diet!!!! It is a new way to eat and if you do it right you will not be hungry!!! lean protein, low carbs, veggies and heathly snacks!! And I have a hershey's kiss everyday!! :)
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    You can do this girl!! I am here for ya! Message/txt anytime if you need a kick in the butt! lol