Binge Eating

Hi Everyone!
I am new to my fitness pal and i love this app!
- But i really need some help.. :(
I have been suffering from different eating disorders for over a year now and i am more determined then ever to get over them!
Right now I just cant seem to find a way to stop binge eating (especially on sugar)..
Any suggestions?


  • Hello try having a read at this

    Good luck Glenn. :)
  • Maybe try adding more fruits in during the day? Can't eat what you don't buy. I'm guessing your Binge eating is a result of recovering from restricting or purging? it's going to take time and effort but things will mellow out eventually.

    Talk to your parents? Maybe they can help. your profile says 18 but you look much younger. 14-15? are you in recovery or a program?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am new to my fitness pal and i love this app!
    - But i really need some help.. :(
    I have been suffering from different eating disorders for over a year now and i am more determined then ever to get over them!
    Right now I just cant seem to find a way to stop binge eating (especially on sugar)..
    Any suggestions?

    have you spoken to a doctor about this?
  • Yes Both.
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    If you have spoken to a doctor that would have been my first suggestion. Good for you that you recognised you have a problem and are trying to get help. It's not easy. I am afraid I don't really have more advice other than speak to a professional and follow the advice they give you. I wanted to wish you well on your recovery x
  • Maybe try adding more fruits in during the day? Can't eat what you don't buy. I'm guessing your Binge eating is a result of recovering from restricting or purging? it's going to take time and effort but things will mellow out eventually.

    Talk to your parents? Maybe they can help. your profile says 18 but you look much younger. 14-15? are you in recovery or a program?

    Yes i had problems with both - and yes i am 18,
    Have you ever experienced this problem? I really want to know how someone else managed to get through it... I just feel like there is no end to it no matter what i do... I can go a long time being just fine and then one thing will trigger and im on a path back to hell pretty much! :S Drives me nuts... I know i can get through this though. I just need a distraction.
  • DerFlexo
    DerFlexo Posts: 11 Member
    Have you tried eating other stuff instead of sugar? If you can stand them, carrots are great for nibbling all day long. Chewing gum also helps to pass time.
  • Emily_20x
    Emily_20x Posts: 175 Member
    I was seeing an eating disorder specialist for a while. I restricted, binged and purged. She gave me a meal plan to follow. It minimised the binging a lot. It went like:


    Each meal was supposed to have carbs, protein and veg. Snacks could be anything from fruit, yoghurt or cereal bars. I was supposed to eat every few hours and not go more than 3 hours without eating. I had to eat whether I was hungry or not. Because I was eating anyway my body was full so I had no urge to binge. I'm an emotional eater but the plan really helped me while I followed it. I'm still trying to get over the eating disorders in my own way instead now. I've been doing pretty well the last few weeks. One binge and no restricting.

    Good luck with it, feel free to add me as a friend if you wish :) xx
  • Emily_20x
    Emily_20x Posts: 175 Member
    And I'm the same as you, I can be fine for so long and then something happens and triggers it back to the eating disorder again. It helped speaking to people about it because it was important to see what triggered that behaviour of me wanting to binge, restrict or purge. I didn't really get any answers because I stopped seeing the professionals but it helped keeping a diary of how I felt when I ate, any up urges to binge, purge or restrict. It seemed obsessive to me but the eating disorder specialist recommended it and it helped to pinpoint when I had those negative thoughts. As a result of stress, upset, etc. Hope this helps a little xx
  • Thanks so much for the support everyone!!

    - I really am not saying any of this to complain or seek attention. I see a lot of people with this problem and i dont blame them.. You see the things sold at grocery stores and cornner stores are full of sugar and its atrocious how bad some of these products are for our bodys and overall health. They are science experemints to get us addicited and hooked so we keep buying the product. it makes me extreamly mad because it works and its cheap. Right now i wish to go to a health clinic for a week or two and stay there overnight and be on a strict eating regime like you said (where they watch me) and i am unable to access any grocery stores or fast food areas. I resticted food for so long (starved myself) then started to over eat - then came the purge / over exercising / laxatives / fasting... I just need a plan i cant stick to and get back on the right track because i wan help. I dont want to go through this anymore.
  • Bodies* :laugh: