WOMEN AGE 18-25: Need new friends!

So I've been on MFP for over a few years now, and I have to say this website has changed my life. I've lost a total of 60 lbs, and 35 since last September. I took a break for awhile after having some health issues, and came back only to find that very few of my old friends use the site anymore! :(

A little about me: I'm 20 years old, I'll be 21 in August. I'm a full time college student, that also works full time as an assistant manager at a retail store. I'm also a shot girl at a local bar. My life is chaotic, but I'm looking for more female friends! I really don't care about age, but I'd really like new friends with similar lifestyles.

I'm really into heavy lifting, I also do a lot of yoga and running. I'm a very active person, and I'd like to actually interact with people on here more like I used to!

So if you're interested in being friends, send me a request and maybe a quick message about yourself. I'd love to get to know some new people here, and also have a stable group of fit friends to encourage and be supported by!


  • DooDooDooDooDooDooDoo
    I'm new to this website, but hope to be a veteran MFP user some day. Sending a request your way!
  • ear814
    ear814 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! My name is emma I am looking for some support now too! I am a very crime female, age 23, but twenty I just feel like I'm slacking. I'd love to help motivate each other! A lot of my friends are guys, so they don't understand the female weight thing lol and my girlfriends just aren't as into fitness for the long haul like I am. I love heavy lifting also, I also love running! I play soccer and take karate and jiu jitsu. The hardest thing for me isn't staying active but it's the eating part lol.. I love food! I just need some motivation and someone to talk to about fitness and healthy eating. So personal message me or add me as a friend and let's help each other!!
  • dantram1
    dantram1 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Princessjordy,

    I've been on here a while too. I worked with a personal trainer last year and lost 15lbs. Im 23 years old and would really love some new friends and accountability partners! I do Karate and running/weights here and there but really need to get back on a schedule like I was when I was working with a trainer. I also really like Blogilates. Like most, food is my problem. I have a few good days and then think "what the heck, I deserve a treat!" my treat usually being a bigmac. That snowballs and then itll be a few weeks before I snap out of my fastfood/junkfood haze.

    Im in the military so fitness isn't something I can avoid. I'd love to find some motivation and friends to kickstart an even healthier lifestyle. :)
  • LucyHeeni93
    LucyHeeni93 Posts: 1 Member

    I am 20 and I have been a memeber for while but I have just started a new streak with healthy eating, an abs and arm workout everyday (at home from an app on my iPhone) in desperate attempts to get the confidence back to wear a bikini on holiday.

    Finding it difficult to get support from my long term boyfriend because he thinks (as they all do) I look great, but I just feel within myself I am sick of having the wobbly legs and tummy!

    Would love some motivation and tips for getting the body we are all striving for :)

    I will send a request your way
  • Kendra_003
    Kendra_003 Posts: 18 Member
    Im Kendra! 22 years old. I have been on this sight for a while.
    I am now just starting to use it though :)

    Yall are more than welcome to add me!
  • Remilia_Scarlet
    Remilia_Scarlet Posts: 55 Member
    Hey there! I'm 24 and also enjoy yoga and running. Weight lifting is fun too, but I'm not allowed to do it unless I'm being supervised by my physical therapist, and I can't go very heavy yet, haha. I've had an account for a couple years now, but mainly used it to track calories on my iPod until now, so I don't know many people here. I yo-yo' d up and down ~30lbs these past few years, but haven't managed to maintain a downward trend until I started reading the forum more. I guess it's true that people lose more weight in a community!

    I'll add anyone who wants to add me. Gotta keep up that motivation. :)
  • CrystalDawnPopstar
    Hi everyone !!!! My name is Crystal Dawn I am 23 and a kiwi girl living in Melbourne . I'm getting in the best shape of my life and to supplement my life style with extra energy and vitality . I enjoy strength training , running , Pilates & blogilates . I'm looking for motivational buddy's . I'm on a healthy diet of fruits and veges and working extra hard to lose weight before a holiday I'm taking home in a month really want to be glowing and full of life . So add me peoples .
  • jbilgs
    jbilgs Posts: 38
    Hey! My name's Jenna. I've been on MFP for the last year or so. I'm working on becoming a personal trainer and I've recently adopted the idea of IIFYM to maintain health in my life! I'm all about balance and support. If you need any support or just want to talk, hit me up!
  • greatness
    greatness Posts: 18 Member
    Your life sounds a bit like mine!! I'm 23 and just started graduate school this summer, I have been on fitness pal since HS but had some health problems in the middle of my undergraduate years. I am just getting back on the horse but I've always been super enthusiastic about fitness. I recently started doing cross fit because my gains were plateauing and I was getting a little bored with the sit down/stand up gym scene. I really love lifting but running owns my heart. I would love to be friends and observe each others progress/ be a means of encouragement!
  • IndieCharlotte
    IndieCharlotte Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm India, I'm from the UK, I've been on MFP for a while, but only just started using it seriously and its seriously starting to change my life and my bad eating habits and my aversion to exercise and could do with some support, so feel free to add me.
  • mollymcdonald0
    mollymcdonald0 Posts: 30 Member
    i'll add you! :)
  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    I'd love more friends my age on here! I'm 18 and I attend UNC, studying sociology and economics.
    I'm incredibly out of shape right now but I'm starting Couch to 5k and loving it, so running is definitely my favorite form of cardio. Bananas are my my go to fitness food, and I love sharing smoothie recipes!

    Not really sure what else to add…but definitely add me!
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Sent you a friend request! :) I am 24 and would love to be friends as well! I love yoga, running and lifting weights!! :happy: I have been on here for a few years...but really to no avail, I lose the weight just to put it right back on. I am trying to do something more permanent now! Lose the weight for good!
  • juliatindell
    juliatindell Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Julia. I'm a 22-year-old recent college grad working retail full time as a bookseller (which is a dream). I'd love some new friends with whom I can move forward in the journey. :) Today I'm getting a fresh start (i.e. a haircut and a new pair of running shoes!).
  • 3293kitkat
    3293kitkat Posts: 22
    Sent you a request... It's good to have friends going for the same goal of trying to have a healthier lifestyle. You got this! (:
  • magnifiquee
    magnifiquee Posts: 85 Member
    Hi guys! I am 18 and I have been using this website for quite a long time now and can't do without it any more!.

    Feel free to add :^)
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    Hi, guys. I'm 25, a recent college graduate, recently married, and recently relocated. I've been getting all my socialization here since I don't know anybody where I live (800 miles from my hometown). I've lost nearly 70 lbs -- Only 5 pounds away from my first big goal, 20 away from where I think I will be happy.
  • sylviedroz
    sylviedroz Posts: 95 Member
    anyone on this forum feel free to add! :D i'm 19, in uni studying neuroscience, i do hot yoga twice a week, pilates once a week, also workout a bit daily, and i'm starting to get into running. i've got 15lbs to loose and 5lbs to my first goal weight!

    add me :D
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    That is awesome!!!! :D Congratulations on almost reaching your first big goal!!! YAY! :drinker:
  • Sunny_Sunflower
    Sunny_Sunflower Posts: 136 Member
    Hello everybody! My name is Jaclyn I am 26 (so close) single mom to a gorgeous little girl. I workout 6-7 days a week and just hit my mid-point goal of 60lbs. I have another 60 to go but am constantly running challenge/ accountability groups to help others and bring everyone together. I would LOVE to help anyone or just be a new friend. Anyone can friend me! Looking forward to it! :)