More than the normal to lose

Morning -

I am really bad at sticking to this whole weight loss thing and would need a few people like myself to keep me going as I help you too. I'm 33F, SW 247 CW 242 GW 160. Really need to get things in check. Bonus if you are a nursing student or a nurse. :)


  • 0Amra
    0Amra Posts: 24 Member
    Pick me! I'm 28, SW 307, CW 231, GW 180 (for now). And I'm a nurse!! :) I'm always on here and I love having new friends!
  • BMay2121
    BMay2121 Posts: 1
    I would be glad to encourage you. I'm 36M with a long way to go yet. I'm not in the medical field either, but I'm always up for encouraging others. Just add me if you want some encouragement.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    would psychologist count as medical field. That where I am working towards.