Are you in the 97%?

...of people who lose weight..only to gain it back again. Over and over. Yoyo up and down..often with an overall net gain over the years. Studies have shown that only 3% of people who lose weight can maintain it for more than 5 years. I have my own ideas about why this is. Also, people who grew up normal sized, got fat in adulthood, then lost weight are more likely to be in the 3% than those who were fat as children. Grim stats...but I think if we can gain an understanding of what the 3% are doing differently...that would be a good start.

From what I can tell, 3% ers don't see weight loss as a goal with an end date. They know they will probably always have to be diligent, and they accept that is the case. They don't lose the weight, celebrate with a pizza, and think it's going to just magically stay off. They accept that their habits have to completely change for life, not just for the "loss" part of the journey. Also, 3% ers don't see healthy lifestyle as "punishement". They see health, energy, fitness and nutritious food as positive and a welcome change..not a chore.

I'm curious to hear from 3% ers, and others on how they feel they are distinguished from the 97% that fails at long term health goals.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I was from 2010 until 2013...I lost the same 20-30lbs about 4x during that time...

    I grew up "normal" sized...never had a weight issue until after I got pregnant...I was in the military and back then they believed woman shouldn't even lift their helmet so I was not allowed to "work out" but I ate the same as when I was.

    I will in 10 years be part of the that I am here...

    Now my sister is part of the 3%...she got bigger in University then took control and has kept it off for over 20 years...she is diligent and doesn't allow herself to get over her "range"...she works out, watches carefully what she eats but allows for treats...

    Since I am part of her life I know her habits...if she "over eats" her words not mine on chips one day (her downfall) she makes sure she drinks lots of water the next day, chooses carefully her meals and does an extra 20mins of exercise...her range is 120-128 and she sticks there and has for years...she isn't diligent about counting calories, weighing food etc...she weighs everyday tho...exercises 5-6x a week and is active with her son.

    I personally have a different outlook I eat my serving of chips and make sure it fits in my allotment. I exercise because I like my exercise...and I love how it makes me feel. I still celebrate with food just less of it...I know it won't stay off if I am not diligent in my own way...which is logging and weighing my food.
  • Elektrolyfe
    Elektrolyfe Posts: 151 Member
    A lot of people are extrinsically motivated to workout/get fit whether they want to look good, feel good, be healthy. But I feel if they are unable to continue to set goals or do not enjoy the process of getting fit, then they are more likely to lose interest or give up.

    I am intrinsically motivated, I enjoy every session, every record that is beaten, I am never satisfied and don't really have an end goal, what keeps me going is to constantly improve on what I have achieved. I celebrate my accomplishments by setting even higher standards every time. Some people call it an obsession, I see it as dedication. Fitness isn't a destination, it's a journey; one that I am glad I started.
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I lost 30 pounds in 2009 and am still at my goal weight from that time. Well now I have a lower goal weight, but the point is I didn't gain any weight back after doing ww five years ago. The key is pretty simple: make *permanent* changes to your diet and don't go back to your old ways. For me the most important thing is to cook my own food. Even when I wasn't tracking calories vigilantly as I am now, as long as I brought my own lunch to work and cooked my own dinner (or ate someone else's homemade meal) I was fine. Restaurant/takeout food is my biggest downfall. The couple of months before I did ww back in the day, I was moving to a new apt and eating takeout every night and that's how I gained 15 pounds...
    You can maintain. Just... Maintain your healthy lifestyle. Also weigh yourself at least once a week to avoid creep.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    *Buys a lottery ticket* Take that, odds!

    I might give this whole thin thing up pretty soon and go back to being fat because maybe it's just not worth it. But you can be sure if I do that, I'll do it consciously. I won't slip back, I'll dive headfirst into all the cakes and ice cream. Until then, screw the odds.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I wanted to add...these numbers are from "dieters", people who use "diets' to lose weight instead of eating all food with portion control and calorie counting.

    Diets don't lose the weight, don't learn anything because you ate what you were told to, then go back to "normal" and gain it back.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I gained 15lbs in college one year, and was a chubby kid. Lost it by calorie counting and have kept it off since then (a very long time) without calorie counting for the most part. I pay attention to my food choices and I learned moderation. If my clothes start to get tight I eat less in the evenings and go to bed a little bit hungry. That has always worked for me. I started calorie counting with MFP just for the kicks really, and I have learned a lot by being here. I'm not currently logging much and have gone back to going by 'feel'. If I do log, it's through lunch and snack times so I have some idea of where I stand for dinner.

    The key to keeping the weight off (IMO) is by learning moderation. It's a lesson not taught much anymore, but it is a critical life skill to be able to enjoy all sorts of foods and activities without endangering your health or happiness.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I wanted to add...these numbers are from "dieters", people who use "diets' to lose weight instead of eating all food with portion control and calorie counting.

    Diets don't lose the weight, don't learn anything because you ate what you were told to, then go back to "normal" and gain it back.

    Crux. Lies, damn lies, and statistics.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Are you in the 97% of people who lose weight..only to gain it back again?
    We've had this topic before. The answer for me is both yes and no (take that law of the excluded middle).

    I lost 35 kilos twelve years ago. Twenty of those I've kept off ever since, the remaining fifteen have been on and off. Currently off, long-term remains to be seen.

    I think people whose weight oscillates very quickly do so because they do not develop new habits and attitudes they just lose weight, and that's a bad thing. People who oscillate more slowly do so because of changing priorities and circumstances. I think that's normal (as long as you don't go too far off the track).
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I guess I'm in the 3%. 140 was the heaviest I've ever been, which for a 5'1.5" woman is overweight, after a foot injury that kept me inactive for 3 months. Before that, I was never that heavy and even got baby weight off quickly. At my heaviest, I was the "fattest" person in my family because we are all very petite, small-boned people. I was able to take it off, and maintained between 120 and 130, and even then, I am the "fattest" person in my family of origin. Now, I'm aiming for around 115 and more toned appearance, and because I'm older and small, it is very tough to get there, but by most standards I'm not overweight. or fat (maybe "skinny fat"?). However, I do merit some of my success staying at a normal BMI to genetics. It's pretty clear that genetically, my family doesn't tend to overweight, and I have a brother who is underweight, even after cutting soda consumption to 1 soda a day; his favorite restaurant is also Cheesecake Factory! My husband, who comes from a heavy family, has lost and gained more than what I weigh now. It is a constant struggle for him.
  • lilystan
    lilystan Posts: 24 Member
    I agree it's not a diet. I call it a food regimen but means the same as lifestyle. The only thing I have to add is I eat every 3 hours - all small amounts till supper then a normal size portion - The New American Plate. I know alot of people say breakfast should be the big meal, but this works for me.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    nope, and without a doubt i never will be. made the decision to count calories for life not long after i first heard that statistic

    at least until im an old man (>60), then anything goes
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I wanted to add...these numbers are from "dieters", people who use "diets' to lose weight instead of eating all food with portion control and calorie counting.

    Diets don't lose the weight, don't learn anything because you ate what you were told to, then go back to "normal" and gain it back.
    I'd bet those statistics are from all groups.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Yes :( although I'm working hard to be in the 3%!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i lost over 40 pounds in 2008 that i haven't gained back, and lost another 10 between 2009 and 2010 that i also haven't gained back. on what feels like a related note, i quit smoking over 20 years ago and never had another cigarette.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I wanted to add...these numbers are from "dieters", people who use "diets' to lose weight instead of eating all food with portion control and calorie counting.

    Diets don't lose the weight, don't learn anything because you ate what you were told to, then go back to "normal" and gain it back.
    I'd bet those statistics are from all groups.
    i think she means they are that high because of dieters
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I was in yo yo dieting before. This time will be different. I am keeping my metabolism as high as I can.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Quitting smoking was much easier than losing weight IMO. I quit cold turkey and never looked back after 7 years as a smoker, but I lose weight then gain it back :frown:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I was normal sized as a child and teenager. Grew up on junk food - McDonalds, Burger King etc. etc. etc.

    Was only once at an ideal look/weight during my adult life and have always been hanging around 25%-32% body fat... Basically "chubby".

    I have been yo-yo "dieting" for about 20 years going from 200s down to 180 and rebounding back. It is because I always had the "diet" mentality.

    This time I am trying to make a real "lifestyle change". I don't care if I lose 1 lb per month as long as I know exactly how to reproduce it. I am an IIFYM guy, but I look for nutrient dense foods. After calculating my BMR and TDEE I am trying to net between 1700 and 2200 per day.

    I understand that for the long term that weight training or body weight bearing exercises are crucial for long term maintenance.

    Bottom line - I am not in the 3% yet.. but a year from now I want to say "I am in the 3%"!
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I wanted to add...these numbers are from "dieters", people who use "diets' to lose weight instead of eating all food with portion control and calorie counting.

    Diets don't lose the weight, don't learn anything because you ate what you were told to, then go back to "normal" and gain it back.

    This is true for many, but not all. I lost 54 pounds by eating all foods in moderation, and logging consistently. I exercised, and ate back the calories. I lost most of the weight eating 1600 to 1800 calories a day. I did not overly restrict, and I did not diet. But I am back up 25 pounds now because I got to maintenance and failed. Despite all I had learned.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Yes, though I do it on purpose over and over again (bulk and cut cycles)