Went on Vacation and....

I've been on vacation this last week. I ate whatever the hell I wanted and didn't exercise at all. After our flight home and pigging out on something, I thought "Well I might as well weigh myself and get it over with". Turns out I LOST weight. WTF?! Woke up today and still at my lower weight. I have several questions on this: 1. Could it be muscle that I lost since I wasn't working out all last week? 2. Could it be that my body hasn't quite adjusted to the shock of the vacation yet and I'll gain it all back? 3. In looking at my diary, I was eating at around maintenance (which I've never done because I'm still losing). Does that mean I wasn't technically bingeing? Any advice would be appreciated!!


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    happened to me when i went to mexico too, i attributed it to water weight lost due to the obscene amounts of alcohol i drank

    you probably will gain it back within a week

    a binge has a million different definitions, if you ate at maintenance i wouldnt consider it one
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Same thing just happened to me! I am shocked, as I usually have a 3-5 lb. gain which is always a struggle to get off. I will definitely take it though... Interested in seeing your responses. I'm leaning toward 3 as your answer. Welcome home! :bigsmile:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I lost a pound last year when I went on vacation. (permanently) I couldn't really wrap my mind around it considering how much I ate and drank, but then I thought about how much more active I was, and it made sense. The amount of stairs I had to take every day alone was huge.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    I just got back from vacation myself and didn't gain back a lb. And I can promise you, I ate just about everything in sight for the entire week and the weekend we got back.... Including a trip to Cold Stone Creamery. EEK!

    The only thing I can think of to explain my lack of gaining was the fact that I was way more active than I am here at home. We walked everywhere, played beach and pool volleyball everyday, and lived in the water. My husband would actually eat two lunches, dinner at night, and then go back to the room and order a burger and cake. :| He lost weight.

    I have no advice really and while I've seen a minor gain this week, I know it's just normal water retention due to nature's visit this month so I'm not really worried about it.

    Were you perhaps more active than you thought? Grats on the loss!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Wasnt vacation but I took a week off of my normal plan I was following to lose weight and told myself I would only eat when I was hungry and lost 1.4 lbs that week.

    When I looked back I realized I hadnt nearly as much as I did before I started to lose weight. My body really learned how to tell when I was hungry and it stayed off as the subsequent weigh-ins kept going down from there.

    I think sometimes the less stress we have in counting the calories, and probably the increase, allows our bodies to readjust and keep doing its thing. Sort of like when you exercise your body keeps on burning even after you are done, during that week my body was still burning and processing from the routine I was on
  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the input guys! This whole weight loss thing can get confusing and sometimes I don't even think my body knows what the hell it's doing. I'll continue to eat at my normal deficit and see if it stays or if I gain. I no longer have a terrified feeling of "letting go" every once in a while. I had fun and don't regret it at all:)
  • 1974lynnette
    1974lynnette Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for this thread. I'm going on vacation in a few weeks & have been really worried about food during vacation. I even have planned on taking my scales with me. This makes me feel so much better about being on vacation & just having fun with my family.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Thanks for the input guys! This whole weight loss thing can get confusing and sometimes I don't even think my body knows what the hell it's doing. I'll continue to eat at my normal deficit and see if it stays or if I gain. I no longer have a terrified feeling of "letting go" every once in a while. I had fun and don't regret it at all:)
    and I true believer in that letting go and not being terrified and getting rid oft hat stress.

    I have had two important weigh ins in the past 12 weeks for employment purposes lets just say. Those two weeks were stressful and guess what? Those two weeks were my worst in weight loss (like .3-.4 each week) even when doing the same things those other weeks.
    Maybe, but I think the stress really added up and I could feel it those weeks. When we let our minds go free i takes a burden off our bodies and minds!
    The bodies can be very fickle and best is not to try and 100% understand! There are weeks where we do everything "right" and dont see it budge, and weeks where we forget about it and dont stay as accountable and lose!