Am I Crazy?

I've been struggling with this weight thing for as long as I can remember. I have lost weight before and always seem to put it back on. I think this whole process has had an effect on me mentally and emotionally. I think because I can't keep the weight off it has begun to drain me. Another thing that bothers me is when people who see pics of me say that I'm pretty but I can lose some weight:explode: that just really ticks me off because I don't feel that I have enough history with them for them to say something like that...I'm just really getting frustrated with the whole thing. Do you think I need counseling? If so, what kind.


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Counseling might be a great idea - one sentence stuck out to me: "I think this whole process has had an effect on me mentally and emotionally. I think because I can't keep the weight off it has begun to drain me."

    This tells me that you're having trouble managing it on your own (because it's draining you) and it's affecting you mentally and emotionally. There's nothing wrong with using a counselor/therapist as another tool in your journey. I've been seeing one for over a year, and she's been a great help.

    If you have health insurance, I'd start there- they should have some that are covered by your plan if it's a network type plan. If not, you might find out what mental health clinics your city offers - many have sliding scale fees for people who don't have insurance. You can ask your regular doctor for a reference if you feel comfortable doing so. I looked at some of the counselors on my insurance plan and googled names to find out more about them until I found one who looked like she would mesh well with my needs. Don't be afraid to look for a new counselor if you start seeing one and it turns out that it's just not working out. Not all therapists/counselors work for all patients. Also, don't be afraid to look for someone who isn't a psychiatrist or psychologist - I see a licensed clinicial social worker (she has a Master's Degree) and she is great to work with.
  • Bauer77
    Bauer77 Posts: 32 Member
    First of all welcome to MFP. I personally have heard this same plea many times before. First of all, these are people that have never dealt with weight issues and obviously have no respect for your feelings. So no I don't think you need counseling ( yet :-)) But I just met you so cant assume anything either. If you keep with this plan the weight will come off and you have plenty of support. Every time you think of those people that make you feel that way, go out and walk a mile. I have confidence that you will be able to far exceed your goals.!!
  • shirley_1984
    You're not crazy!!! Although I am not a professional, I strongly believe that it is 100% normal to have these feelings... Weight is a very touchy subject and wether you have 5 lbs to lose or 105 lbs to lose we struggle mentally as humans with it... I do not believe that ANYONE in our lives has the right to tell us we have weight to lose, if we are overweight, 9 out of 10 times, we know it... and the LAST thing we need is others telling us what we already know... I aslo believe that there are certain circumstances where we need to be told, however, that is what our doctors are for....
    I know from experience that being told you have a few extra pounds to lose is a hard thing to hear, especially when it comes from a loved one or someone you thought you could trust not to hurt your feelings, unfotunately I also think that the reason we are being told, is because they love us THAT much....
    Good Luck!!! And just remember that there are people here for support and encouragement!!!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    You don't need counselling you just need to learn to love yourself. I know it sounds like a cliche but until you do, silly comments from people you don't even know or care about will always bother you. Even when you do drop the weight you still need to know yourself and love yourself for the wonderful person God made you to be.:heart::heart: :heart:

    People can be very rude but that's just life, you can't change that but you can change how you feel about you. You are right, they don't the the right to say such things about you. What's great is that you're here and that means you've chosen to make the changes necessary to change your lifestyle. Every tiny step you make towards achieving your goal you will begin to feel more and more positive about yourself. Stay with this, ignore those who are rude, stay away from negative people and surround yourself with those who love you, those who are positive and those who can input into your life in a positive way.:flowerforyou:

    You are a star
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    First of all welcome to MFP. I personally have heard this same plea many times before. First of all, these are people that have never dealt with weight issues and obviously have no respect for your feelings. So no I don't think you need counseling ( yet :-))

    FYI - this is a rather grand assumption that isn't necessarily true. My therapist used to be quite overweight and she smoked - she is now at a healthy weight and is a non-smoker. You CAN find good counselors out there who can be very valuable aids in the process of losing weight. Even if the therapist doesn't personally have an experience with losing a lot of weight, he or she can still be good to work with - it all depends on the therapist.

    Counselors/therapists serve a great function in providing a safe place outside of your everyday life where you can explore worries/concerns/problems and they can offer up perspectives that you may not have thought of and serve as a sounding board for exploring issues that need to be explored. They're trained in helping people help themselves in ways that the general population is not. (At least the good counselors do this.)
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    It can never hurt to see a therapist... and it could help more than you can imagine. The road to wellness starts in our mind/emotions. You would be surprised how many roadblocks our psyche can throw up and sabotage our efforts.

    Most therapists will give you a free initial consult. Shop around and find one who you connect with... who you feel safe with. Then go from there.

    Best wishes to you in your journey.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    You don't need counselling you just need to learn to love yourself.

    You would be surprised how many people don't know how to love themselves. It isn't as simple as "Just Do It". Most of the characteristics our society has come to accept as "normal" are actually signs of distrust, unprocessed emotions, defensive mechanisms and repressed trauma.

    Telling someone that they "just need to learn to love yourself" but that they don't need counseling is kind of like telling a child to learn to read by handing them a Tolstoy novel and not providing any guidance. A therapist is a trained guide who can help people navigate and process their mechanisms and residual emotions.

    If a therapist is outside of a person's financial means, there are some excellent books to get started. But a therapist is ideal because they have worked with people with similar problems and know how to get you where you want to be.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    Thanks sooo much to everyone. I think you all gave good encouragement(much needed) and I see truth in what everyone posted. I'll be returning to this page again to remember what you guys said. The hurt that I feel is really deep and it's hard for me to get to the bottom of it on my own. So I think I will be trying to find some professional counselor in my area to help me sort through some things:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: u all!