Am I Lightly/Moderately/Highly active?


I'm just starting out on my fitness journey to build some muscle and lose a little bit of this belly fat and I can't figure out what my activity range is. I'm 6"4 204lb

5 times a week - I cycle to and from work every day 14 mile round trip, some days moderate effort, some days cruising.
2 times a week - Competitive football (120 minutes total)
2 (trying to up this) times a week - full body gym workout

I add in occasional longer cycling trips, 100k trips, extra football matches too. (I should just calculate this separately right?)

I have a desk job but am often up and about the office, light walking, that bit is Sedentary of course but I dont know how to factor in the additional recreation.

Really appreciate your help


  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    Based on all your extra activites I would put you as moderately active.
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    You could also just put lightly and then log all the exercise.
  • cdnokie
    cdnokie Posts: 7
    I would guess moderately to be on the conservative side but sounds like some weeks would be more active then others. I think the truly active would mean taking into consideration your heart rate. I just read an article today that most people are underestimating how active they are as they really aren't going into the higher heart rates as much as they should when exercising.
  • SnowDreams88
    SnowDreams88 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you,

    I'll do a few rides to work logging average heart rate, not sure how i'd do a football game with it though without it affecting my chest control.

    I think i edge on the 160-170bpm heartrate on rides from memory, only really use it on the longer ones but i'll clarify this week.