Wii Fit stories?

Hi there, I am new to the weight loss regime but am starting nonetheless.
Before anyone says it, I am fully aware that the Wii Fit is not the BEST way to lose weight but its better than nothing and due to university I cannot afford/ have time to gym is and I have no confidence to exercise outside. So im doing the Wii Fit 30 - 60 mins a day and eating healthly and eating around 1000 cals.

Its been a week and according to my Wii Fit I've lost 4 lbs. However according to my scales in my bathroom I havent lost anything
I know that my Wii is on the carpet but the only hard floor is in my bathroom.
What would you guys recommend and if it is the case I havent lost anyhting then why???


  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Hi Dear.

    Good job on your 4lb loss, but I'm sure you should be eating more calories. Try eating 1200 a day. You will see more progress. =)
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    You may not have really lost due to the # of calories you're eating. Typically experts say that you shouldn't dip below 1200 calories otherwise your body goes into starvation mode and you won't lose. I don't know if I 100% believe that, but for many people, they find it to be true. Make sure you're eating at least 1200 calories, that the majority of the calories are coming from nutritious foods (rather than 100 calorie packs and the likes), and keep going with the Wii Fit. Eventually you should see some progress. Good luck!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I agree with the others ... it doesn't make sense on paper, but that's too few calories, even if you weren't exercising. Fuel your body well, hon! It will repay you!
  • MammaEllis
    Nothing wrong with using the Wii for your activity. Lots of people on here do it and its seriously better than nothing.

    The idea that you are only consuming 1000 cals per day worries me. Our bodies need a MIN of 1200 to function properly without going in to starvation mode. By only eating 1000 cals, you are setting your self up to lose muscle mass instead of fat.

    About the weight loss for the week... your scale is going to be much more accurate than the Wii balance board. Make sure that you weigh your self at the same time of day and with the same type of clothes (or none at all) as you did before.

    Hang in there and congrats on starting your journey!!! With a couple tweaks of your set up, you will be dropping pounds in no time at all!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member

    I began a month ago with wii fit but could never really work up a sweat on anything but the advanced step, so I've gone out and spent way more money than I thought I would. I've purchased a lot of other games; several dance games and also recently The Biggest Loser, EA 2 and Walk It Out. TBL and EA2 give me more of a vigorous workout; that I can actually keep up with.

    As for the accuracy and the carpet - did you get the extra risers (I think that's what they call them) with it. I think you are to put those on the bottom to get it up off the carpet for more accuracy. Mine is on the floor and I'm still not sure of how accurate it is, depending on the time of day I weigh myself, if I have any clothes on etc. it gives me weights that swing from 1 to 2 pounds each day, but by the end of the week it seem to settle down. So if it's showing a consistant weight loss I'd trust it.

    Great job on the 4 pounds loss it takes a lot of effort.

  • Skulldilocks
    Thanks to everyone for the help, today I ate more around 1200 calories but it seemed to be a lot of carbs so Im just trying to get into a routine of finding meals which make that easier.

    I didn't think 1000 calories would be too much of an issue as I thought it was 800 that was the problem, but now you have raised that this could be a reason why I am not losing I can see the theory!
  • Skulldilocks
    Hii thanks for your response about the Wii Fit! I didn't get these things no, perhaps it was from ordering it online or something, I think tomorrow I will put the Wii Fit in the bathroom (sounds bizarre I know) just for the weigh in bit to see if that differs it much, this is also where my scales are. IF its still saying 4 lbs then maybe my scales have just had it haha, I just dont want to give myself false hope, go to the doctors and them tell me something else!

    So no updating the weigh in til then!
    Thanks for everyones help!
  • sherbert0705
    Hey I use the wii fit due to uni as well...I am finding it really hard to exercise but I cycle up to uni I don't know if this is possible for you? I al so use Ea active 1 on the wii, it's priced about £15 in Gamestation and is really good! It's compatible with your wii board but you can use it without, there's all sorts on there from hour workouts to fifteen minute workouts (which I tend to do). There's just dance 1 and 2, you seem to have more fun with those and don't really realise your working out but I think the wii is a great way to keep fit :D Keep up the good work! xxx
  • Skulldilocks
    Thanks sherbert unfortnately im based in London so the bike isnt really possbile and neaither is walking due to a 20 min tube ride alone!

    Yeah im thinking of getting one of these, ive got fitness dvds too im just worried from reviews that ea active is a little too similar. How have you been finding them success wise? :)
  • sherbert0705
    Well I've only just got the wii and game at christmas and only managed to get on it twice due to me working a lot while not at uni. I can definately feel the exercise in the morning so I know it works ha ha. You can set the level of exercise you want on ea active and mines on medium so it can get tough x