Yogurt woes.....



  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Plain Greek yogurt + Low sugar jam = Awesome.
  • Some of the sugar is yogurt is natural sugar (i.e. lactose) so you won't be able to avoid it entirely. For example 6 oz. of Dannon Plain Nonfat Yogurt has 10g of sugar and 6 oz. of Chobani Plain Lowfat has 7g of sugar. I would look for a yogurt that has a smaller amount of added sugar or add your own sweetener (sugar, honey) to plain yogurt - a little will sometimes go a long way.
  • I have been eating Yopait Light and loving it. Much to my dismay, one 6 ounce serving has more that HALF of the sugar I am allowed for the day. I just started tracking my sugar. Until today, I did not realize that even though I usually end the day with carbs to spare, I am going over in sugar EVERY DAY! I thought that since Yoplait light is sweetened artificially, I was ok. Now I know that it also has high fructose corn syrup. All the research I have done says to eat plain nonfat yogurt with unsweetend fruit added. Well, that sounds just AWFUL! Which brand of yogurt do you use? I just don't know if I am willing to give up my Yoplait light. I think maybe it is the only thing that keeps me from polishing off a cake now and then. Argh! Thoughts?
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    When I do eat yogurt I eat the Mountain High plain yogurt with fresh berries cut up and then a packet of suncrystals (stevia but with a touch of raw sugar cane so no yucky stevia taste) it's really good and I love it but don't have it often.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    You've just started tracking your sugar? Has sugar ever made a difference in your weight loss before? I don't track my sugars, because it really doesn't matter for me. I don't count sodium anymore either. I got so stressed tracking sugar and sodium that I stopped eating. (I was literally days away from starting treatment for an eating disorder because going over on sugars and sodium scared the h*ll out of me.) I go over on sugars every day now, and it doesn't bother me. It hasn't stalled my weight loss any either.

    In my honest opinion, I wouldn't track sugar at all unless you've been told to by your doctor... Or you find that going over DOES hinder your weight loss. Eat your yogurt. Enjoy it. At these MFP calculations, I think a single orange puts most people over their recommended intake.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Thank you for this post. I was wondering the same thing. I have been watching my nutrion totals at the end of the day and couldn't get my calcium up with out my sugars going over. I didn't think it was my yogurt because it was the light and fit. I don't know what the purpose of putting frutose in something with an artificial sweetener. I am going to try the greek yogurt.
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Some of the sugar is yogurt is natural sugar (i.e. lactose) so you won't be able to avoid it entirely. For example 6 oz. of Dannon Plain Nonfat Yogurt has 10g of sugar and 6 oz. of Chobani Plain Lowfat has 7g of sugar. I would look for a yogurt that has a smaller amount of added sugar or add your own sweetener (sugar, honey) to plain yogurt - a little will sometimes go a long way.

    I was going to say the same thing. Look at a gallon of milk--approximately 10g sugar for an 8oz glass. Raw fruit also has sugar in it, so even if you add it to a plain yogurt you might be over your sugar #. It is up to you how closely you want to track your sugar (natural vs. processed), but at least you can take heart that not all of the sugar is added. (and yoplait light is really tasty!)
  • krisney
    krisney Posts: 56
    I eat Eating Right Raspberry flavor.
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    I gave up Yogurt also when I started looking at sugar grams. I switched to 90 cal Fiber One chocolate bars for my sweet cravings. I believe the Weight Watchers yogurt has less sugar, but you might double check that while at your next grocery shopping spree. More expensive but satisfying.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I used to love yogurt but something changed and I just can't eat it anymore. It tastes strange to me. I actually prefer to have fat free cottage cheese with fruit in place of the yogurt.

    Just a thought......
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    Chobani greek yogurt is good but I dont know how much sugar you can have. It tasted different than regular yogurt

    I think the texture of the greek yogurt is gross. It reminds me of gel like textures only with my tongue. It is a preference thing though.
  • katebjones
    katebjones Posts: 32 Member
    I go with greek yougert.. i found the same thing with the sugars... the greek has lots of protein.. i just add some fresh fruit. it makes a difference!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I am in Love with Greek yogurt.. I am not kidding.. I LOVE THIS STUFF . I eat it almost every morning. it's creamy and decandant and just wonderful.. I use Chobani, brown cow or oikos I've never tried the plain but I second the suggestion of adding some all fruit jam... sounds like it would be great! I may have to do that
  • Can you get Muller Light where you are? The sugars at at about 7 gms/100, and most (5gms) are naturally occurring in the milk and fruit rather than added. Have a look at http://www.mullerdairy.co.uk/nutrition-information/muller-light-fruit for more infomation
  • thremoore
    thremoore Posts: 3 Member
    I've started using Greek Yogurt or Kroger Carbmaster in my oatmeal and/or smoothies. The texture of Greek has taken time to get used to but it's worth it.

  • Try adding organic honey:) makes it sweet and is beter for you than sugar
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    sbwood888 i'm in the same boat.
  • 35yearplan
    35yearplan Posts: 7 Member
    I think the all natural plain yogurts are the healthiest way to go. Modified corn starch, high fructose corn syrups found in processed foods are BAD!!! I agree, if you add your own fruit, to let the frozen fruit thaw enough that the juices mix in for a better taste. But, if you think about it, low fat yogurt, even sweetened with sugar has 3 1/2 x's less of a glycemic load than instant rice, mac and cheese, around 2 1/2 x's less of a a glycemic load than even long grain rice, couscous, a bagel, a baked potato, and close to 2 x's less than instant oatmeal, a blueberry muffin, brown rice, a doughnut, whole-wheat spaghetti or a sweet potato. Sometimes we eat these other foods thinking (some of them) are a healthy choice, but the higher the glycemic load, the more your blood sugar spikes, and the less control you have over energy levels and appetite. ...anyway, that's how I look at it...
  • TBirdGirl
    TBirdGirl Posts: 96 Member
    I am in Love with Greek yogurt.. I am not kidding.. I LOVE THIS STUFF . I eat it almost every morning. it's creamy and decandant and just wonderful.. I use Chobani, brown cow or oikos I've never tried the plain but I second the suggestion of adding some all fruit jam... sounds like it would be great! I may have to do that

    I like the idea of adding the jam... Might try that too.

    But what I love in the morning is greek yogurt (any flavor) with 1/2 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal. I only have a goal of 13g of Fiber each day on MFP but really we all should be eating 25-35g per day. I was recently diagnosed with Diverticulosis so making sure I eat enough fiber is a MUST. Not only that but the added fiber helps me to feel full for longer. I love it!
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