Proven way to lose weight, works every time!!

This was spurred by today's Facebook post asking what everyone's log-in streak was.

I looked at probably a hundred pictures posted, and EVERY SINGLE person that has logged in for hundreds of days in a row has lost significant weight.

Seems simple enough to me, keep at it for hundreds of days and you and I WILL lose weight. No if ands or buts!

Just don't stop, I'd be willing to wager every time people gain the weight back is when they're not logging in !!

Something I figured I could share as some motivation :) Motivated me to keep my 39 day streak going into the hundreds! (I've lost 11lbs in the 39 days)


  • michaeljosephmoreau
    michaeljosephmoreau Posts: 9 Member
    that's why I like myfitnesspal, no trickery or silly voodo...just plain old science. if you want to lose weight you need to burn more than you take in. it's that simple. just stick with it and you WILL lose weight, your body has no choice in the matter.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I have to disagree.

    Just because you log in to the system doesn't mean you logged any food or exercise. Or you could log 5000 cals of pizza for a year.

    Sadly many of the people I see who have logged in for 895 days have only lost a few pounds. Do they never go on vacation? Go anywhere without internet access? The streak has nothing to do with weight loss. Calories in, calories out does.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    For me, logging and weighing myself every day is about accountability. I know that if I let myself stop, it's too easy to be in denial about my eating and exercise habits. Just the act of logging and weighing makes me do better, and makes my slipups shorter (days or a week, instead of several weeks, months, or longer...). Especially weighing. If I don't weigh, I gain.
  • lal293
    lal293 Posts: 5 Member
    I Absolutely know if I took the time to log everyday I would lose weight.... Maybe not "LARGE" amounts but defiantly some. (I would be spending way more time logging than actually eating which would save me a significant amount of calories each day:)That is why at the moment I am trying to find the motivation to log everyday!!!
  • karag413
    karag413 Posts: 32 Member
    For me, logging and weighing myself every day is about accountability. I know that if I let myself stop, it's too easy to be in denial about my eating and exercise habits. Just the act of logging and weighing makes me do better, and makes my slipups shorter (days or a week, instead of several weeks, months, or longer...). Especially weighing. If I don't weigh, I gain.
