What should I weigh?

Hi everyone! I am having a little trouble figuring out what I should typically weigh. I am 5'7" and am 21. Can someone give me a range of what I should weigh? I am at 160 right now and my goal was 130 but I'm wondering if that might be too low. I started at 180 if that helps! Thanks!


  • tobiasmom
    tobiasmom Posts: 161
    It's going to be individual for each person, but that doesn't sound too low to me. I'm 5'9 and my goal is 145lbs.
    A helpful tool might be this website:
    You can look at photos by height, weight, and body shape to see what being at that weight might look like for you.

    If you go by BMI (which may be inaccurate if you have more muscle) 130lbs would be at the low end of a normal range.
    Keep going, you're doing great!
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Definitely look into BMI to figure it out.

    I am 20, female, 5'6. My healthy range is between 125-154 approximately.
  • hellllllen
    hellllllen Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 18, 5'8" and weigh 137lb and also started my weight loss at 180lb!
    I'm still going, I also have been aiming for 130lb. weird huh!
    If i'm honest with myself, losing 7lb would make me very very small and i'm stuck in the situation of deciding should i stay where i am or carry on. I suggest, maybe aim for 140lb, and then consider how you feel about yourself rather than what a number is telling you because I've learnt that can be very upsetting if you get to obsessed by it. Also consider factors such as mussel and your general body structure i have friends the same height and weight as me and our bodies are so different!! so you never know what you'll look like by looking at other people..
    Congratulations on coming so far already :))
  • allisonwalt
    allisonwalt Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Ideal weight is a very variable thing. It really depends on how much muscle you have. I would have a body fat % goal instead of weight. You can get down to a healthy, fit body fat % and be very different weights. For instance, I got down to 166 lbs at 8.4% body fat. After some time spent working my muscles, I am now 173 lbs at 7.7% body fat. I'm heavier, but in better shape. If I was trying to get back down to 166, I would get so frustrated because my body just doesn't want to be that light.
