How do you feel about cheat days?



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I don't have a problem with cheat days (as in paying no attention to calories whatsoever) as long as they are few and far between. I'm thinking a few days a year like your birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

    Other than that, I don't feel the need to cheat since I eat what I want anyway. I just work it into my calorie budget. It might not be the healthiest day ever, but I'm maintaining my deficit.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I guess I don't understand the rationale for "cheat days." To me, the ultimate goal of weightloss should be to assume a lifestyle where you are comfortable in the diet, exercise pattern, and, well, lifestyle that you choose, and don't have this dichotomy in your brain of "cheat day" and "other days." Which, to me, would set me up for thinking "cheat days are GREAT!" and non-cheat days are the hell you must endure until you can have your cheat day.

    Well stated, I agree with all of this.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    While losing I had a weekly cheat day when I would eat 3-4k calories in junk food, takeout and booze.
    Kept me sane. I logged it so as not to break habit and not go too far.

    I'm at goal now so don't have cheat days anymore, but when I go over my calories I log the excess for the next day (or next two days if too much for one day) and it seems to work fine.
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I guess I don't understand the rationale for "cheat days." To me, the ultimate goal of weightloss should be to assume a lifestyle where you are comfortable in the diet, exercise pattern, and, well, lifestyle that you choose, and don't have this dichotomy in your brain of "cheat day" and "other days." Which, to me, would set me up for thinking "cheat days are GREAT!" and non-cheat days are the hell you must endure until you can have your cheat day.

    I decided I'd rather set myself up for long-term success by establishing a lifestyle where every day is a day you're happy to be in because you have a system you can live with and enjoy all the time--and be proud of, and confident in. Rather than this day where I give myself the latitude to overeat, and then feel like I'm restricting myself the other days. I don't consider any of my days restrictive--or indulgent (which makes me feel guilty and self-loathing knocks on my door)--they are just how I've set up my life. If I stick to it 90% of the time, barring vacations and special occasions, I'm ok with that.

    So if you must do a cheat day, have at it, but I hope that the other days in your week you're just as happy!


    I am trying to establish something I can maintain indefinitely. I fit my favorite foods into my plan, so no need for cheat days. My attitude is that if I'm not going to give something up forever, I'd better figure out how to make it fit into my goals.
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    If you do have a cheat day i think the number one thing to concentrate on is portion control. A lot of people hear cheat day and binge hardcore on every junk food they can find. Or be like oh, i want pizza, so they have an entire large one to themselves. I see no real damage, at least not for me in having a slice of pizza, or a small piece of something sweet every once in a while like once or twice a month.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm a terrible binger and i have a love of all things unhealthy! It has ruined my diet efforts so many times in the past!

    Now, i accept the fact that i will probably have a few biscuits at work during the day, just because i love them and i am the one in charge of keeping the biscuit tin filled (lol), so i count them into my daily calorie allowance.

    Weekends are always the hardest for me as the lack of routine means that it is all too easy to give in to my cravings, especially because i'm more likely to be surrounded by food at these times. Because i know this, i'm a bit more relaxed over the weekend, but i try and make sure i'm out of the house and as active as possible. Usually i can still be controleld and not consume a damaging amount, but then i get those days (usually a hungover Sunday) where i'll lie around the house all day, eating crap and ordering a huge takeaway in the evening.

    I tried having a once a week treat day, but i find that my binge cravings are so unpredictable that i would much rather wait until they hit and decide then whether i'm going to indulge rather than have a set day. Yes, i do usually gain, but usually just a little which drops off if i'm straight back onto restrictive eating the next day.

    Anyway, i'm rambling; my advice is to listen to your body and see if you can recognize for any patterns or anything that may trigger you off and work around those. When you feel a binge coming on, drink plenty of water (although, i prefer caffeine-not as healthy, but i'm a bit of an addict). Or do some exercise, even if it's just some crunches, as it can release chemicals which surpress your appetite, (and i'm afraid i have no scientific evidence to back that up, but it's something i've heard and i know that for me personally, exercise always helps eliminate the cravings. If i still want to eat after that, then i'm genuinely hungry). Also, planning your meals for the day ahead, but leave a couple of hundred calories free just in case a craving catches you by surprise!

    I know how difficult, and depressing it can be to get stuck in that cycle-i'm determined i'm going to break it, and i'm sure you can too :)
  • pope66682
    pope66682 Posts: 249 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I might do a cheat meal here or there, but I don't predetermine my day and meal. That is kind of a recipe for disaster. If I know I'm going out to a restaurant or cookout etc... I'll make sure to compensate for that in my other meals for the day. And I always count my cheat meal, even if its ridiculous. That way I can make up for it later. I also stick to my rule, no fried food and no candy. That may be impossible for some, but its a good thing to stick by. Those 2 foods are just empty calories.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I enjoy what I like in moderation....just fit it into my day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Are you still counting calories on your "cheat" day?
    Yes, I tried to keep it under 2400.

    with about 30lb to lose you dont need to only eat 1200 cals... even with a cheat day at maintenance!
  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    THANK YOU!! I agree whole heartedly. I've tried so many things in my life to lose weight. I was even power lifting for several years going to the gym but I never emphasized cardio enough and not even that worked because of not having a set lifestyle and more importantly not eating right/consistently. Im only doing light stuff now like stretching dumbells abs and im on my feet cooking during the day. For me, my daily caloric expenditure is I set my daily intake to be 1800 cal/ day. I hit it or below most of the time(99 percent of the time) but some days that I dont I log EVERYTHING all the time, it only takes a few minutes. I recommend reading sugarbusters. Ive cut almost all my unneccessary simple carbs out completely. I dont eat refined sugars white flours or white rice. I do eat alot of egg whites ( if I feel like eating whole egg I eat it) and fish like salmon tuna or tilapia. In another month I think I will be up to slowly reintroducing myself back into the gym. If you havent already try getting rid of sodas. For me I cutit out by half then in about a month I did it again and by three months it was gone. I dont drink them anymore. I do have a gatorade every once in a while but water is best for me ( I jazz it up a little with lemon wedges too).

    Basically find a routine stick to it and log it. Repeat repeat repeat. Noone is perfect just get back on it. Ive found that by logging I hold myself more accountable and I can see whats going on. Thanks MFP!
  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    I will have a cheat meal one day a week but I still try to stay within my calories for that day. I don't want to ruin what I have worked so hard for and I don't want to go back to where I was in my eating habits. I will go over calories at times usually during holidays but I work out a little more so I don't feel bad about my over all day. Food is an addiction just like a drug you will always have cravings you just have to learn how to control them or they will control you.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I also stick to my rule, no fried food and no candy. That may be impossible for some, but its a good thing to stick by. Those 2 foods are just empty calories.

    Now that is not always true. At least for fried food, anyway. The fried catfish and okra at Parramore's Too the other night were full of flavor. {I gave the hushpuppies to my wife} And I did enough exercise that by bedtime the numbers were not red.

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I also stick to my rule, no fried food and no candy. That may be impossible for some, but its a good thing to stick by. Those 2 foods are just empty calories.

    Now that is not always true. At least for fried food, anyway. The fried catfish and okra at Parramore's Too the other night were full of flavor. {I gave the hushpuppies to my wife} And I did enough exercise that by bedtime the numbers were not red.


    Oh, my!!!! I may be a Yankee, but I'm a Southerner at heart! Mmmm, fried catfish and okra RULE! I don't do "cheat" meals or days, but believe in a maintenance day or so once in a while. I could totally make that fit my macros, lol!
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Yea, I like having a cheat day. But I never go over 1800 calories and I make sure that I get a monster sesh in the gym first thing in the morning. But I tend to just do it once a month, to fit in with the hormonys that make mac'n' cheese on a hotdog with a bag of chocolate chaser such a hard thing to resist.

    Then otherwise I'll have a cheat meal once a week, usually a Saturday, but I will fit the rest of my day around it so that I will only go over my deficit by a tiny amount. For example, if we're eating out, I'll plan ahead what I want and log it then keep the rest of my daily intake to an absolute minimum. Plus a work-out.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    If I don't occasionally indulge, I'll never stick to this lifestyle change. So I will allow myself a day when I go over my set limit of 1200 calories, but I make sure not to go above 2000 for that day, and the next day I'm right back on the plan.
  • kdbnmd
    kdbnmd Posts: 16 Member
    Whenever I've tried to loose weight in the past and allowed myself 'cheat' days I failed. If you're addicted to unhealthy eating then
    I wouldn't allow any cheat days until you've gotten into the habit of eating healthy. I've been on this journey so far for a few months. And have two days where I did go out of my calorie limits, Easter Sunday and the day after. I was able to get right back into eating healthy but wouldn't encourage going off the wagon until you're comfortable where you're at.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    When I was first dieting and eating VERY low calories (1,100-1,200 calories a day) I had a cheat day of 2000 calories or so every week religiously. I would actually lose less weight if I didn't have a cheat day. I think it is pretty necessary for those eating at a high deficit.

    But now that I am eating at a more sustainable rate (about 1,400-1,600 calories a day) I have not thought it necessary. I mean, I 'cheat' on occasion, like for birthdays or family gatherings, etc. But I don't have a day or meal to cheat anymore. I just eat the same everyday.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I dont recommend an entire cheat day that could undue all of your hard work for the week. a cheat meal wouldnt be so bad. And I would still only eat to Maintenance which for me is about 1850 or so
  • fryfat
    fryfat Posts: 36 Member
    Once a week I let myself cheat on my diet, family board game, and wife. It's worked well so far.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I don't really do cheat days in the sense of setting aside a day when I purposefully eat whatever. There have been a few days in my 160 odd days of tracking that I have gone over but no premeditated cheat days. I think they just have too much potential to undo the work already done. If I were to take one I would only do it one every month or two. A weekly cheat is a recipe for disaster in my opinion. I have seen friends take cheat days during the very first week of counting, not a good way to start.

    ^^^^^This is the same as my opinion.