Pregnancy nutrition

So I'm about 9 weeks along with my first one, and I'm not quite sure what to do as far as eating and exercising now (my first OB appointment is Monday and I just found out I'm pregnant). What should my calorie goal be? I keep hearing that with exercise, that if I've been doing it, keep doing it as long as it safe (i.e. no snowboarding), but say my maintain goal calorie intake is 3000, and I'm supposed to be gaining x amount of weight (being overweight, I've read 15-25 pounds), so should my daily calorie goal be 3300? And if I exercise (two mile walk daily (at least) = 250 calories), should I then eat an extra 250 calories?

PS: If you actually know me in real life, keep this on the downlow =)


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    talk to your doctor.
    for now I'd just carry on as usual.
    don't' start a new program- keep working out like normal and then talk to your physician-

    really talking to them is your best bet- but I personally wouldn't change anything if it was me currently unless something is uncomfortable.

    did I mention talking to your doctor?

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    talk to your doctor.
    for now I'd just carry on as usual.
    don't' start a new program- keep working out like normal and then talk to your physician-

    really talking to them is your best bet- but I personally wouldn't change anything if it was me currently unless something is uncomfortable.

    did I mention talking to your doctor?


    Do this, and ask your doctor specifics when you have your appointment.
  • stephrivas84
    stephrivas84 Posts: 40 Member
    Get on a good prenatal vitamin (I have heard there are gummy prenatal vitamins) and eat healthy when you can. Just eat where you are comfortable but you really do not need to increase until second and third trimester. If you have morning sickness don't force yourself to eat more than your comfortable with. My doctor told me that the baby will take what nutrition it needs and we get whats left. Congrats on your pregnancy! :)
  • charlottedutton
    think when I was pregnant I was told u shudnt 'eat for two' til the last few months and even then its only 500 cals extra which is like an extra sandwhich a day. keep eating plenty fruit veg protein n dark green veg for the iron n folic acid keep active n flexible but don't strain shud help u have a healthy active labour n healthy baby :) pregnancy vitamins are reassuring too.
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Talk to your OB
    Get a good prenatal with lots of Folic Acid
    When you talk to your doc be frank about your current fitness level and what types of exercise you do so they can help advise you on any changes that may need to be made. Try to stay as active as possible as it can make the pregnancy much easier.

    When I was pregnant I got the book What to Eat When You Are Expecting. It is byt the What to expect people and does a really great job of outlining nutrition and what each nutrient does for you and for baby and where the weight you gain is going. It also has a recipe section that I found really helpful as when I got pregnant I wasn't eating the best and was in kind of a food rut.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    talk to your doctor.
    for now I'd just carry on as usual.
    don't' start a new program- keep working out like normal and then talk to your physician-

    really talking to them is your best bet- but I personally wouldn't change anything if it was me currently unless something is uncomfortable.

    did I mention talking to your doctor?


    Pretty much all of this.

    I changed mine to eat at maintainance. You don't need to eat more in the first 3 months. It is recommended you gain 0-5 lbs in the first 3 months. It isn't until the later stages that you will need extra calories.

    Many doctors vary on activity. Some will tell you not to do anything or not to do specific things, others will tell you to keep doing what you are doing. Mine was pro-exercise. I was clear to lift, run, CrossFit. But again, that may depend on you and your own history.

    Also second the pre-natal vitamin if you aren't already.

    ETA - oh an congrats.
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    Congratulations! The first trimester, I just had a hard time keeping anything down. :) it isn't too different than normal nutrition, just avoid alcohol and such of course, but another user suggested looking into a book on pregnancy nutrition. They actually sell them at stores like babies r us so maybe go this weekend, register with the fun scanner for neutral gifts, and pick up a few books.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    If you have 50 lbs to lose I wouldn't worry about eating more unless you start drastically losing weight and your OB says something. I seriously doubt (not a dr) you need to increase your cals.
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    I eat all thru my pregnancy normal, but gave in when I had a graving (it came later in towards the end of the second trimester). During the 2-3 month I experience "morning sickness" which actually lasted all day and got worse around 4pm in the afternoon. During that time I actually lost a couple pounds. :ohwell: As someone else stated, the embryo gets what it needs from your "fat deposits" all over your body (that's why we are carrying these stubborn pounds and fatty spots around the hips :sad: ) :tongue: :laugh: I gained the normal 25-30 lbs (never broke 200lbs) during the pregnancy.

    Regards to exercise, since I was a high-risk pregnancy I refrained from running, but kept a walking program. I even walk for two hours the day prior of the delivery. Yoga and stretching is good too, since it prepares your body for the birthing process. Bike riding and such are not recommended after the second trimester due to balance issues..:huh: (yes you become top heavy and your point of gravity will shift).

    Congrats and be happy of creating a new life!!!