30 day challenge for the exercise shy!

I want to get into the habit of doing 30 minutes of exercising a day. They say it takes 28 days to form a habit and, being as bad at forming and keeping good habits as I am, I've tried this little theory out with housekeeping and chores. It worked then so why not with exercise?

I thought to start this Friday for the simple reason that I am just shaking the tail end of a cough off still and I also weigh myself on Friday so it seems a natural beginning. Only rule is you have to do your exercise every single day for 30 days, because that is how the habit is built! You can do it for as long or little as you like. I have exercise exacerbated asthma and my fitness level is terrible so I find getting up to ten minutes on the bike a challenge. I've drawn myself a little chart and I shall start with five minutes of exercise, increasing by five minutes every five days. I should hit 30 minutes on day 25 and then by the 30th day I hope that not only will I have formed a habit of exercising every day but also able to push it to 30 minutes.

But however you choose to do it, you MUST do it every day!

Anyone else who wants to build exercise into their daily routine up for this?


  • Kristy1214
    I do!
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    This sounds like a great challenge. I'd love to join you.
  • uniquelady42
    I'll do it!!!:smile:
  • mcallis123
    I will be right there with you, I plan on starting on Wednesday depending on the weather. It is supposed to snow tonight and then turn to a wintry mix tomorrow. So since my fitness center is at work, if I can't make it I may just have to do something else. I may need to get on my Wii fit or something. I really want to get in the routine of working out at least 30mins a day, every day.

  • chitwncutie05
    chitwncutie05 Posts: 3 Member
    Im down! Sounds like a plan :smile:
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    Woohoo, great to see others are up for this too :D

    Mary, I think it's the doing of some kind of activity that matters more than what you do. For me, weekends usually trip me up in all kinds of ways and I've never exercised on a weekend so I'm determined to make this work.

    For everyone else, when are you guys planning on starting? How do people feel about logging progress etc? I thought I'd check in here every week and also I plan on blogging the progress along the way too.
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    So this is day three for me, and I'm feeling pretty good already :) I feel like even though I'm not doing much I'm doing something and that's what counts. I'm very motivated as I feel a challenge like this is just what I need to kick myself back into doing this every day as part of my new healthy lifestyle.

    How is everyone else doing? I hope you are all doing it every day even if it's just a few minutes!