What is your favorite workout? I need new ideas :)

npostemni Posts: 102 Member
Hello all!

I'm at the point in my lifestyle change that I NEED to start working out regularly.
The problem is I HATE working out with an extreme passion. So I was wondering what are a few of the workouts that you love and that you continually go to? I really need ideas and I'm up for trying anything.

Thank you and I appreciate your comments :)


  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I hate running/jogging outside but I have a couple apps that make it pleasant. Pandora and c25k are the best. Pandora for the music and the c25k app tells me when it is time to jog and when to walk. It starts with one minute jogging intervals. It really isn't bad
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I love swimming, lifting, circuit training, aerobics and dance. Oh, and rebounding isn't too bad either. Some of my favorite workout dvds are from Jillian Michaels, The Firm, Denise Austin and Caribbean Workout. I also like to do the treadmill and run outside. I did some triathlon training and a 12 mile bike ride this semester, and that was fun too.
  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    I generally like exercise dvd's or games (like Fitness Coach, Wii Fit, fitness You), the games more so as they generally track with the likes of "completing this work-out did -x- to your daily requirement" I find it easy just to follow someone, even if I'm a bit slower, than to try and motivate myself.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I hated all exercise. running taught me not to hate anything or anyone. do whatever you enjoy doing so it's not a chore.

    do something that frees your mind.

    do anything that you enjoy and keeps you moving.

    ok, do running :-)
  • AubreyAnn97
    AubreyAnn97 Posts: 1 Member
    I love taking my dog on adventures in the neighboring parks! He needs to get out, too, so it's a great way to spend our time. If there are any trails near you, go hiking. Leisure trails are easy to find, as are strenuous, but the views make it 10 times better.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I've been doing Jazzercise for decades, except when I took a break for a few years and let those 25 pounds sneak up on me. I am kind of a social person, so have to work out with others or I won't. My husband has an entire gym downstairs, but machines bore me.

    Jazzercise is the only one hour total body workout around. It starts with 40 minutes of aerobic dance, and the last 20 minutes are weights, bands, balls and floor exercises to work all the problem spots, and a little stretching at the end.
  • npostemni
    npostemni Posts: 102 Member
    Thank you all for your comments! I really appreciate it! :)
  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    Kettlebells. I love that i'm getting stronger and doing some cardio. In a 45 min class, I burn about 400 cal. I didn't love working out, but I love kb. I also started playing tennis again which has been a lot more fun and social than my regular workouts.
  • HelenWater
    HelenWater Posts: 232 Member
    I enjoy walking the dog as a daily activity, but I also love rowing. I found rowing and dragon boat paddling good options because of the social aspect. I think having a goal helps to give purpose to the other workouts.
  • baskinarnita
    baskinarnita Posts: 3 Member
    I just started Jun 10th. No weight lose yet. I love to eat and love to work out but not always in the same alignment. I do not have a regular schedule so changing it up is best. Do what on your mind. Walk, cycling class are great, zumba, belly dancing will make you sweat if you truly focus on the moves. Get that body moving. The biggest challenge for me is to not be so comfortable with just being. Figure out the deep rooted reasons and the rest will take care of itself. Everyone is not meant to be the same size but you have to have your own realistic image of you, what will make you happy, know why. Knowing your inner you will help change the outer you.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I do Zumba, Abs, Body Pump, Yoga, Shred (at gym), and a home workout on FitnessBlender online. Also I'm learning Salsa which strange as it seams is pretty rigorous.
  • liz_walkerrr
    liz_walkerrr Posts: 38 Member
    Zumba! You forget you're even exercising!
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to love lifting! I started New Rules Of Lifting For Women four months ago and I'm hooked. Love the inches coming off, the strength increasing and the pride I feel about myself. :smile:
  • StoryGirl9
    StoryGirl9 Posts: 37
    It also depends on my mood. Right now I am loving Turbo Fire (dance/kickboxing), but I also love P90X3 (home weight training) and Les Mills Combat (mixed martial arts)
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Right now it's Les mills body pump, step aerobics and hiking trails. I tried a lot of different
    exercises before I found what I like best.
  • KarenB927
    KarenB927 Posts: 94 Member
    I used to hate working out with a passion. Then I discovered Zumba. I have 3 workout DVD sets. It's the only workout that keeps me going. I've tried many others, but they just made me hate working out even more. I LIKE doing Zumba, and even feel guilty on my rest day.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Whatever I can do outside - in the winter I snowshoe, x-country ski. In the summer - biking and hiking :)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I prefer to work in a group setting. My favorite is Taekwondo. :drinker:
  • velvetteddylove
    I did Just Dance 3 for the Wii for a while, and it's really fun! I burned a lot of calories and I got better with each day. If you try it out, there is an option called "Just Sweat" where you can choose a week long challenge of "sweat points" you try to reach - it's great to keep you on track. Plus it's fun to earn the different medals, 5 stars, etc while playing some great 80s songs and following some current pop and hip hop dances :smile:
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I love lifting - its good for me mentally as much as physically