BM question.

So Ive currently started running and eating healthy again after a few years. When I graduated highschool I was 360 and dropped down to 225 and stopped working out. Well I went back up to 320 and now I'm back at it again. My question is, is it normal for me to be having 6+ bowel movements a day? I don't remember this from the last time I lost weight. I drink way over 4 liters of water a day, is this my problem? Or is this just normal at the beggining


  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    Most people poop some amount between 3 times a day and once every 3 days.

    See a doctor if you're pooping 6 times a day and concerned.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    If you've increased your intake of things likes fruits and vegs, beans and grains, and reduced the amount of meat, dairy and eggs, and refined junk food, you def could have 6 poops per day! over time though, those will reduce and you'll be down to 3 or 4.

    If you haven't increased the things I've mentioned, you might have something else going on.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    So Ive currently started running and eating healthy again after a few years. When I graduated highschool I was 360 and dropped down to 225 and stopped working out. Well I went back up to 320 and now I'm back at it again. My question is, is it normal for me to be having 6+ bowel movements a day? I don't remember this from the last time I lost weight. I drink way over 4 liters of water a day, is this my problem? Or is this just normal at the beggining

    Water, fiber and exercise all play a role in bowel movements, not to mention a host of other things. If you increased any of the three things I've mentioned you'll get an increase in bowel movements. You specifically mention you are doing two of those things and while eating healthy doesn't mean any specific thing a lot of the times it can mean an increase in fiber.

    How long have you been having 6+ bowel movements a day? Have they changed color or texture? Do you feel ill? Could you have introduced something into your diet that you have a food allergy or sensitivity to?

    Every body is different and a lay person on the internet can only give you so much advice (especially with very little facts and information to go on) and the best really is if it's been happening long enough and you are still concerned and it's impacting your life negatively you should see a doctor.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    As long as your poops aren't painful, decently solid, and a healthy light brown color, you're probably fine. If you are seeing different results google "poop color chart".

    I definitely saw an increase with the increase of fiber and water.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I dont know why I know this, but a regular amount of poop is a foot a day, whether it's all at once or a couple of inches every few hours, isn't loose, painful, or hard, black, greenish or bloody, it shouldn't matter.
  • weffrey
    weffrey Posts: 2
    Well I went from eating fast food and microwave stuff to making my own meals of meat and vegetables mostly spinnich carrots onions and broccoli. Water was a definite increase and exercise went from nil to running every other day
  • alexandriamarino
    alexandriamarino Posts: 45 Member
    As long as your poops aren't painful, decently solid, and a healthy light brown color, you're probably fine.
