Hi Im posting to see if anyone out there would be willing to critic my food diary and offer advice. I am discouraged this morning. I am 39yrs old. I started on MFP on April 1st and have lost 7.8 pds so far. Last week I weighed in at 162.2 and this morning I weighed in 164.4.My goal weight is 135pds. I track everything accurately and am very committed. The sodium is the only thing that I can see is high. I am on a 1200 calorie diet and Im stuck. I don't eat back my exercise calories. In the beginning when I started on MFP I was losing a pound a week even though I set out to lose 2 pounds a week. Sometimes I think maybe Im not eating enough but them sometimes I feel like I do. Maybe too many carbs? Please help.


  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Usually, if you're not losing weight, you're eating more than you think.

    Your diary looks good - the only question I have is: do you weigh ALL solid foods and measure ALL liquid foods? Example: the 3 oz of rotisserie chicken you had - did you actually weight it to be 3 oz or did you just eyeball it?

    Weighing all food is the only way to accurately log your intake.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Here are a couple suggestions to try.

    1. I would try to eat more calories. The problem with eating at the low end of the range is that if you get stuck in a plateau, you don't have anywhere to cut from. Also, eating that low can result in a reduce metabolism down the road, which is a problem that you don't want. I'd bump it up to 1400 cal/day and see how that works for you

    2. I would eat more protein and reduce your carbs. A good all around plan for weight loss is the 40/40/20 plan (protein/carb/fat).

    Also, how are you exercising? Is it mostly cardio, or do you incorporate weight lifting? How many days/week are you exercising?

  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    ^ What Allen said.

    Your body is probably thinking its in a famine period, thus holding onto bf so you don't die.
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    I just wanted to say don’t freak out over the jump in that number, you didn’t gain 2 pounds overnight but I guarantee the rotisserie chicken made you retain a bunch of water because of its ultra-high sodium content.
  • MsUndastood247
    MsUndastood247 Posts: 8 Member
    Quick question.. is it your TOM?
  • Glossysweets
    I wanted to know as well as another poster if you actually weighed your food. I kept seeing .5 cup, .25 cup, etc and I was curious if you were weighing or just measuring - they are not one in the same. You really need to weigh your food to get an accurate count on food. That includes the skinny snacks you like - are they being weighed? or just counted?

    Also, I noticed that I do not see any cooking oils. Do you not use them? Those will count towards calorie counts as well. Keep in mind that the sushi that is eaten out is also just a guess as per calories - every establishment (unless they are homemade where you can control the ingredients and how much) will very. Some will use more oils, some more rice, etc etc...I noticed you like the sushi rolls so I may suggest limiting the amount of time you eat them out or perhaps make them at home and take them with you, it's easier than you may think.

    Otherwise I would check out how much you should be eating (BMR) because 1200 seems low. I am 138 and I am set at 1370 as my minimum for the day - anything I work off through workouts I get to eat back - so I may suggest increasing your calories a bit.
  • melissawith3sons
    melissawith3sons Posts: 20 Member
    Let me first THANK YOU to all of you for your genuine responses! I am so grateful! SO sorry for the delay in response, I had to go the grocery store and run a few errands. As far as some of the questions, I hope I answer them all in this reply. I do weigh my meat (rotisserie chicken) and count out skinny sticks (34 is a serving so if I eat more I count them out. As far as exercise goes....I run 3 miles twice a week, I talk a 45 minute walk (once a week), and swimming (kicking in a shallow pool , doing arm exercises). I don't do a lot of weights, but if I do its usually just dumbells( 5 to 7 pounds). Once again , I appreciate all of the advice and helpful comments. Thanks everyone!
  • melissawith3sons
    melissawith3sons Posts: 20 Member
    Also, I use olive oil / butter spray can which shows no calories and /or fat. I appreciate the point about possibly upping the cals (although it seems scary to me) but heck I m not losing anyway. I do love sushi and eat it quite often and its not homemade. Last weekend was special because it was my 17th wedding anniversary so last Saturday was a bit of a splurge.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Do you weigh yourself everyday? Also how come your daily goal intakes is never the same?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Here are a couple suggestions to try.

    1. I would try to eat more calories. The problem with eating at the low end of the range is that if you get stuck in a plateau, you don't have anywhere to cut from. Also, eating that low can result in a reduce metabolism down the road, which is a problem that you don't want. I'd bump it up to 1400 cal/day and see how that works for you

    2. I would eat more protein and reduce your carbs. A good all around plan for weight loss is the 40/40/20 plan (protein/carb/fat).

    Also, how are you exercising? Is it mostly cardio, or do you incorporate weight lifting? How many days/week are you exercising?


    Sometime actually mention metabolism. It must be Friday the 13 on MFP.