Anyone else out there suffer from MTHFR Defiency?



  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi must_deflate.

    Glad you've found out about it - it's going to be very much in your favour from now on.

    Yes, I am compound heterozygous like you, and I've been supplementing for about a year now. I experienced a great improvement at the beginning, which then levelled out. It turns out I was taking the wrong form of methyl-B12, so now I'm on the better version (for me) I'm feeling great. The way I found out this was by running my genome through an online company, that looks at all of the relevant mutations (there are quite a few that influence the two you mentioned) but that was only possible because I'd had my whole genome analysed through 23andme. Are you in a position to do that? If so, pm me and I'll let you know which company I used.
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Hi must_deflate.

    Glad you've found out about it - it's going to be very much in your favour from now on.

    Yes, I am compound heterozygous like you, and I've been supplementing for about a year now. I experienced a great improvement at the beginning, which then levelled out. It turns out I was taking the wrong form of methyl-B12, so now I'm on the better version (for me) I'm feeling great. The way I found out this was by running my genome through an online company, that looks at all of the relevant mutations (there are quite a few that influence the two you mentioned) but that was only possible because I'd had my whole genome analysed through 23andme. Are you in a position to do that? If so, pm me and I'll let you know which company I used.

    Hi! I'll PM you later.. in the meantime: I didn't know there was more than one form of methyl-B12. Can you tell me more about that? Thanks.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Yes, I'm taking Hydroxy B12, aka Hydroxocobalamin which suits some people better, depending on what's happening with your other genes.
  • I am homozygous A1298C and have been prescribed Delpin. Since this is a such a high dose of Methylfolate, I would like to try my own lose dose first. What are you taking and how much? I am very chemically sensitive.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I take 500 µg per day - as in half of one of these: