I'm stuck :'(

Hi All,

I started my journey at 143 and I'm currently at 136 but I'm stuck now! Inches aren't moving, scale isn't moving and I'm not sure what's happening. If you look at my diary, you'll see that I tend to eat very healthy for the most part and I tend to only drink water and one green juice each day. I have a few cheat meals/drinks on the weekends, so maybe that's affecting my progress somehow, but I'm basically stuck right now. Any insights would be helpful. I feel so close to my goal, yet so far away!


  • MFPMol
    MFPMol Posts: 151 Member
    You aren't eating enough. One day you only ate 500some calories. Eat more.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    You're not eating in a deficit. I suspect a measuring or logging problem. Eat Less.
  • fit_rox
    fit_rox Posts: 83
    Also make sure that you're getting enough protein, especially with breakfast.
  • porscheparcher
    How are your workouts going? If you aren't eating enough then your body will GAIN and go into starvation mode!!! Your metabolism will slow down and you will gain! Here to help!! <3
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    How are your workouts going? If you aren't eating enough then your body will GAIN and go into starvation mode!!! Your metabolism will slow down and you will gain! Here to help!! <3

    Nobody has ever gained weight by eating too little.
  • MFPMol
    MFPMol Posts: 151 Member
    How are your workouts going? If you aren't eating enough then your body will GAIN and go into starvation mode!!! Your metabolism will slow down and you will gain! Here to help!! <3

    No. It might stall her weight loss but she certainly won't gain weight.
  • Toni8t
    Toni8t Posts: 5
    You aren't eating enough. One day you only ate 500some calories. Eat more.

    I totally hear where you're coming from, the but I also believe in listening to your body. I only eat until I'm not hungry anymore. I won't continue to stuff food in if I'm not hungry. That said, to put it in perspective, some days it only LOOKS like I only ate 500 cals because of my workouts. I promise I'm eating and I'm eating a lot!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How long has it been since you last saw a drop on the scale? It looks like you've only been at this for 3-4 weeks, so it can't have been that long. Weight loss is not linear and small stalls of a week or two are completely normal. Sodium, cheat days, exercise, hormones, stress, TOM, can all cause water retention, which can mask any fat loss that's happening on the scale.

    If it's only been a week or two there may be nothing to worry about. If you want to look deeper, though:

    Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or eyeballing your portion sizes? Most people can be off in their estimates by a whole lot when they eyeball portions. Measuring cups are better, but a food scale is always going to be the most accurate.


    And make sure that you've calculated your calorie goals appropriately. Remember that these are just estimates. You may need to play around a little to find what works best for you.


    If you're exercising and eating back your earned exercise calories, be sure you're using accurate estimates of your burn. MFP and gym machines have a tendency to overestimate certain activities, which can cause you to eat back more calories than you need to. Even a heart rate monitor isn't 100% accurate. If you're eating those extra earned calories it might be a good idea to eat only 50-75% of those.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You aren't eating enough. One day you only ate 500some calories. Eat more.

    I totally hear where you're coming from, the but I also believe in listening to your body. I only eat until I'm not hungry anymore. I won't continue to stuff food in if I'm not hungry. That said, to put it in perspective, some days it only LOOKS like I only ate 500 cals because of my workouts. I promise I'm eating and I'm eating a lot!

    Hunger is not always the best indicator of whether or not you're getting enough to eat. The hormones that control our hunger signals can be knocked out of whack by too many factors, including exercise and periods of prolonged undereating. You have to also look at the bigger picture. Things like energy levels, mood, gym performance, healthy hair and nails. Hunger won't always tell you that you're not getting enough protein or calcium, for instance, or that you're losing muscle mass.

    If you really can't eat more and you're coming in way low on calories then consider including more calorie-dense foods into your day. Things like whole milk, cheese, avocado, nuts, peanut butter, dark chocolate, etc. can add a lot of calories without making you eat a lot of extra food.
  • MFPMol
    MFPMol Posts: 151 Member
    You aren't eating enough. One day you only ate 500some calories. Eat more.

    I totally hear where you're coming from, the but I also believe in listening to your body. I only eat until I'm not hungry anymore. I won't continue to stuff food in if I'm not hungry. That said, to put it in perspective, some days it only LOOKS like I only ate 500 cals because of my workouts. I promise I'm eating and I'm eating a lot!

    That's another problem...you should be eating back in not all of your exercise calories at least some. A 500 cal net is never good.
  • juliealena13
    You're doing a lot of cardio, which is awesome, but you need to add more weight workouts and strength intervals. That changed up the playing field for me when I added them in! Let me know if you ever need a buddy, I'm happy to drag you along to a class, my gym does awesome ones that only last 30 minutes at a time, so you can really start to build strength to supplement your cardio :) Proud of you for your progress so far!!!