HELP ! Monthly Grocery Shopping

I wanna know what's on your grocery shopping list. Mom and I finally got the freezer and fridge almost bare, and we REALLY need food. This past week, we've been having some sort of meat and left overs, or tuna / hamburger helper.

Just some background
Mom can't have leafy greens because of heart meds (double heart valve replacement)
The less salt, the better. Mom and I are experimenting with seasonings and flavors
I can't have things with LOTS of iron. I take an iron free multivitamin every day. I have my daily iron goal set to 15%
I like zucchini, just not in cans with tomato sauce.
We are a meat family, but we do eat tofu / soy on the occasion if we can find it (like meatless chicken nuggets)

RFE: fixing typos


  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    My grocery list is weekly since I only plan my meals a week at a time.

    -2-3 avocados
    -Almond milk
    -Frozen fruit
    -Thin sliced boneless chicken breast
    -Ground turkey
    -Deli turkey
    -Whole wheat bread
    -Frozen veggie bags
    -Ice cream :)

    I don't buy the same meat every week but there is always some variation among turkey/chicken/tuna. Then I play around with spices, marinades, and veggies to keep it interesting.

    My favorite spices so far have been teriyaki, garlic herb and lemon, and sesame ginger. I always get the reduced sodium versions of the spices if they are available.
  • PeaceLoveTrees
    PeaceLoveTrees Posts: 42 Member
    hmmm not being able to have leafy greens sounds terrible! here are my staples (we are a veg household FYI)

    peppers of all colors
    brussel sprouts
    cultured coconut yogurt
    multigrain crackers
    other "fake meats"
    plums, nectarines, berries, mango
    raw unsalted almonds
    sprouted multigrain bread
    frozen fruit (for morning smoothies)
    frozen vegetable mixes for dinner
    soy milk
    almond milk

    I always have a pantry with soups, chili, and stuff to make spaghetti on hand. we also always have chips and salsa too.

    I go grocery shopping about every two weeks or so, because I go through a lot of produce! Meal plan wise I do a frozen fruit protein smoothie for breakfast, a big salad for lunch (hence all the vegetables), almonds and fruit for a snack, and dinner is whatever recipe I make up. I like to cook so I just make up recipes or try things off of Pinterest.

    I hope that's somewhat helpful?! :-)
  • hyby
    hyby Posts: 7 Member
    Might have to watch some of the portions for your iron intake (though you can also consume calcium-rich foods in the same meal, that might help - calcium inhibits iron absorption) , but these are my staples excluding leafy greens:

    -black beans
    -brown rice
    -sweet potatoes
    -polenta or yellow grits
    -chocolate milk - my favorite workout recovery!
    -protein bars (I buy Zone brand)
    -canned tomatoes
    -early peas
    -green lentils
    -orange juice
    -Greek yogurt
    -omega-3 eggs
  • daydreambelieverxo
    My boyfriend and I usually stick to this list, we switch up from time to time but these are our staples.

    Green Beans
    Bell Peppers
    Frozen Berries
    Almond Milk
    Chicken Breasts
    Ground turkey
    Turkey Breast (deli)
    Powdered Peanut butter
    dried Cranberries
    Rice cakes
    Brown rice

    Hope t
  • EatwellLivehappy
    EatwellLivehappy Posts: 34 Member
    Someone posted deli meat above and I'm just saying: NO DELI MEAT. If you're mom is on cardiac meds, she especially should not be having deli meat because it is so high in sodium. They are also high in chemicals and nitrates,etc.

    If you're a meat family, try to stick to grilled chicken and turkey. Lean meats can be really good without sauces and cheese if you spice them the right way. But make sure you're eating proper portion sizes of these meats because of your mom's condition. Remember, you may not have the heart problem but because she has a heart condition you are MUCH more likely to have one down the road. Since she can't have leafy greens, try other vegetables. Different colored peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, tomatoes, etc.

    My biggest recommendation to you (I've been through the cardiac thing with my dad) is when you cook, look up herbs and spices that complement the vegetables you are eating. For example, tomatoes are the BOMB with basil. I will literally eat raw diced tomatoes with some fresh basil leaves all by itself just because it tastes so good. Try to stay away from sauces, cheeses, dressings, etc. and look up fresh spices that you can add.

    Good luck.
  • joansjourney
    joansjourney Posts: 110
    I shop weekly because I meal prep but here are my staples.. I'll exclude my leafy greens.

    lean ground beef and turkey
    whole wheat bread
    whole wheat English muffins
    brown rice
    bell peppers
    green beans
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    FitterStrongerHappier Posts: 65 Member
    I feel your pain. My mom has a number of health issues, and has been hospitalized a number of times - won't go into details here, but suffice it to say, that her sodium is STRICTLY monitored. we can't even buy reduced sodium things because she is limited to less than 140 grams per serving. Many reduced sodium things are still too high...

    that said, one of the dishes that i have made for them, and work well for us, is a side dish:

    3 tablespoons of unsalted butter
    1 cup of white rice
    2 cups of water (or whatever the package calls for)
    1/2 cup or so of chopped onion (less if you want, but we like ours with onion)
    1 can (small) of mushroom pieces
    about a teaspoon of garlic powder (i kind of eyeball it - so it may be less than that)

    sautee rice in butter with onions until the rice starts to brown/crisp. Add musrhooms and sautee a little while longer. Add in the water and simmer, covered for as long as the package says -i.e., follow directions accordingly.

    when it's done, it has a GREAT flavor - one cup works out to about 250 or so calories, and you can add salt and pepper to yours, and leave your moms plain or add pepper to it.

    Pair with some grilled chicken and it would be delicious. Or even with some fish..

    another spice is called "herbs de provence" here's a link:

    adds great flavor to dishes without salt. I added it to home-made chicken nuggets (whole wheat flour, garlic powder, pepper, herbs de provence, mix and coat on chicken chunks dunked in egg) really tasted good.

    Good luck!