trying to recover from bulimia

Not sure of the healthiest way to start but end up being successful


  • sherrik10
    sherrik10 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! I suffered from anorexia for years (I don't like the term "recover" because the thoughts are always there). I try not to worry about the numbers on the scale but how I feel. Don't let anyone discourage you or tell you anything negative. Just take it one day at a time and do your best. Try to eat healthy and stay active. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    small steps mini goals 4small meals a day soup salad fruits and veggies no guilt items...lean meat and lowfat protein
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    This is a great place to start! MFP is a wonderful tool!! Small meals and healthy foods. Sending prayers for you, HUGS!
  • randilea
    randilea Posts: 140
    Not sure of the healthiest way to start but end up being successful

    I don't have any advice for you because I have not been there myself....anything I would say would be BS. What I can say is that I do medical coding for a hospital psychiatry dept and spend my day reading about people admitted because they are suffering from eating disorders . From my understanding it is something that is very hard to overcome....Stay strong and you will get there. We are here for any support you need. Good luck to you.
  • ashk
    ashk Posts: 3
    I am so impressed that you are choosing to do this. A friend of mine struggled with it and it helped them so much to have people consistently keeping them accountable! Good Luck!