Just can't get enough protein - advice?


I started using this app recently as I had a suspicion I'm not getting enough protein. I do some form of exercise every day but don't really seem to be toning up. Sure enough it looks like I'm coming in low.

I personally don't like eating meat or fish often and maybe do so once a week because I know I should. My diet is healthy in some aspects and I cook from scratch. I have a medical condition which means I'm meant to avoid foods with phytoestrogens and so things like tofu, edamame, quorn, aren't great options.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Would a protein powder be an option?


In case you're really interested below is a typical day's food. You can see I'm trying quite hard to eat nuts and beans but MFP still says I'm coming in at 8g of protein :S (I weigh 127lbs).

Breakfast - porridge oats, milk, handful of raisins and coconut oil
Lunch - homemade quinoa salad, apple
Dinner - vegetable tagine (including something like chickpeas)
Snacks - peanut butter on crackers, a handful of almonds and dried fruit, square of dark chocolate


  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm in the same boat but here are some things I've been trying to eat more of to up my protein: tempeh, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, string cheese, buttermilk & peanut butter. Looks like you're already eating plenty of beans.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    You can try incorporating protein shakes and protein bars. Since you cannot eat so many sources of vegetarian protein, you may just need to look into incorporating more meat, fish, and eggs. Your post was unclear whether you just don't like it very much or whether you avoid it for ethical reasons. Find recipes that look appetizing to you, or buy pre-cooked meat (like a rotisserie chicken).

    I'm not sure what other foods contain phytoestrogens, but see if maybe seitan would be an acceptable vegetarian protein source for you as well.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Would a hemp protein powder work?
  • I know you don't like eating meat, but what about some eggs?
  • Are you tolerant of lactose? I'd say try some plain greek yoghurt with nuts and berries. Greek yoghurt is high in protein and can help boost up your protein levels. Chick peas are more of a good carbohydrate option than protein with 1/2 cup having 16 g carbohydrates and only 7 g protein. Maybe also try incorporating protein powder into your diet!
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    If you can make the investment: protein powder. I used to have the same problem since I don't eat red meat or pork, just eggs, fish, chicken, and turkey.

    I buy a 5lb tub of whey every 3 months or so. Totally worth the investment. A scoop in the morning in my oatmeal puts me on track to hit or exceed my protein macro every day.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Your post leaves a few questions, but here are my suggestions. Consider adding greek yogurt, eggs, black bean pasta, nut butters, raw nuts, and maybe seitan.
  • Thanks so much for the replies all! I partly don't eat a lot of meat for ethical reasons but also because I just don't feel good when I eat it every day. I also do eat eggs occasionally.

    I've never heard of seitan before, I'll have a look at that, and any excuse for greek yoghurt sounds great!

    It's a very basic question I know but are whey / hemp powders pure protein (ie. there's nothing else in there)? The only situation I've ever understood people using them in is body building.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Beef Jerky. That is all. Though it's a little high in sodium generally. If you care. Which I don't;