Incredible Hulk Arms

TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise not really...

BUT! I can feel it happening! Let me give you a brief summary of Tara Arms. When I was 16 and 17 I worked at a Women's Only Gym very similar to a Curves. My job was sell memberships, keep the place clean and workout with members while they were there. I really enjoyed it! However it seemed I was constantly doing arm workouts. Either leading routines with a group of women or doing "mindless" weight exercises, something I could do and not be out of breath while talking with another member. My arms got extremely muscular. I remember thinking back then, even though I was a great size every where else that my arms were just completely mismatched because of lifting so much. So I stopped. I hated how huge they were and I wanted them to go back to normal. Instead of going back to normal it seemed as though they just lost the muscle definition and stayed huge! This all happened over the course of a year. At this point I met my husband and became distracted by entirely different things! Like falling in love... :love:

This leads me to now. My arms have literally been the last things to follow me in my weight loss journey. Eventually I realized that it wasn't STILL from having been a weight lifting crazed 16 year old that my arms were still big, it was because I was now big all over. My arms finally matched. Now that I'm at the weight I want, my arms are following and I'm so happy!

NOW! I've been taking progress pictures just for my own benefit and this week when I took it and then loaded it to my computer I did a double take...and not in the good way. NO! NOT HULK ARMS AGAIN! I was goofing around with my husband when I took the picture and made a muscle and BAM! There she be! I've only been using hand weights twice a week with kickboxing and doing my own exercises. Maybe 20-30 minutes tops. I've been SO careful not to lift any where NEAR what I used to. I want to be toned...not buff!

What is the secret!? What am I missing? Is it genetic? Am I eventually going to turn a color? Are some people just going to have big ol' muscles? Okay experts...what do I do??? Is there anything I can do? Should I embrace the Hulk arms...without crushing myself??? :laugh:


  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Id say not to worry about it. Muscles are sexy. I like mine and I wish they were bigger.
  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    I know it is hard and I find this one difficult to but we need to accept our bodies. You are beautiful even with muscular arms.
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    I understand totally!

    Being short and of European origin I have big calves and big arms BUT at the moment they are HUGE!!!

    I accept that I will never have sleek, thin arms or legs and if they are toned and non-wobbly than I will be very happy.

    Once a guy friend said to me (when I was 16 mind you) that he admired my calves because his was so skinny and he wished he had muscle like mine!! :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I never really worked my arms, but when I worked as a vet tech, I was always lugging around heavy bags of dog and cat food, not to mention heavy dogs and cats. So I have some degree of bulk in my upper arms. I have a hard time finding shirts that fit my "massive guns." If it fits through the torso, the arms are too tight. It's annoying!

    On the plus side, I have beaten guys at arm wrestling. They weren't too pleased. :smile:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Let your husband reach the high stuff and you can move the heavy stuff for him :laugh:
    In all seriousness, there are just some things we can't control (well, short of extreme measures)- freckles, the shape of our nose, the size of our feet, length of our legs, and on and on and on... Embrace 'em! Love 'em! And make sure you invite people to the gun show every time you get a chance!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I never really worked my arms, but when I worked as a vet tech, I was always lugging around heavy bags of dog and cat food, not to mention heavy dogs and cats. So I have some degree of bulk in my upper arms. I have a hard time finding shirts that fit my "massive guns." If it fits through the torso, the arms are too tight. It's annoying!

    On the plus side, I have beaten guys at arm wrestling. They weren't too pleased. :smile:

    HMM! I think this might be the key!!! Start arm wrestling guys for money = Making house payment. Yes...I believe we have a winner!

    I wonder if I should just stop lifting weights at all. I was trying to get rid of any flab...hmmm. Or if I should go for it full force so they at least look completely muscular.

    Interesting about the European background. My mom is 100% Irish but my dad is very Austrian. I wonder if that plays a part. My sisters are very different from me. One is much taller and the other is MUCH shorter.
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    From what I know about lifting and muscles...for bulk do less reps with more weight. For long, lean muscles (what most women aim for) do more reps with light weight.

    How heavy are your weights? Try less weight and 15-20 reps vs. 8-10
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    From what I know about lifting and muscles...for bulk do less reps with more weight. For long, lean muscles (what most women aim for) do more reps with light weight.

    How heavy are your weights? Try less weight and 15-20 reps vs. 8-10

    Thank you dearie!!! My weights are 5 pound weights for kickboxing, which is pretty intense. Its a whole punching routine while holding five pounds weights and I do the whole thing twice. My arms are pretty sore at the end. As far as doing bicep curls and the such, I use ten pounds for some and 5 pounds for others, depending on how weak I am for the exercise.
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    I have also heard that pilates helps create long lean 'ballerina' muscles. Lots of stretching!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I have also heard that pilates helps create long lean 'ballerina' muscles. Lots of stretching!!

    Interesting! I do Pilates every other day but never thought about it helping my arms that much! Maybe I will pick it up a notch and spend some extra time in the stretching department! Thank you dearie!!!
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    I don't have a good answer but one thing I would do is use a tape measure and every two weeks take a measurement of the middle around the arm. keep a record of this. with the weights you are using you are unlikely to gain mass. watch the trend of the measurements.

    good luck
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I don't have a good answer but one thing I would do is use a tape measure and every two weeks take a measurement of the middle around the arm. keep a record of this. with the weights you are using you are unlikely to gain mass. watch the trend of the measurements.

    good luck

    Thanks Ben! :o)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    BAHAHAHAHA! The ad at the top of the page was "BIG ARMS! How to get them in ten days!" And some dude with veins popping out everywhere and muscles that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger cry!
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