Herro :) friends please!

I just started back on this site recently after gaining back a bunch of weight. Long story short, I really like cookies and beer too much for my own good and now my *kitten* is paying for it, LITERALLY. I'm 25, 5'7 and have about 60 pounds to lose (cw: 196, gw: 135). I can use all the motivation I can get, and by motivation I mean a reminder to put down the damn cookies and go train for my half marathon coming up! Look forward to talking to you and keeping each other motivated.


  • gbro44
    gbro44 Posts: 13
    Hey whats up,
    My names Gregg, Im pretty new too. Yea i like cookies and beer too lol and they have contributed to my weight issues as well. A half marathon, thats prtty sweet. How many miles is that like 5 or so? Sorry idk. Ive got a bunch of weight to drop, over 100lbs. I live on the east coast in West Virginia so, its nice that its now summer time. Winter is so depressing and its hard to get motivated so Im excited for the good weather. I want to start getting into hiking. I eventually would like to thru hike the whole Appalachian trail from Georgia to Maine. It takes like 6 months at least. Big commitment. But thats what life is about. EPIC ADVENTURES. You have the PAcific Crest trail out in Cali that goes from SoCAL to British Columbia. Then there is the Continental Divide trail that goes from Mexico to Monatant through New Mexico, Wyoming, and Colorado, etc. Doing all three in your life is the "Triple Crown" of hiking. Myfitnesspal is a pretty good site and there are tons of great ppl who are happy to give advice and are supportive. But there are also "trolls" that I have found that just get on different threads and post garbage and are pretty self rightous etc. Just a heads up. Ignore them. But good luck. Peace out bruh lol
  • Hi Sunshine,
    I can definitely relate to what you're saying! I love to bake, and people actually hire me to make wedding & birthday cakes, so it's definitely a challenge to keep from indulging! I just try to get creative and find healthier but tasty snacks instead, and once in a while have a SMALL piece of the real thing. You definitely don't want to buy a whole package of cookies and have them in your house "calling" to you! Some of the snacks I really enjoy:
    Fat free, sugar free chocolate Jello pudding mix
    Voortmans sugar free shortbread swirl cookies
    Susie's puffed corn, quinoa & sesame cakes
    Homemade fresh fruit smoothies (with low fat Greek yogurt) or Popsicles
    Hang in there! You can do this!
  • nerolista
    nerolista Posts: 2
    Oh jeeze, beer. That's one of my biggest downfalls. I tend to drink my calories more than I eat them it seems. Do you like to cook? I know that helps me keep track of what I'm eating. Also NOT buying snacks I can just grab at eat. Even my popcorn is loose kernels, so if I want some I have to pop it myself over the stovetop. Add me if you want, I'm new to this too and I could use motivation as well :)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Hey whats up,
    My names Gregg, Im pretty new too. Yea i like cookies and beer too lol and they have contributed to my weight issues as well. A half marathon, thats prtty sweet. How many miles is that like 5 or so? Sorry idk. Ive got a bunch of weight to drop, over 100lbs. I live on the east coast in West Virginia so, its nice that its now summer time. Winter is so depressing and its hard to get motivated so Im excited for the good weather. I want to start getting into hiking. I eventually would like to thru hike the whole Appalachian trail from Georgia to Maine. It takes like 6 months at least. Big commitment. But thats what life is about. EPIC ADVENTURES. You have the PAcific Crest trail out in Cali that goes from SoCAL to British Columbia. Then there is the Continental Divide trail that goes from Mexico to Monatant through New Mexico, Wyoming, and Colorado, etc. Doing all three in your life is the "Triple Crown" of hiking. Myfitnesspal is a pretty good site and there are tons of great ppl who are happy to give advice and are supportive. But there are also "trolls" that I have found that just get on different threads and post garbage and are pretty self rightous etc. Just a heads up. Ignore them. But good luck. Peace out bruh lol
    Half marathon is 13.1 miles. Full is 26.2 miles.
  • xsunshine02x
    xsunshine02x Posts: 34 Member
    Hey whats up,
    My names Gregg, Im pretty new too. Yea i like cookies and beer too lol and they have contributed to my weight issues as well. A half marathon, thats prtty sweet. How many miles is that like 5 or so? Sorry idk. Ive got a bunch of weight to drop, over 100lbs. I live on the east coast in West Virginia so, its nice that its now summer time. Winter is so depressing and its hard to get motivated so Im excited for the good weather. I want to start getting into hiking. I eventually would like to thru hike the whole Appalachian trail from Georgia to Maine. It takes like 6 months at least. Big commitment. But thats what life is about. EPIC ADVENTURES. You have the PAcific Crest trail out in Cali that goes from SoCAL to British Columbia. Then there is the Continental Divide trail that goes from Mexico to Monatant through New Mexico, Wyoming, and Colorado, etc. Doing all three in your life is the "Triple Crown" of hiking. Myfitnesspal is a pretty good site and there are tons of great ppl who are happy to give advice and are supportive. But there are also "trolls" that I have found that just get on different threads and post garbage and are pretty self rightous etc. Just a heads up. Ignore them. But good luck. Peace out bruh lol

    13.1!!!! Miles that is. I like to hike too, but I haven't done anything on as large of a scale as you mentioned. The longest trail I've hiked recently was 11 miles. It would be nice to travel and hike though :)
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I am big into no excuses. My upcoming birthday is not a reason to pig out. Just because I work 12 hour shifts and commute is not a reason not to exercise and count calories. I have a lunch break. Add me if you like :)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been distance running for 6yrs now. Run up lots of big mtns too.
    I did have my 2nd spine fusion 7 weeks ago (scoliosis) but I'll be back running by Aug.
  • xsunshine02x
    xsunshine02x Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Sunshine,
    I can definitely relate to what you're saying! I love to bake, and people actually hire me to make wedding & birthday cakes, so it's definitely a challenge to keep from indulging! I just try to get creative and find healthier but tasty snacks instead, and once in a while have a SMALL piece of the real thing. You definitely don't want to buy a whole package of cookies and have them in your house "calling" to you! Some of the snacks I really enjoy:
    Fat free, sugar free chocolate Jello pudding mix
    Voortmans sugar free shortbread swirl cookies
    Susie's puffed corn, quinoa & sesame cakes
    Homemade fresh fruit smoothies (with low fat Greek yogurt) or Popsicles
    Hang in there! You can do this!

    People have hired me to bake in the past too.mit was the worst because I would do one batch for my client and one for myself! What I've recently decided that I like to eat is apples microwaved with some pb and cinnamon. It's good, but not quite the same as my previous guilty pleasures. Oh well. I guess I just need to learn to enjoy things in moderation.
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    feel free to add me... i am not a runner but i am getting into hiking again and loving it...

    good luck on your journey
  • xsunshine02x
    xsunshine02x Posts: 34 Member
    Oh jeeze, beer. That's one of my biggest downfalls. I tend to drink my calories more than I eat them it seems. Do you like to cook? I know that helps me keep track of what I'm eating. Also NOT buying snacks I can just grab at eat. Even my popcorn is loose kernels, so if I want some I have to pop it myself over the stovetop. Add me if you want, I'm new to this too and I could use motivation as well :)

    Oh man! Beer is my THING! As long as its not in the house though I won't go out of my way for it. Cooking has helped me to keep track of everything much better. I also started to meal prep on Sundays so all of my food is already calculated and prepped ahead of time. Thebonlynproblem is I kinda get tired of eating the same things all week. I definitely need new recipes!
  • xsunshine02x
    xsunshine02x Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been distance running for 6yrs now. Run up lots of big mtns too.
    I did have my 2nd spine fusion 7 weeks ago (scoliosis) but I'll be back running by Aug.

    Wow! Good for you to already be planning to get running again! I work at a hospital on the orthopedic floor and have seen enough spinal fusions to know what you're going through. Which mountains have you ran up? I would like to trail run eventually, but I'm not in good enough shape for it YET.but I will be :)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been distance running for 6yrs now. Run up lots of big mtns too.
    I did have my 2nd spine fusion 7 weeks ago (scoliosis) but I'll be back running by Aug.

    Wow! Good for you to already be planning to get running again! I work at a hospital on the orthopedic floor and have seen enough spinal fusions to know what you're going through. Which mountains have you ran up? I would like to trail run eventually, but I'm not in good enough shape for it YET.but I will be :)
    Some 14ers in CO, mt. whitney, Grand canyon, few trails in Zion NP, Grand Teton in WY, Rainier, and my local peak Mt Charelston pk. Its 12,000ft and 22mi, I usually run it a few times a week.

    Ya, Scoliosis sucks. But at least I can cycle right now.
  • xsunshine02x
    xsunshine02x Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been distance running for 6yrs now. Run up lots of big mtns too.
    I did have my 2nd spine fusion 7 weeks ago (scoliosis) but I'll be back running by Aug.

    Wow! Good for you to already be planning to get running again! I work at a hospital on the orthopedic floor and have seen enough spinal fusions to know what you're going through. Which mountains have you ran up? I would like to trail run eventually, but I'm not in good enough shape for it YET.but I will be :)
    Some 14ers in CO, mt. whitney, Grand canyon, few trails in Zion NP, Grand Teton in WY, Rainier, and my local peak Mt Charelston pk. Its 12,000ft and 22mi, I usually run it a few times a week.

    Ya, Scoliosis sucks. But at least I can cycle right now.

    I seriously can't wait for the day when I can say, "oh yea, I run 22 miles up a mountain a couple of times a week". That's bad *kitten*!!!
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been distance running for 6yrs now. Run up lots of big mtns too.
    I did have my 2nd spine fusion 7 weeks ago (scoliosis) but I'll be back running by Aug.

    Wow! Good for you to already be planning to get running again! I work at a hospital on the orthopedic floor and have seen enough spinal fusions to know what you're going through. Which mountains have you ran up? I would like to trail run eventually, but I'm not in good enough shape for it YET.but I will be :)
    Some 14ers in CO, mt. whitney, Grand canyon, few trails in Zion NP, Grand Teton in WY, Rainier, and my local peak Mt Charelston pk. Its 12,000ft and 22mi, I usually run it a few times a week.

    Ya, Scoliosis sucks. But at least I can cycle right now.

    I seriously can't wait for the day when I can say, "oh yea, I run 22 miles up a mountain a couple of times a week". That's bad *kitten*!!!
    All my friends think im an alien because I love high endurance stuff.
    It's a blast!