Wow a busy week for newbies....

natalie1872 Posts: 53
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi :smile:
Im Nat,
Im new to this site and I LOVE it.
Its so motivating...I noticed a lot of people the same age as me (turning 39).
It must be our year to shine!!
I only want to lose 6 kg but need to stay ontop of my food..I love to eat!!
looking forward to a successfull 12 week programs.
I live in Victoria Australia...lot in the floods of Queensland.
Going to my first spin class tonight...wish me luck !!!


  • You can do it, Nat!

  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Good. Luck !!!!
  • Thanks ....Hows your challenge going?
    Where are you?
  • Your doing really well!!
    20 pds. GO you !!!
    Thanks for message.
  • fritterdog
    fritterdog Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Nat.

    I'm new as well, will turn 39 this summer, and right now want to lose about 15 pounds. How did the spin class go? I've been doing a boot camp class for a few years and love (and hate) it.

    Good luck...hope to see your progress!
    :-) Jen b (fritterdog)
  • Hi Jen,
    Thanks for your message....I made it.
    I Loved it. was a beginners class, but thats where you start at the beginning.
    Your dog is so cute, I own a black Lab, we go for a 4km walk every morning so Im not unfit.
    I dont know the difference between pounds and kilograms. Will look it up.
    Half of the measurements on here are metric but not all.
    This site is fantastic. Glad I got the Iphone now or I wouldnt have found it.
    Will try to add you a s a friend. any support is good I say.
    have a good night Jen...Its 8:30 pm here.
  • sara_bai
    sara_bai Posts: 7 Member
    I only joined last week. From Sydney's raining here too, but not like QLD. Good luck on your quest. I hope to lose 10-15kgs and am entrigued at keeping a food diary.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Good luck , its good to see another Aussie ( same age too )

    I hope you enjoy your spin class. I bought a spin bike which i call the punisher , it kills me, the pain it causes is no fun at all.
  • I have reached my 60 kg goal before by keeping a food dairy. it works for me as I have amnesia (how ever its spelt)
    But this site is even better as it give reports and thats so inspiring.
    Spin class was a success..I loved it.
    Chat soon and good luck also.
  • hey addman ... 72... best year ever!!
    this site is much fun.
    Your doing really well. 10kg over Xmas..Good job.
    I loved the spin class...bring that on.!!
    Caht soon Nat
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