Hello everyone :-) New and trying to beat binge eating!

Hi everyone :-) I am almost 19 and I am from Italy! Last year I went to the US and gained 10 kgs in 3 months. I decided to start training and running and eating healthy using myfitnesspal(another account). I lost 13 kgs and started another healthier lifestyle. I don't smoke nor drink, pretty strange for a 19-year-old-girl :D
So now I exercise a lot and I eat healthy almost the whole time but then about twice per week I have bingeing episodes. I mainly binge on nuts, seeds, dried fruits, cheese or grains like rice cakes or sugarfree ot cookies. So pretty healthy stuff but still way over daily calorie intake!
I feel so bad after those episodes and i want to stop but something in my brain says I can't stop. I know that binging is a problem because it becomes a habit...I want to beat ths hapit and take control of my life again ;-)
I hope that myfitnesspal will help me and I hope to get a llooooooot of friends so that i feel "controlled" and I can't cheat anymore :D If i have to log everything because my friends see it, it is likely that i don't binge or binge just a little, you know? :D

So add me, I would LOVE to get friends here! I need help but I can help others too, learned a lot about training and nutrition! Add me, what are you waiting for?



  • natalee8
    natalee8 Posts: 34
    Hi !

    I'm Natalie, I'm 23, from the UK living in Italy at the moment and I've gained 10lb here haha.

    I'm just starting to introduce exercise into my routine and have found watching my calories really interesting - I didn't realise how much I was eating!

    Am looking for friends on here to keep me motivated so feel free to add me :)
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    hi Diana, your ok, you work out so your still probably within your daily allowance,
    JSJAT Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there, the question is, are you gaining weight from binging, or better yet, do you feel energized or run down from binging? It seems like you are binging on really healthy foods. Perhaps your body is needing those extra calories for energy. You have to give yourself some credit for the healthy foods that you choose to binge on. If you were binging on junk food and sweets it could be an addiction to processed foods and sugar. However, you don' t seem to have that problem. If your binge sessions are triggered by emotions, then I would be more concerned. You have to look deep within and determine the cause of your binges. You are at the right place. This is an excellent website, app, and it will help you see if perhaps your binges are triggered by a lack of enough nutrition/food for energy production on the days preceeding your binges. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I've done extensive research on emotional eating and I'm all too familiar with the agony of binge eating triggered by emotional reasons or stress.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I'm a distance runner, climber, snowboarder. I love high endurance sports. I'll go ahead and add you.
  • Thanks everybody for answering. Well the fact is that I am never so sure about how many calories I should eat. So I set the goal at 1700 calories/day. I workout a lot and I work 3 hours every friday/sat/sunday as a waitress in a restaurant, so I walk a lot also there! I don't know if the cravings are caused by too little calories or lacking some important foods from my diet :-( I'll use the blog function to keep busy :)