hey guys, im nomnompixie

I just made this account, although I've been hear before. I recently found out that I am allergic to gluten, dairy and soy. I was previously vegetarian however, now, due to my allergies and my digestive disorder (IBS and leaky gut syndrome) I have to follow a Paleo/whole30 style diet. Overall I would like to lose 30-40 pounds which would put me in a healthy range of 125-135 pounds at 5.5. I would absolutely love having you guys as friends, I definitely need the motivation to keep logging, and I love casual and informative conversations!


  • corzo13
    corzo13 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome aboard!
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome to the club. If you happen to drink protein shakes a good brand to try is Garden of Life. Its a planet base protein powder. Feel free to add me.

    Fitness is Not about being better than Someone else...It's about being better than You used to BE.
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    Curious, what method did you use to verify your allergens?

    Welcome back.. add me if you like.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Welcome back. I always have room for more friends. Feel free to add me.
  • nomnompixie
    nomnompixie Posts: 5 Member
    I was allergic to dairy formula as a baby, however, my mother thought I would grow out of it. Then, when I became vegetarian I noticed a reaction to milk and eventually started developing hives after eating garlic bread and such (which may be from gluten now that I think about it.) I also started getting extreme stomach aches after eating tofu, soy aminos, and would breakout after using soy protein powder.
    My doctor told me that it sounded like an allergy and told me not to eat soy anymore. She also asked me many questions, and when I explained my digestive distress she diagnosed me with IBS. Afterward she asked about my *sorry guys* menstrual cycle, my skin, my health etc. She took my blood and later told me I was allergic to gluten.
    This then explained why I caught every sickness and missed months of school. My allergies caused me to have leaky gut syndrome-this one is self-diagnosed since it was explained to be caused by gluten allergies etc. I have all of the symptoms, and within the past two months I have caught walking pneumonia, asthmatic bronchitis, tonsillitis, severe sinus infections, fluid in my lungs, and, most recently, mononucleosis.