New guy to fitness here

T_William Posts: 147 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey im new around these parts but really enjoying what myfitnesspal offers, I found the website via the android marketplace app and have been using it the past couple of days.

Im 21 and currently weigh 252pounds (i blame some of this on being at uni eating fastfood and doing little exercise, but ive never been fit) well I graduated last year in June and have recently began a full time job :)

Having purchased a Kinect as an alternative method of workout I aim to burn around 450cals per night on the your shape workouts (and have done so the past few days) 5-6 days per week! Along with this i've also cut out pop and fizzy drinks almost completly having previously drank a few glasses of pepsi max/coke zero per day.

Using the myfitnesspal will also help me keep track of my food/drink much better, updating my intake during of straight after a meal nothing is missed. Ive only been using it a couple of days so far but have managaed to have around 1200 cals remaning at the end of each day and be under every maximum target set.


  • redwingluvr
    redwingluvr Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome! You'll love the site! Great support and info! If your ever want a really good burn, get the Zumba for Kinnect. I have it for the Wii and you burn a ton of calories! It's a great cardio workout! Good luck on your journey! Feel free to request me as friend!
  • NatalieBrooke88
    NatalieBrooke88 Posts: 240 Member
    Glad you are here! This website it amazing.. and you will love it! :)
  • sbarham
    sbarham Posts: 44 Member
    Well, welcome to MyFitnessPal!!! It is so helpful! Find friends and get connected, and be careful not to eat too little calories if you are having an abundance of them left over at the end of the day. Too little calories can slow down your metabolism. Keep up the good work and again, WELCOME!!! :wink:
  • You can do it! we're ALL behind you !!
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    Hey! Welcome! Well, here are some tips that I will pass onto you that helped me...these are only suggestions.

    1 - Try to eat all of your calories that you have alloted for the day. I know, we think eating less will get results, but in the end it may be counter-productive. If I stop losing it is usually because I have stopped eating as much as I am supposed to when working out.

    2 - Have a splurge meal once a week and eat/drink whatever you want. This helped me BEYOND belief for a couple of reasons - I didn't feel deprived and it gave me something to look forward to at the end of the week. Saturdays are my days to eat it up! I also found that over time I stopped eating those foods as much and some of them I rarely eat pizza. I used to take out 4 large pizzas a week by myself. Last time I ate pizza??? Thanksgiving weekend. Last time before clue.

    3 - try not to do everything at once - you can burn out quickly and begin to resent what you are doing.

    And last

    4 - view this as a lifestyle change not something that you are doing temporarily - if you "mess up" just do the next right thing. We can't be perfect all of the time now can we?

    Good luck! :smile:
  • Welcome! I have a buddy who has the Biggest Loser game for Kinect and he loves it.

    I have done similar things with the Wii. I added Ankle weights and wrist weights to additional intensity.

    Good luck on your journey - this site is great for ideas and support. It has helped me a great deal.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I'm so glad you posted!!
    My daughter is at college in Des Moines and has found the freshman 15 + some! =) I've just recently gotten her into working out and enjoying it!! =) She works at the YMCA as a lifegaurd, and wasn't taking the advantage of working out there! I went down and spent the day with her working out and she is hooked! She has one of her college girlfriends going now too!! Whoot Whoot! =)
    Nice to meet you! Check in every single day!!!!!!
  • Hello! Welcome to the site! The Adroid App is great, that's how I found the site as well!
    Fast Food gets you good, huh? I've been in the same boat, seeing as I live like a mile down the road from a McD's! Congrats on the full-time job though man! It's always great to get started so young! I myself am only 21 and own my own business!
    Now, to the fitness! First off, you've gotten started really well! It's a big commitment to not drink any soda! I drink about one Diet Soda a week! So, Way to go!

    Sounds to me like you're doing a great job so far! Just make sure you're still eating plenty of food! And watch your fat content as well as your calories! And just keep up the good work!!!

    Feel free to friend me, if you'd like!
  • this site is great! I found it on my phone also but the message boards are a great help. one pound at a time and we will all get to our goals. good luck!
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    I'll be buying some decent scales today as havn't got any at my house.
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