My New Food LOVE!

I don't know if anyone else has tried these, but the Sam's Choice Stuffed Chicken Breasts are AMAZING!!!! :love: Super low cal and so filling! 2 for under $5! Creamy spinach and artichoke, pepper jack & swiss-american & bacon, crimini & button mushroom, 3 cheese and jalapeno, it just keeps going!

There is also another brand Barber Foods that has these, but they are breaded so the cals are a little higher, under 400 each, but they are super amazing as well!

Just wanted to share my new love with everyone else. Have a great day all! :flowerforyou:


  • mariaezdabomb
    sounds great! :)
  • Justpeachy78
    Sounds delish! I will check them out
  • monica22886
    monica22886 Posts: 17 Member
    Tried them - think they are pretty good too! I was surprised for the low amount of calories!
  • geoffsroote
    geoffsroote Posts: 15 Member
    So now that you know what is in them, why not try making them at home with fresh ingredients yourself! You're body will respond better to the nutrients and you'll cut out any preservatives that you might get in there. Not to mention the taste will probably be better :D