cheat day question



  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Good question, your cheat day depends on what the other 6days were like, if you're a serious dieter and you don't even smell anything unhealthy throughout the week then yes you'll be allowed to eat a lot of other good stuff. But if your week is not the healthiest then you'll have to control your calorie intake on cheat day, maybe 500kcal over your normal intake. Its better to try and keep it healthy ie, you may want to eat a whole chicken, make sure its grilled chicken without the skin, cheat day doesn't mean you should go to mcdonalds and eat 5000 kcals because the next day you will have to go back on your normal diet and burning off those calories wont be easy, you'll need to whole week yi burn it off then here comes the next cheat day and you do the same thing which will leave you with even more calories to burn in a shorter time. Next thing you know you will be doing 2 cheat days a week and before you know it your diet will be out the window and you'll be back on junk food. So for cheat day, stay within 500-1000 kcal of your normal diet and keep the food healthy, high protein, low carbs as carbs are stored as fat by the body and proteins are used and not stored. I hope this helps lol

    I do not think I would consider myself to be a "serious dieter" mostly because I refuse to make any changes that I cannot commit to for the rest of my life. I am not a "clean eater" but I have cut a lot of fast food out to fit into my goals comfortably. There is something that just pisses me off about running for an hour to eat 1 cheeseburger lol so I don't.

    I just see people referencing their cheat day a lot and I wanted to know what it was and why people do it.

    I am changing my weekly goal though... .5 right now to see how that works.

    It looks like you're not taking him seriously , and that's good. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and a good plan in place. Good luck!
  • Fit_Chef_NE
    Fit_Chef_NE Posts: 110 Member
    I feel like this is a very personal thing. Some people can do a whole "screw it, I'm feasting" day and then go back to their usual diet. Others can do that for just a single meal. I occasionally will have a cheat meal but 9 times out of 10 I end up changing my mind right before I order or cook and either make half a portion of what I am craving or fit it into my day's calories.

    The best strategy I've come up with for wanting to indulge occasionally is to subtract something like 50-100 calories from each day of the week I am having the cheat. That way my whole week will still be at a deficit even if I go over that one day. I barely notice those calories each day and the scale keeps heading down.
  • HazeyBlue69
    I don't have cheat days exactly, unless Im on holiday. But like a lot who have already posted, I have the odd meal maybe once or twice a month where I just eat what I want and enjoy it. I may pull back on calories a bit through the day so I don't feel so bad about it. We all still have to have a life afterall.

    I don't think I would do a full on cheat day as to me it would be like slipping back into old habits and I don't want to do that!
  • Yanagibashi
    Yanagibashi Posts: 58 Member
    I don't do cheat days, just cheat meals and only 1 a week. Mostly because my cheat meal is whatever the hell I want and how ever much I want. I ate Taco Bell this week and it was glorious (until later).