Big Realisations.

I've fallen off the wagon big time these past two weeks i went from going to the gym 4days a week to barely once and diet? Well that got blown out of the water!!

I came to the realisation today (finally) that this is NOT A RACE! I don't have to be at my ultimate goal by a deadline anytime soon so long as i'm 5st (around halfway) down by halloween i will be happy, if not it's no big deal!

I am back on the wagon! I am glued/strapped/stapled/sellotaped/chained back on that wagon and I'm in no hurry to get back off!

I have sooo much respect for all you Guys and Dolls who have stuck to your fitness and food regimes! Coz it aint easy!! Xx


  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Good for you :) we all go through good and bad days, dust yourself off and take a deep breath and carry on down the road again :) if gou want a few extra friends to share the journey then feel free to add me :)
  • katlynrose85
    This made me smile! I feel like that some days! And I get so unmotivated sometimes, BUT I just keep on trying!!!!!!! Keep it up gurl! We got this!
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    As long as we keep getting back up, we've got this xoxo