New to the forum

hi, i am new to this site a friend suggested its the best around. i started using it last Monday to keep track of my new workout plan. i am 31 yrs old, when i weighted in i was 210lbs, 5' 11. i would like to get to maybe 190lb or lower, mainly loose my belly. i started last Monday doing the elliptical for 30 minutes a day. after every week i want to up the workout on the elliptical another 15 per week. i started the second week yesterday and i am trying to burn 500 per workout.

Questions i have:

under preference i said i wanna loose 2lbs per week. its saying my Net Calorie Goal is 1410 a day to loose 2lbs a weeks and that is exercising 7 days a week. i thought i read some where that 1lb loss = 3500 calories burned. so if i do the elliptical 7 days a week at 500 plus calorie loss a day that is only 1lb per week... where is the other lb of weight loss coming from.

if its saying my net calorie intake is 1410 a day, after doing my exercise of 500 calories i am really eating about 1910 calories is that safe to say...

i am also drink my 8 cups or water a day like it suggest, is there anything else i can or should do to get down to my target weight. when should i see some difference?



  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    The 1410 already has a calorie deficit built it for you to lose weight. That is why your exercise calories burned get added back in to your daily goals.
  • LilSnoop40
    so its correct and i just keep doing what i am doing, thanks!