Need help with motivation to eat well while injured

Hey, I'm Meghan. I love working out, and was super pumped to rev up my workout this summer, but while training for my first half marathon I injured my foot. It's been about 5 weeks now and it's still giving me trouble, so cardio and lower body lifting has taken a big hit. I started focusing more on upper body to make up for it, and I strained my shoulder over the weekend and now upper body is out too. I'm so frustrated and grumpy- working out has always been my stress relief and time for myself, and now I feel like I can't do anything but abs! As a result, my eating has taken a turn for the worst too. I find myself snacking on candy and other bad things throughout the day just to take my mind off my frustration. I need to continue eating well, especially now that I'm not working out like I'm used to, but I'm having a hard time pulling myself out of my pity party. I'm just looking for some encouragement, or a swift kick in the pants, anything to get me off my glass-half-empty kick and back on the bright side! Please help!


  • pgpardri
    pgpardri Posts: 5
    Meghan, just wanted to reply to you. I too am injured and really struggling to eat well. I have a fracture in my foot from running, and being sidelined this summer is driving me crazy. I've put on weight. I understand the pity party--I served mine up today with Costco chocolate salted caramels :(

    BUT I am having a great dinner: fresh lettuce from the farmer's market, bean salad, and "zoodles" made from zucchini and squash also from the farmer's market. Top it off with my favorite white wine vinegar and it's pretty tasty.

    I don't have a lot of tips, but maybe we could encourage each other?
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I don't have much advice for you right now, but I just wanted to say I feel your pain, as I'm in the same boat right now. I injured my foot while running too, and I'm so bummed because I was really looking forward to doing a ton of exercising this summer (I'm just finishing my first year of teaching so I was FINALLY going to have time to exercise all I wanted over the summer). I have always been better at exercising than eating well, so having to rely more on my diet is a challenge.

    I don't know the exact nature of your foot injury, but would a stationary bike be a viable alternative for cardio? I tried that for the first time today and it didn't bother my foot so I'm going to make it my go-to cardio until my foot is healed. It's not as good of a workout for me, and it's kind of boring, but it's better than nothing haha.
  • pgpardri
    pgpardri Posts: 5
    Biking is ok for me, but only every other day because of where the fracture in my foot is. The doctor is cautious. I am thinking about joining a pool so I can mix in swimming too. Not my normal runner's high for working out. And of course, weights. I know there are things I can do, I just have to accept it's not my "normal."
  • courtneyjacobss
    courtneyjacobss Posts: 4 Member
    I am the same way right now... I had my gallbladder removed.. I've been banned from exercise for like over a month.. I exercise (kickboxing/weights) daily.. I run 5k's almost every single weekend and its been super hard. I told myself I was going to watch what I am eating while off exercise but I've been eating everything in sight and going out to eat 1/2 times a day!! I don't know how to stop this! I have told myself I was going to walk everyday but I haven't walked once.. so don't worry you aren't the only one...
  • I'm sorry you're injured. Maybe when you read my story, you won't make similar mistakes. I started my weight loss journey at 362 pounds, got down to 246, got hit by a car, and gained to 296. Just prior to injury, I could bicycle 70+ miles in a day at a pace of around 10-12 mph. The bicycle is also my antidepressant. I was able to stick to a good eating regiment for about 3 weeks post-accident. Then, I began feeling like everything was unraveling and I started making excuses for poor eating choices and heavier drinking. At the end of the winter and into the spring, I had ballooned to 296. Now, at 287, I can ride my bike but struggle to get beyond 35 miles. Here is what I did wrong: I stopped using MFP, I stopped going to my dietitian, and I stopped sharing my experience with other people. During your injury, continue to use MFP and if you have to express frustration, do it here. Believe me, other people have been in your situation and it helps them to know they are not alone just as much as it will help you.

    That much said, I will keep on punching! It may take another 10 pound weight loss before I'll break 35 miles on a hilly course, but, by god I will do it.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,266 Member
    Some great replies here! I also went through a nasty injury, and came out the other side. Don't forget that at least 80% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym. Keep tracking, keep being accountable no matter what, and hopefully try to find some form of movement that you can do even if it doesn't have the same impact as what you were doing before. I wrecked one knee, so did "dancing" on a large swiss ball, with loud music, just bouncing and wiggling my butt without much weight on the injured leg. One legged bouncing madness -- it looked weird, but it got to be great fun.

    I hope you stick with it! Adjust your diet, do your physiotherapy, and you'll be back with it soon.
  • Kiwi_Billings
    Kiwi_Billings Posts: 76 Member
    Swimming is awesome, if you can get into it. They even have Aqua Zumba classes in some areas,
    and you dont have to put much weight on your lower if you dont want to.
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    What is it you want? Deep down? Whatever that is, is what you will choose. You don't want to be in a pity-party? Then don't. You want to find ways to comfort yourself that aren't food and wallowing. Then do. You have the power! It's elating and addictive.

    I put on 30 lbs over Feb. & Mar. when I broke my big toe. Snapped that puppy right in half. Trust me you can't do anything when you've broken your toe. Don't be me. 'cause now I'm paying the piper.

    It's not a matter of will power, it's a matter of desire.