Sidelined by neck injury, help!

I've been doing this for 2 1/2 years give or take and have lost a total of about 128 lbs...and I've had my share of challenges along the way but by the grace of God have been able to meet them and continue on each time. Recently I''ve developed a debilitating pain in my neck, and have found out that I have 3 herniated discs and 2 pinched nerves. I've had 3 epidurals, so far providing the slightest relief. I"m on various medications from pain killers to nerurontin to help with the pain. The Doctor says NO exercise, and honestly there are days I can't even get out of bed the pain is so bad. I've unfortunately put on about 12 pounds since my routine has become so interrupted. Even eating 1200-1500 calories seems to be working against me...I think I've been at 1200 calories (+/-) so long that my body has become accustomed to burning that plus my usual 600-700 in cardio....I"m sure my calorie intake has increased by not likely above 2000 per day.

Is there anything anyone can think of I can do to burn calories in this condition? There are good days... I was able to walk the mall the other night ( with several breaks) but I don't think 100 calories a day is really going to help that much. Until they can manage the pain I can't do any physical therapy....and am strongly considering surgery as I see it as the fastest route back to the gym. Any comments and suggestions would be greatly welcomed!! Thanks in advance!


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I think you need to put your health first and listen to your doctor. If you gained any wieght during recovery, you will get it off because now you have the tools, skills, and experience to get the weight off. Don't push yourself!
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    Did they give you steroid shots or oral steroids for it? Those can make you put on weighht. I also have 3 herniated discs and the oxycodone they gave me made me lose 15 pounds so I had the opposite effect.
  • omnpotnt
    omnpotnt Posts: 20 Member
    Yes, did a pack of steroids but that was almost 2 months ago, and lost the weight i'd gained from that pretty quickly fortunately. The Epidurals are steroid injections essentially too but haven't read about them causing weight gain, especially since it's a single injection ( though it's the 3rd in 5 weeks). I've just decided I have to buckle down even carbs for now, or for the next week to 10 days at least.....sometimes that at least helps the extra water weight come off....dropped 4 lbs in the last 2 days doing just that so I guess it's at least working to some extent. I used to give myself some leeway with what I ate since I wasn't burning so much off at the gym and my whole diet perspective was predicated on not giving anything i didn't want to give up , up....but with this injury I'm going to have to work harder on the dieting side for a while.

    The Oxy isn't causing any appetite suppressing effect at the start the neurontin did but that seems to have faded too. I guess if i kick the kids out of the house we don't have to have those friggin oreo's calling to me lol. I don't need one to take each pill I just have to keep repeating that lol. Thanks for the responses!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    For now, focus on the food. Get the Oreos and other such things out of the house. Good luck and feel better.