Why aren't I seeing any difference?

I've only recently started dieting, about 2 months now, but I stay well under my calorie limit every day and go on runs every day and try to do weight training every day. In order to have time to work out I wake up pretty early, but I work very late. I feel more and more run down with so little sleep but I'm determined to lose this weight! I've only lost 7 pounds in all this time, but I swear I'm not going anywhere near my calorie limit and my times on my 3 mile runs have gotten faster. What else can I do, or what should I do differently to help me reach my goal of losing 40 lbs?


  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Maybe add some resistance training =)
  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    1) 7 lbs in 2 months is about a pound a week which is pretty good.

    2) Your running times are improving, so you're getting fitter and healthier, which is (or should be) the ultimate goal.

    3) Probably should scale back both your exercise and food intake slightly. Your body needs breaks to recover. You shouldn't be running yourself so hard that you're missing sleep and getting more and more tired - for most people, this just leads to hitting a wall and giving up.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    Current and weekly weight loss setting? 1200 calories is the minimum MFP will give anyone. So even if you don't have that much weight to lose, if you set your account to 2 lbs a week, which requires a 1000 calorie deficit per day compared to your maintenance calories, MFP still gives you 1200 calories per day. So basically, yes, 1 lb per week may very well be where you should be

    Other than that make sure you're not over estimating your food: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1296011-calorie-counting-101
  • JasonKnight85
    JasonKnight85 Posts: 67 Member
    Remember that your muscles will hold on to fluids to recover, and you're stressing yours out every day. They aren't even really getting to fully recover which means they will hold on to that fluid. I bet if you weight trained every other day instead, and got proper sleep the scale would be kinder. Though honestly, the scale is only so useful. The real measure of progress sometimes comes from NSV (non scale victories)... are your clothes fitting any better? Do you feel healthier? You said your times are improving... that's a plus. Don't be so hard on yourself, and like default said... 7lb in 2 months is about a pound a week. That's pretty good.
  • Firstly you don't look as thought you need to lose 40lbs from your picture!!

    How much under your calorie limit are you... I have found, as have others, that you actually lose more weight if you eat as near to your calorie limit as possible!! Your body needs food to repair it'self after exercise... But you need to eat wise; Maybe include a few nuts in your diet, avocado?? Peanut butter with banana on wholemeal bread is a good snacl for runners... Whilst it is higher in calories that an alternative snack, it provides a good balance with enough protein!!

    Also, sleep is very important for weight loss... Ensure you get enough sleep!! You need to give your muscles enough down time to repair themselves... Even if it means training alternate days, or starting a few days a week and then building up the time spent training when you feel ready to increase it!!

    Lastly, you are doing lots of physical exercise... Remember, muscle mass weighs more than fat mass!! Doing all that you are doing will be building muscle mass, and therefore a slower weightloss should be expected... I train 5-6times a week with a mixture of circuits, TRX, running and cycling and have lost 4kg in 2 months!! HOWEVER, i have notice a larger difference in my size... Basically, try measuring your waist, legs, arms etc and see the faster loss in those numbers as oppose to weight loss!!

    Hope this helps... It's always good to talk!!
  • JSG this post is pretty much similar to the one iv just posted ! Frustrating isn't it. Have a look at the comments on mine, I feel better already lol. Hang in there !
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    JSG this post is pretty much similar to the one iv just posted ! Frustrating isn't it. Have a look at the comments on mine, I feel better already lol. Hang in there !

    How? Everything about your account is private. There's no way to see your recent posts or how you setup your diary to solve the problem
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    I think youre being too harsh on yourself that's fab loss I lose about 0.5lbs a week so youre doing better than me
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    7 pounds in 2 months is pretty much as good as it gets...

    If this isn't what you expected it sounds like you may need to reevaluate your expectations.
  • JSG this post is pretty much similar to the one iv just posted ! Frustrating isn't it. Have a look at the comments on mine, I feel better already lol. Hang in there !

    How? Everything about your account is private. There's no way to see your recent posts or how you setup your diary to solve the problem

    I wasn't aware it was private, so no need for the narkiness thanks. First time posting in a long time.....and I got helpful and informative comments back. You should try it.
  • momiji166
    momiji166 Posts: 32
    I have at least 100lbs to lose and in 8 weeks I lost 8lbs. I was training 4 times per week and sticking to my MFP guidelines. In that time I lost 5 inches from my waist and 5 inches from my hips. I was definatley not complaining.

    I would suggest eating as close as you can to your calories for the day including 1/2 back of your exercise cals and taking the measurements, its the only thing that has kept me focused.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I think 7 pounds is a great loss and success. Congrats. What your doing already seems to be working.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    7 pounds in 2 months is AWESOME! It's working!!! Have faith in the process and keep up the hard work.

    I would also suggest incorporating at least 1 rest day and switching up your cardio every other day. Hopefully when you hit the weights, you're not doing the same thing every day.

    Your muscles need time to recover after a workout. If you run 3 miles on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, try some kind of cross training for the same amount of time (or longer if it's low impact) on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. Cycling, power yoga, and swimming are my favorite types of cross-training. This will keep your calorie burn up but give your running-muscles and joints a chance to fully recover. It probably won't have much impact on your rate of weight loss but it should help you feel better during the process.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    JSG this post is pretty much similar to the one iv just posted ! Frustrating isn't it. Have a look at the comments on mine, I feel better already lol. Hang in there !

    How? Everything about your account is private. There's no way to see your recent posts or how you setup your diary to solve the problem

    I wasn't aware it was private, so no need for the narkiness thanks. First time posting in a long time.....and I got helpful and informative comments back. You should try it.

    My bad. Let me rephrase my question. Your Highness, ma'am, I did a quick check and have not been able to find the post you just referenced on someone else's thread. There are actually multiple forums (not even counting groups) on MyFitnessPal. Would it be a lot of trouble to post the ****ing link, please, or provide some other path to the same?
  • jsg1739
    jsg1739 Posts: 4
    From what everyone has said, my weight loss amount is normal and I guess I'll just have to come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to lose this weight as quickly as I wanted. I also think I'm going to start switching up my workout a little more to give my muscles time to recover. I can't really help the lack of sleep thing though. I live in Phoenix where it's 100+ everyday so if I don't get up at 6am, it'll be way too hot.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I've only recently started dieting, about 2 months now, but I stay well under my calorie limit every day and go on runs every day and try to do weight training every day. In order to have time to work out I wake up pretty early, but I work very late. I feel more and more run down with so little sleep but I'm determined to lose this weight! I've only lost 7 pounds in all this time, but I swear I'm not going anywhere near my calorie limit and my times on my 3 mile runs have gotten faster. What else can I do, or what should I do differently to help me reach my goal of losing 40 lbs?
    You've lost 7 pounds in two months and that upsets you? Seriously, you're doing fine.

    That said, how do you know you're staying under your calories? Do you weigh all your food and log everything you ingest?

    Do you have a heart rate monitor or something like a fit bit or body media to estimate you'd calories?

    Most people miscalculated calories, bodyweight loss goes slower.
  • pythonesk
    pythonesk Posts: 20 Member
    I think that if you don't eat enough your body will go into starvation mode, just my opinion here. You might want to try eating right at your MFP recommendations, instead of under, and see what happens. Same goes for over training. You could cut it back by half and your body will probably thank you.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.
  • stormyview
    stormyview Posts: 81 Member
    JSG this post is pretty much similar to the one iv just posted ! Frustrating isn't it. Have a look at the comments on mine, I feel better already lol. Hang in there !

    How? Everything about your account is private. There's no way to see your recent posts or how you setup your diary to solve the problem

    I wasn't aware it was private, so no need for the narkiness thanks. First time posting in a long time.....and I got helpful and informative comments back. You should try it.

    My bad. Let me rephrase my question. Your Highness, ma'am, I did a quick check and have not been able to find the post you just referenced on someone else's thread. There are actually multiple forums (not even counting groups) on MyFitnessPal. Would it be a lot of trouble to post the ****ing link, please, or provide some other path to the same?

    It's the top link.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.

    I would assume she doesn't make her choices on how she wants her body to look based on the opinions (opinions, not facts) of random internet strangers.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.

    I would assume she doesn't make her choices on how she wants her body to look based on the opinions (opinions, not facts) of random internet strangers.

    Could possibly be better than basing it on the standards of anorexic catwalk models. I suggest you refrain from treating me like some kind of sleazebag because I a man dares to voice the opinion that women or men for that matter shouldn't ruin their health in pursuit of a dress or jean size. It's my opinion and she will make her own decision about what to do with it. She doesn't need you or me to make it for her. Giving an opinion is not being rude. Being rude would be for me to say that I think that the ribs sticking out of your chest make you look ugly. See the difference?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.
    Could possibly be better than basing it on the standards of anorexic catwalk models. I suggest you refrain from treating me like some kind of sleazebag because I a man dares to voice the opinion that women or men for that matter shouldn't ruin their health in pursuit of a dress or jean size. It's my opinion and she will make her own decision about what to do with it. She doesn't need you or me to make it for her. Giving an opinion is not being rude. Being rude would be for me to say that I think that the ribs sticking out of your chest make you look ugly. See the difference?
    What in the heck? You don't know how much she weighs because she didn't share that. A facial picture often does not tell much because some people don't gain a lot of weight in their faces but do gain in other parts of their body.

    You are presuming.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    OP answers own question in first sentence of post.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    From what everyone has said, my weight loss amount is normal and I guess I'll just have to come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to lose this weight as quickly as I wanted. I also think I'm going to start switching up my workout a little more to give my muscles time to recover. I can't really help the lack of sleep thing though. I live in Phoenix where it's 100+ everyday so if I don't get up at 6am, it'll be way too hot.

    6 am is an excellent time to wake up :)

    stormyview, thank you!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.
    Could possibly be better than basing it on the standards of anorexic catwalk models. I suggest you refrain from treating me like some kind of sleazebag because I a man dares to voice the opinion that women or men for that matter shouldn't ruin their health in pursuit of a dress or jean size. It's my opinion and she will make her own decision about what to do with it. She doesn't need you or me to make it for her. Giving an opinion is not being rude. Being rude would be for me to say that I think that the ribs sticking out of your chest make you look ugly. See the difference?
    What in the heck? You don't know how much she weighs because she didn't share that. A facial picture often does not tell much because some people don't gain a lot of weight in their faces but do gain in other parts of their body.

    You are presuming.

    Not really. They did ask how much she weighs. As evidenced by this very thread, sometimes the OP can't or doesn't answer every question asked, so you may have to both ask a question and make your point based on an assumption at the same time.
  • jsg1739
    jsg1739 Posts: 4
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.

    I started at 160 and am currently down to 152. I set my goal at 40 lbs, but if I get the desired body before I hit that goal (maybe around 130-125ish) I may just try to maintain that. But I definitely don't think 120 would make me look like a skeleton. Maybe if I was taller, but I'm only 5'5".
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    JSG this post is pretty much similar to the one iv just posted ! Frustrating isn't it. Have a look at the comments on mine, I feel better already lol. Hang in there !

    How? Everything about your account is private. There's no way to see your recent posts or how you setup your diary to solve the problem

    I wasn't aware it was private, so no need for the narkiness thanks. First time posting in a long time.....and I got helpful and informative comments back. You should try it.

    My bad. Let me rephrase my question. Your Highness, ma'am, I did a quick check and have not been able to find the post you just referenced on someone else's thread. There are actually multiple forums (not even counting groups) on MyFitnessPal. Would it be a lot of trouble to post the ****ing link, please, or provide some other path to the same?

  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.

    I started at 160 and am currently down to 152. I set my goal at 40 lbs, but if I get the desired body before I hit that goal (maybe around 130-125ish) I may just try to maintain that. But I definitely don't think 120 would make me look like a skeleton. Maybe if I was taller, but I'm only 5'5".

    Cool cool that sounds sensible since you are after a look and not some random number. Personally I think 120 might be a bit on the low side but that's just one mans opinion and like i said u don't have to care.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Eeerm may I ask how much you weigh now? It's just that frankly I think if someone like you actually manages to lose 40lb's you will in fact ruin your good looks and end up resembling a skeleton.
    Could possibly be better than basing it on the standards of anorexic catwalk models. I suggest you refrain from treating me like some kind of sleazebag because I a man dares to voice the opinion that women or men for that matter shouldn't ruin their health in pursuit of a dress or jean size. It's my opinion and she will make her own decision about what to do with it. She doesn't need you or me to make it for her. Giving an opinion is not being rude. Being rude would be for me to say that I think that the ribs sticking out of your chest make you look ugly. See the difference?
    What in the heck? You don't know how much she weighs because she didn't share that. A facial picture often does not tell much because some people don't gain a lot of weight in their faces but do gain in other parts of their body.

    You are presuming.

    Not really. They did ask how much she weighs. As evidenced by this very thread, sometimes the OP can't or doesn't answer every question asked, so you may have to both ask a question and make your point based on an assumption at the same time.
    For goodness sake, this response is way too deep for me at this time of the morning. :bigsmile: :yawn:
  • photochik71
    photochik71 Posts: 37 Member
    I lost 25 pounds two years ago....took me a year to lose it, but I've kept it off for a year and now I'm ready to lose the last 15. Seven pounds in two months is awesome! The tortoise always wins the race!