Hello Everyone-I am looking for friends!

I am a 25 year old High School English teacher. I want/need to lose 75 pounds. I want to accomplish this goal over the coarse of this year. My support system at home is as good as it can be- my husband and the people I come into contact with on a daily basis do not have the need or want to lose weight, eat healthy, or exercise at all, but they support me in my endeavors to do so. What I would like is to have a friend who is going to log in everyday, try to exercise every day, eat right most of the time, and is genuinely trying to show up and do this on their own while working full time and dealing with the rigors of daily life. I do not have a gym membership, I live where it is hard to workout outside during the winter months- it is currently snowing and the ground and streets are covered- and my only resources are P90X videos, a set of weights, a heart rate monitor, and a pull up bar. I can do this on my own but I really need a support system. If you're interested in being a weightloss buddy, let me know :)


  • AngieRevised
    Hey there!

    I am new as well and our story sounds a bit similar.....I Would love to be your buddy. Just figuring my way around here so let me see if I can figure out how to add you!

  • lisamaria63
    Add me. I am determined and in here everyday> I don't go to the gym either but I just bought A Kmart special epileptic trainer... Trying my hardest to lose the 30 lbs I gained since quiting smoking & changing jobs 2 years ago! Good luck and may our will to succeed help us along the way!
  • Dtermined89
    hey i hear and have seen from members on this site and people in real life tha p90x really works. I too am the only one in my house with any desire to loose weight. I live with my boyfriend who is probably the best example of a carnivore anyone could ever ask for lol. even if we are the only ones in our houses who want to change support on here really helps. good luck!
  • AmberHalvorson
    AmberHalvorson Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am new to this as well and am trying to lose the baby weight I have gained over the past year. I want to lose 25 pounds and be able to keep it off this time. I tend to lose it and then reward myself with a large pizza! And then the weight creeps back on. My husband should do this with me, but has no desire to exercise or eat healthier, but he is supportive of my goals. However, it is hard when he wants tacos and nachos and I cave in and join him. I really want to do a 1/2 marathon in May so that is just one of my goals.

    I exercised today - 30 minutes on the treadmill, ran 6 of those minutes and am tracking all of my food. Hopefully if I know I have to track it, I won't eat the bad stuff!! Any of you have any good snack ideas? I need to be able to keep my calories at atleast 1200, but want to make sure I am doing it the right way.

    I wish you all the best of luck! Together I know we can do this!! Not sure how to add anyone as a buddy though!

  • Titus220
    I am new to this as well! I am really looking forward to the support and knowledge everyone has to offer!
  • allisonlart
    allisonlart Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone who has posted here, feel free to add me too. I am too out of shape to do P90X just yet, so I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred for a month then switching over to P90X. :-D
  • rock810
    rock810 Posts: 17
    Feel free to add me
  • NicholasMongold
    I'd love it if EVERYONE added me. :laugh:
    I'd love to help.
    welcome and good luck!!!!
  • Yankees191
    Feel Free to add me as well. I am new here too and would love the support of other people to help me stay motivated. I am looking to lose about 60lbs in the next year. I don't have a gym membership at the moment either and, like you, because of the snow will be working out indoors. I have a gazelle and plenty of work out tapes (I get bored easily) and will be trying the Brazillian Butt workout the next 6 weeks. I am thinking of getting PX90 too, so let me know what you think of it after you've tried it for awhile. I am really ready to see some results!