Anyone lose the "flesh apron" on their belly?

Deb_smiles Posts: 35 Member
Hey all! This is my first time posting a question on these boards. I have had 3 c-sections, and I have the "lovely" flesh apron that hangs down over my c-section scar. I still have 50-60 pounds left to lose. It is getting smaller, but it's still there. Anyone lose theirs without surgery? It is really unattractive. I can even see it through some of my clothes. Thanks for the feedback.


  • SLP76
    SLP76 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi - I've had 2 C-sections. If I lose weight, it does get smaller and does not overhang. However, there is always a ridge there, where you can see the difference between the top and the underneath of the scar, i.e the skin underneath is tighter. I think if I lost a lot of weight it could easily be hidden by choosing the correct underwear or swimwear.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm laughing at the term flesh apron. It's the perfect description. I didn't have a c section but I have ye olde apron too.

    I have seen a big decrease so far. It's still there but I feel like I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel in regard to it. I am guessing that it will take me another 15 pounds before it really shrinks up. My tentative goal is 151 (5'6") but I have a hunch I'll need to go a bit under that to get there.
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    I seriously love the term "flesh apron"'s so perfect. :laugh:
    I was 220 and had a large one from massive stretchmarks after the birth of my son.
    today I am down in the low 140's and it is almost gone! I'm sure after strengthening my ab muscles, it may not be completely gone, but it will be close!
    Don't worry! there is hope!! :smile:
  • mummyjonno
    mummyjonno Posts: 25 Member
    I'd like to think we will (I've had 2 sections too) But from what doctors tell me fat binds in between the muscles as they heal back together leaving the apron. I was told it will get smaller but it won't ever be gone without surgery xx
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    LOL - what an appropriate term!

    I had one C-Section - almost 16 years ago - lost about 27 lbs; am 5'2", and 115 lbs -

    I'd say my 'flesh apron' is 90% gone -

    A big thing that helped 'shrink' it has been weight lifting along with exercise -

    And I"m no 'Spring Chick'!
  • EverSinging
    EverSinging Posts: 30 Member
    Oh the things mothers endure for their loves! I had a vaginal birth, but unfortunately the lower abdomen is where I got all the stretch marks, despite my valiant attempts to slather the tummy with cocoa butter and anti-stretch-mark things. I didn't even realize the extent of them until after his birth, because I couldn't see them. I'm still not quite to my goal. Working on my last 15-20 lb. However, I do wonder how flat is realistic to expect given the extent of the stretched skin. I imagine it will be flatTER, but never flat. I imagine the same is true, perhaps even more so for C-section flap. All we can do is keep working toward optimum health, yes?
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I lost 120 lbs and had an apron. The actual name of my procedure was called an apronectomy. I was told the skin wouldnt shrink back. Mine may have been more substantial so I felt I had no choice to go under the knife. I did a braccioplasty as well...arms... maybe make a consult with a surgeon and get their opinion.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I think if you allow yourself to carry extra fat in your mid-section for many years the skin becomes so stretched that the "skin apron" will never go away. Case in point... I have a small frame, I am 5'4" tall. I gave birth to two babies, the first weighed nearly 11 pounds at birth and the second was 10.5 pounds. No "C" section... both were natural and that was well over 30 years ago. During those years I never watched my weight and the pounds just added up. The stretch marks from such large babies allowed the fat to accumulate... fast forward to now and nearly 90 pounds weight loss, this "flesh apron" that formed at the low point of my mid-section just will never go away... not without surgery. I am a size zero now and yes with exercise I will never repair the damage done.

    My recommendation is to do just what you are doing... work on being the best you you can and want to be; before the years pass. Skin is like elastic, you stretch the skin/elastic for too long, it will never return to its original shape. Never give up!
  • Brandy3827
    Brandy3827 Posts: 42 Member
  • megjr8
    megjr8 Posts: 7
    Working on it! Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack has been an awesome help. I try to do it 2-3x a week. I am 5'2" and have had 2 kids (vaginally though) plus major open abdominal surgery in between the kids.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    3 years on from my son and I still have excess skin. I have exercised 3 times a week religiously since he was born, I have a flat stomach, a 24inch waist yet still have a small pouch of skin under my navel. I think once skin is stretched thats pretty much it. I have no fat left in the pouch, it just skin!
  • Chrystine71
    Chrystine71 Posts: 224
    I already have mentally accepted and planned for surgery after I reach my loss goal....its inevitable Lol
  • dkb211
    dkb211 Posts: 4 Member
    I have a small apron from my two children... hopefully losing the last 9lbs and toning/building muscle will help reduce the look of it...
  • keshabbaker
    keshabbaker Posts: 152 Member
    now I am sad I had two c-sections and was holding out hope that I could loose this pooch under the belly button but the muscles are gone down there after surgery so will it ever go away???? I have 40 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight 150 so there is hope still.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member

    Mine's almost gone.

    I'm 5'7.
    It wasn't as noticeable when I was 224 lbs, it just blended in with all my fat. When I got down to 180-160 it became much more obvious because so much other fat was gone, it just left the apron. It was awful!
    Now that I'm working through the 150's I'm getting much closer to a healthy body fat % and it is disappearing! I just noticed it within the past few days. I can tell that it will be gone once I lose more fat.

    My advice is, don't focus on one thing you don't like about your body. Just keep focusing on the overall lifestyle change of eating well and working out and it will come with time! It's just fat and all you have to do is lower your body fat % :)

    Isnt that apron made of outstretched skin only?

  • tracyj1247
    tracyj1247 Posts: 22 Member
    I have the same problem that's what I am working on. I have lost 30 pounds so far. The apron is still there hopefully when I get to my goal weight it will be gone.
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    I have lost 13lbs of 28lbs I would like to lose...My apron (eeww) is so much a previous lady said, it's more of a ridge now but I can see the scar when I look down without having to lift anything!! loool :D I'm also using a firming lotion on my belly, it's cocoa butter so apart from making me want to eat myself, not sure it's doing anything....Keep it up ladies <3
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