
I've been considering Herbalife as a program to help me on my weight loss journey. Is it really worth it?? It seems like it's about $3 per day just in vitimans and another $2 or so in shakes, not to mention tea and snacks. Are the vitimans any different than ones I can get at a regualr store or even a nurtition store? Seems like the shakes could be replaced with something from a store, too. In addition to the cost thee is shipping involved and that seems unnecessary to add to my weight loss expenses... I'm not trying to fund the post office here! I keep going back and forth... I have heard such good things about the program and fast weight loss, but it's so expensive and what will happen if one day I don't want to have shakes for 2 meals a day and take 5 vitiman pills every day... will it all just pile back on? I appreciate any comments!

Thanks :wink:


  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I have no experience.. but you shouldn't be aiming for fast weight loss, you should learn to modify your lifestyle to something realistic that you can stick with. If you were to pay for this program and lose all the weight, then what happens once you reach your "goal"? Once you go back to eating your own food, instead of paying for a program with normal food.. is it really worth the more instant satisfaction than doing the lifestyle change at a gradual, manageable pace?

    Good luck. Just something to think about.
  • mrshoffman07
    Do NOT do it. A family member used to sell it and my dad followed the program. He lost weight and so did the family members selling it. They are had to stop because it was affecting their hearts (rapid heart rate and high blood pressure when they never had problems before) and were becoming highly addicted to it. All of them had withdrawls for several weeks. My uncle said quitting smoking was easier.
  • lanadee
    lanadee Posts: 14 Member
    I like herbalife. I know of people who have really lost weight using it. I am currently using it when I get sick of eating eggs, cheese and meat. ( I am doing Low Carb).

    My problem is it is too high in carbs for any rapid weight loss for ME. I think if you are young and or your metabolism is higher than mine..use it. The two shakes a day with added protein are a good way to keep your calorie intake to a minimun during the day. Then a healthy supper. It is certainly a good way to start a diet! And healthier than many diets.

    I hope this helps you with your decision.

    Your friend,
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    eat better , move more.. quick fixes usualy have the opposite affect when you go back to "eating normaly"

    what ever you decide to do good luck
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    You could find a distributor in your area that you can go and pick it up yourself without having to ship anything. Also, remember you'll be replacing the meals with this so you won't have to spend money on food so it is not really that much expensive. As for the vitamins, most you can replace with others but shakes are differente, and tastier, than slim fast for example.

    I have used herbalife in the past, and I think it is great! However, you get tired of eating real food just once a day and drinking shakes breakfast dinner. I wanted REAL food! I think it is better if you use it as part of a counting calorie diet. If I remember correctly, the shake, plus the protein mixed with skim milk is a little bit more than 200 calories....you could have that for breakfast plus some fruits, or add granola or something, and then eat the rest of your assigned calories the rest of the day...you could have it for dinner as well but always adding some solid stuff...otherwise you'll kill yourself out of boredome after a week!!! and you'll be more prone to fall off the wagon!

    Good luck!
  • aathom11
    aathom11 Posts: 32 Member
    Its a good product. But keep in mind are you going to drink shakes for the rest of your life? I've lost 110 watching my calories and a lot exercise. I do have Herbalife. I love the shakes and the vitimins are great. H3O is amazing ,I drink that when I work out. I only do the shakes in morning a coulple times a week. Its a good way to change up your breakfast or when your in a hurry and don't want to eat bad.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Exactly, yeah you lose weight fast but you have to start eating normally at some point. Have you ever hard people say I lost the weight but gained it back and then some. This would be a great example of one of those diets. You have to teach yourself to eat better and move.
  • jswoods
    jswoods Posts: 23
    I use a product called Shakeology from the makers of P90X. It has better nutritional value than Herbalife, with out the jittery feelings and elevated heart rate. Its a meal replacement.
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    I have to agree with mrshoffman.. DO NOT DO IT!!! Sure you will lose weight, but once you start eating real food you will gain the weight back!! I've had many friends you tried this and other programs like it. And have gained all their back plus more...
    Please be careful!
    A well balanced diet will go a long way in your success.
    Good Luck
  • JudyPena30
    Great Choice..Herbalife is by far the best product i have ever used ....go to their website ...they have great testimonies...i used for the nutrition ..my skin got better and energy levels are awesome...i did it also to gain weight so instead of replacing meals i ate as usual and drank the protein shakes....i have seen people at the club after months lose weight ..build muscles and get off prescription meds... after the first 3 days i used it ...i started to sleep better and didn't feel sleepy in the middle of the day. I began to see the definition of muscle and i wasn't even working out. You get results quickly with this product and nothing synthetic about it. One word Awesome like God.. haha.. Have Fun. Buy It
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    Herbalife has worked for me. I just do the two shakes a day and with the help of MFP, count my calories.
  • amelia4153
    amelia4153 Posts: 27 Member
    I would recommend that you give Herbalife a try because you actually remind me of how I felt before I started using it. I was SO skeptical and since I am somebody that doesn't even like to take Tylenol for headaches, I definitely didn't see myself taking pills before each meal. I am a Christian person and didn't want to feel like I was taking drugs to get healthy, and in addition, years ago I had taken Metabolife to lose weight (when it contained ephdra) and I feel like that contributed to how fast I gained my weight back PLUS some. But, I was STUCK! I felt like I would NEVER get motivated to lose weight or get healthier. In my weightloss journey, I had tried everything and nothing worked. My problem wasn't that I didn't know what to do, because I did. I knew that I needed to eat healthy, balanced meals and that I needed to exercise, but my problem was that I didn't feel like it! I literally had no energy to get up and exercise and I didn't have the motivation to get up and go grocery shopping. My weight piled on for six years and I finally topped the scales at 290! Everyday I became less motivated and less encouraged to cook/eat well. My friend started selling Herbalife and tried to get me to start up for months. I was VERY skeptical and it took me forever to try it. I finally decided to try it after having my third miscarriage this past November (I have one son and had a perfectly healthy pregnancy, but was also at a normal weight, so I blame my weight). I was VERY shocked that I like Herbalife and I'm actually STILL shocked that it's working for me! I can't say enough good things that have came from starting Herbalife! I have more energy, but not in a bad/jittery way. With the increased energy, I grocery shop every week and cook healthy meals for my family every night. I'm the only person in my family of three that is doing the Herbalife plan, but my husband and son have also reeped the benefits of Herbalife because of my healthy cooking. I exercise 4 to 5 days a week because I have the energy to do it (although I still don't love to exercising, I'm happy that I finally do it), which just helps increase my energy level even more. I drink two shakes a day and have a healthy, balanced dinner and normally a Fiber One bar as a snack. I started on November 18, 2010 and have lost 29 lbs so far. My doctor is a health NUT and so I figured he would not approve of Herbalife or the rate of my weightloss, but after talking with him about it and showing him the Herbalife Shake label for him to look over, he said it seems completely healthy. He, of course, warned me that I will one day have to return to eating normal meals and that I will have to make healthy choices for those meals or the weight will pile back on. I definitely know that will be a challenge I will have to face, but cooking more than one healthy meal a day doesn't seem like such a chore now like it did before I started this plan. Every week I try a new, healthy recipe and so cooking healthy is actually starting to be fun! lol I feel like Herbalife has helped me look at food in a different way. I don't know, it's hard to explain. I guess every situation is different and the reasons it works for me probably aren't the same reasons why it would work for someone else, but I'm just happy that I started it. I mix coffee with my first shake, so it tastes like a frappicino and doesn't really feel like a "shake". And my afternoon shake just feels more convenient than making lunch because I'm normally on the go during that time. As far as the money goes, my family has actually SAVED money. Before, we were eating out just about every night since I never felt like cooking, so just me actually cooking meals has saved us a TON, plus, I don't have to buy food for me to eat during the day because I have my shakes. I spend about $125 a month (2 containers of shakes, 1 bottle total control, 1 bottle cell activator is all I use. I don't use the Herbal Tea or any of the other supplements they offer.) so that's about $4.50 a day for two shakes a day which is much less than I could've spent on two meals. I take my own multi-vitamin instead of taking the one that Herbalife sells so that I can save money. I feel like there is probably something else out there that is the same as the Herbalife shake, but so far everything is either the same price or more expensive so I've just decided to stick with Herbalife. I also have a feeling there is something out there equivalent to the cell activator, and if I find it I'll let you know! :) I don't give Herbalife all the credit because I AM RESPONSIBLE for changing my eating habits by cooking healthier and I AM RESPONSIBLE for drinking water all day instead of sugary drinks and I AM RESPONSIBLE for getting my butt on my eliptical machine several times a week! I do give it credit for giving me the support I need to do those things. I plan to continue one shake a day after I reach my goal weight, because suprisingly, I actually like my coffee drink in the morning. lol I don't feel addicted and pray that I'm not! As skeptical as I was I would feel terrible to know that I'm addicted to this stuff. I'm going to continue to use it, but reading the other comments makes me realize that I need to be careful and make sure that it's not affecting me in a negative way. So far, I've been doing the shakes for two months and have only seen my health improve. Of course, at 290 lbs I think any kind of healthy change was a good one for me. (I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS REPLY TO BE SO LONG, BUT HOPE THAT YOU FIND IT HELPFUL IN YOUR DECISION)... :)
  • amelia4153
    amelia4153 Posts: 27 Member
    That reply was the first time I've ever replied to a topic in the boards... I think I got a little carried away! haha... :ohwell: