
gelabelly Posts: 8
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hi Everyone. I want to do a poll! Do you think having incentives/rewards for losing weight (say a new wardrobe at 30lbs dropped, etc) is motivational and/or works?

Also, if you do think so, what is or would be your incentive/reward?


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I haven't used incentives/rewards personally. I think that's a personal decision. Is a new wardrobe something that motivates you? Then, by all means, do it! My reward is being healthier and just feeling better about myself; that's all I need! Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks Jaime! I don't think a new wardrobe would be incentive enough for me. I think it would have to be something major because it takes a lot to motivate me.... maybe a trip to Vegas? lol
  • My main incentives is my health and being able to keep up with my grandchildren.
  • sounds like a good idea to me, the main thing is whatever keeps you motivated and going do, there is really no right or wrong answer, i have rewarded myself for a job well done before.. helps with the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    My boyfriend was trying to kindly nudge me about my weight gain in the summer, which I hate, I know I'm fat. So I said to him, what do I get if I loose the weight. He said he didn't know, so I said, how about a ring! That made him go silent. Lol I am loosing weight for me though, but an engagement ring would be nice, as I only wear rings when I'm small, otherwise I have to wear man sized rings, or get told "sorry we don't have it in your size". With a big engagement party and new dress. Alas, my boyfriend is a commitmaphobe thus far. So instead, I will reward myself with a whole new wardrobe when I reach the point of looking like MC Hammer and people insisting on giving me their slim cast off's because I look like a child trying on mother's clothes. Lol
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    In the end, you have to do it for yourself.

    Of course I want to look better. I'm a 30 something female in America. That's a given.

    Reality? That's not enough of a reason to lose a large amount of weight and keep it off permanently.

    So what is?
    For me, it's for my knees to stop hurting. Being able to easily bend over and tie my shoes or clip my toenails. To ski and hike again (I LOVE being outdoors, but cannot do what I used to). To have going up and down the stairs be easy, normal. To lower my cholestrol. And to be able to keep up with my hubby...
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    I use incentives and rewards personally. I have a big reward for when I reach my ultimate weight loss goal. However, I do have subgoals for every 10 pounds I lose. Nothing extravagant. For example, I plan to by myself a new gym back once I get to my next subgoal. I actually taped a photo of the gym bag inside my weight loss journal so I see it every time I start exercising.

    Works for me!

  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I find that buying new clothes as you go is a motivator. I lost 90lbs a couple years ago (now back to lose the last 60-70) and was amazed that how motivating it was to see myself in clothes that acutally fit. You can see the changes in your body better that way; they aren't hidden by all the excess fabric :laugh: I don't have specific goals but I started puting away $5 a pound, and when I finally reach my goal weight I will have to figure out what the reward is then, perhaps a trip :happy:
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    I'm not sure about incentives for myself. I spoil myself all the time so I think for myself it would be a moot point. LOL...I think my biggest incentive is the way I will look and feel and I want my man's eyes to pop out of his head when he sees me. That's my motivation!
  • What do you think about purchasing an outfit in a size that you want to fit into as incentive?
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    What do you think about purchasing an outfit in a size that you want to fit into as incentive?

    I think thats a good idea. I may try that. Right now my incentive is taking sexy V-day pics. I have 3 more weeks to flatter abs and a toner body!
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