Factor V leiden /blood clotting disorder

Is anyone else out there dealing with factor V leiden or another blood clotting disorder? I have factor V and I am heading to the doctor today to find out if this lump in my leg is a clot or not. But I know that I don't want to go on blood thinners the rest of my life. I am going to want to handle this naturally if I can. Does anyone else manage their thick blood with food/diet/natural supplements?
Would love some advice.


  • StephanieMM717
    The people in my family that have Factor V manage it with blood thinners. I don't know of any natural remedies. I know that it is something doctors will want to continuously monitor, though. Good luck!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    sorry. If that lump in your leg is a clot you will need to be on blood thinners for at least 6 months, if not for life. Otherwise, you could develop a fatal clot in your lungs. You should at least be on aspirin given your medical history alone. For those without actual medical conditions there are things like garlic and omega-3s, etc that thin the blood, but none have been shown to prevent clots, especially in people with coagulopathies.

    Also, it would be irresponsible of me not to chastise you for seeking medical advice on the internet. Don't listen to what random strangers say about a life or death situation. Don't find some random treatment on google and take it as gospel. I could tell you I'm a doctor but for all you know I'm lying. Best of luck and be safe.
  • delilahthegoddess
    I don't have much faith in doctors as my Dad was almost killed by one. It was his own insticts that saved him! Also I am not so narrow minded as to take any one veiw, being from a stranger or western or wholistic doctor, as gospil.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I have factor V Leiden and May-Thurners (My illiac vein collapses onto my artery and cuts off blood flow.)
  • TinyRissa
    hey there my husband has FVL and I am looking into natural remedies, be on the search for vitamin K blockers...
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you suspect a blood clot in your leg please please go to your doctor ASAP. As someone mentioned, it can break free, travel to your lungs and kill you. So first of all, go see a doctor. Then later, with your doctor's assistance, seek out natural ways to support your blood health. This could mean lowering your intake of vitamin K, taking fish oils, etc. But please go to the doctor first.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Is anyone else out there dealing with factor V leiden or another blood clotting disorder? I have factor V and I am heading to the doctor today to find out if this lump in my leg is a clot or not. But I know that I don't want to go on blood thinners the rest of my life. I am going to want to handle this naturally if I can. Does anyone else manage their thick blood with food/diet/natural supplements?
    Would love some advice.

    You won't be able to do this naturally and unless you want to ether 1. Die or 2. Get put in the hospital on a blood thinner I'V drip I suggest going to the doctor and following his or her instuctions. I have watched people die from a blood clot that has broken loose; it's a painful way to go. I'm begging you, please go to the doctor and take the medicines prescribed to you!!!!
  • kyleegarcia27
    I have a clotting disorder too, antiphospholipid syndrome. I am treating my clotting problem with natural remedies. I have a book that has an in depth regimen for many diseases and that is where I got my information from. I would be happy to email you some information if you are interested. there are many NATURAL remedies, herbs and supplements that thin the blood safely and help dissolve clots and reduce them as well as cholesterol. my email is kylee.garcia@rocketmail.com
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    I am Factor V Leiden.
    Had a suspected clot in my leg a few years back, hospital wrote it off as not, 3 months later I am on the floor not breathing because I've got a Pulmonary Embolism (coincidence?) - then its found out I have FVL.

    Anyhow I am dealing with it via Warfarin, and its every day - no other way as far as I know, and I am more than happy to be only taking one tablet a day, no big deal.

    There is new medication on its was which has to be taken everyday but doesn't require constant blood monitoring.

    I home test with a Coagucheck XS machine, and speak to the anti-coag clinic regarding dosing - it doesn't intrude in my life really other than can't play contact sports. I currently test around once every 2-3 months - as my INR levels are fairly stable.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    Damn just noticed that this was an old thread and that the poster has actually deactivated their account.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have three clotting disorders. If you have a clotting disorder, you will HAVE to be on blood thinner. There is no safe way to do it naturally. The risk of clotting is just too high, and way too dangerous to mess with.
  • libra71998
    Check out this link for natural dietary recommendations for Factor V: http://www.livestrong.com/article/282459-diets-for-factor-five-blood/
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    sorry. If that lump in your leg is a clot you will need to be on blood thinners for at least 6 months, if not for life. Otherwise, you could develop a fatal clot in your lungs.

    I had blood clots in my lung, it isnt fatal, but its excruciating! The fatal part is travelling out the right side of your heart...or so i have been told!
  • rannetteep
    I had a blood clot in my lung and they told me that I might possibly not make it. I literally could not breathe. I was on blood thinners for nearly two years. I still struggle from the damage it did to my lung causing me to gain a lot of weight, more than I lost while I was in the hospital. With great friends and family lifestyle is easy with their love.