Diet HELP!!!

I need help with my diet!! I need some ideas of what to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have the snacks covered I'm just not for sure on what all recipes to use for the others. I don't want to have a chicken salad every day for lunch or something like that. I want to have ACTUAL meals that will meet my 1500 calorie goal everyday. Thank you in advance.!


  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)

    ^ My advice is to not listen to anything this person said.

    My other advice is to eat what you like. We can't tell you what you might enjoy eating.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Breakfast is the most important!

    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)


    To actually answer your question - hard to give good advice until we know what cooking skills you have (or don't have!), what kinds of foods you like, what equipment you have at your disposal etc.

    My advice, pick a few ingredients you like (maybe chicken breast or fish if that's your thing - maybe a vegetable or two you like) and google recipes that have those as basic ingredients.
  • DeboraW_55
    DeboraW_55 Posts: 95 Member
    I eat fish, sweet potatoes , red potatoes, brown rice. And have lost 25 lbs. I don't exclude any foods. Roasted veggies are so good.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)

    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Sugar is not the devil.
    Unless there is a medical issue, there is no reason to eliminate specific foods.

    Eat the foods you enjoy and experiment with new foods. Check out the recipe section here or google.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)

    No. Please eat tomatoes, green beans and carrots.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    You don't have to exclude any foods, just eat at your deficit number. I eat yogurt or cottage cheese a lot of times for breakfast with some kind of berries in it, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and I usually also have a hard boiled egg with it. On weekends when I have more time, I will make 2 scrambled eggs (very tiny amount of butter, but you only need like 3 grams, use a scale, put the butter on a plate and weigh it on the scale, I weigh in grams, then take a very small amount off, the difference is your "pat". Sometimes I make a slice of toast with whole grain oat bread, I don't butter it, I put the eggs on it and eat it. I also keep meal bars around in case I am in a hurry I can grab on the go, I buy ones that are low carb/fat/sugar, and I also like to have a protein drink in the morning a lot of the time.

    For lunch, I usually don't have any starches unless I am having some meat and veggies in a tortilla or something like that. I just cut up a couple of cups of veggies (I weigh them in more accurate grams though) and saute them, you can use spices, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce (depends on how much sodium you can have). For example, today I had zucchini I made into noodles (bought the as seen on tv contraption, works well), shrimp with peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes diced up. Do the vegetables and maybe grill the shrimp if you can, then mix it all together. I have tuna from a can a lot for lunch, I use white, but I don't use any mayo in it. I put a little apple cider vinegar, couple of teaspoons of Weber's spicy brown mustard, 1/2 teaspoon of allspice (really, it tastes great in tuna fish) and some garlic (fresh or powder) and onion (same). Just mix it all together. Because I usually also have an apple with my lunch sometimes I make a curry. Chop up the apple and dice it, put it in a pan on medium heat. Chop up and add all your veggies such as peppers and carrots, cook a protein fish/shrimp, chicken, pork, whatever and add that. Add some tumeric, curry powder and a little garlic powder and small amount of water, mix it all up, it is really good. Those are some examples, but you just have to work with what you have and use your imagination.

    Oh, and I DO eat starches, I just usually save it for dinner (but not always). I will have brown rice, potatoes, pasta, corn including polenta, I just make sure it fits in my calories/macros for the day.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Breakfast is the most important!

    Nope - no more than any other meal. - Why would it be?
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    I have lost almost 60 pounds since January 8th... eating the same foods I ate before my diet, plus some healthier choices. I just eat alot less of everything. For me, portion control is everything. Read labels and know the nutritional content of your food. I keep three things handy at all times. An adjustable measuring cup, and adjustable measuring spoon, and a digital kitchen scale. Between those three things, you can know EXACTLY how much of a food you are eating and adjust the amount to fit your caloric goal.

    But whatever you do, don't deprive yourself of the foods you like. Find ways to make them healthier, eat smaller portions whenever possible and reward yourself for your hard work.
  • AlwaysBigSteve
    AlwaysBigSteve Posts: 82 Member
    I might get flamed but just eat less of what you normally do. Enjoy life and all it's tastes and don't exclude yourself from anything!
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)

    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Sugar is not the devil.

    Unless there is a medical issue, there is no reason to eliminate specific foods.

    Eat the foods you enjoy and experiment with new foods. Check out the recipe section here or google.

    HHHMMMM actually never said sugar was the devil. Secondly I have lost 47 lbs with eating this exact way and I have the toughest body to lose weight. I worked out 7 days a week. Ate all the non processed foods did the whole paleo crap and never could I lose weight. I gave advised to a MFP friend not you so don't judge. You want to give her advice then do so but don't knock something that has actually worked for over 25 years for many people try giving alternatives instead of putting others down for what has worked for them.
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    Breakfast is the most important!

    Nope - no more than any other meal. - Why would it be?

    Hahaha because this is what kick starts your metabolism in the morning.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I treat myself to what I want sometimes, but usually for me (and I am not saying anybody has to do it my way), I prefer to eat more food, so that is the way I eat. At this point I could put mayo in my tuna, but I have grown to kind of like it without it. That said, if I want some, I will add it. I never tell myself I can't have anything, I just tell myself make sure you log it, and I do.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)

    ^ My advice is to not listen to anything this person said.

    My other advice is to eat what you like. We can't tell you what you might enjoy eating.

    Yeah I agree, eat what you enjoy but within your cals. You'll get fed up after a while if you're eating stuff you don't enjoy. I have pancakes, toast or cereal for breakfast cause it keeps me going for longer than fruit truth be told. Works for me as well, lost 5lbs last week.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Breakfast is the most important!

    Nope - no more than any other meal. - Why would it be?

    Hahaha because this is what kick starts your metabolism in the morning.

    Do you have some science that shows metabolism needs kickstarting? Or is this something you read on Facebook?

    My metabolism runs all day doesn't start, stop and/or need kickstarting.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I have lost almost 60 pounds since January 8th... eating the same foods I ate before my diet, plus some healthier choices. I just eat alot less of everything. For me, portion control is everything. Read labels and know the nutritional content of your food. I keep three things handy at all times. An adjustable measuring cup, and adjustable measuring spoon, and a digital kitchen scale. Between those three things, you can know EXACTLY how much of a food you are eating and adjust the amount to fit your caloric goal.

    But whatever you do, don't deprive yourself of the foods you like. Find ways to make them healthier, eat smaller portions whenever possible and reward yourself for your hard work.

    Exactly! I've been doing the same thing since the end of April and I've been losing. I make the foods I like fit in.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    I've been eating at 1500 calories a day since February 2014 and am down 67ish pounds. I agree with most on here. Eat what you like as long as it falls into your daily allowance. I've been bbq'n fish and a sweet potato for dinner. Salad for lunch , Cottage cheese and yogurt for breakfast. Just watch your other daily requirements. Lately I've had to substitute in Whey Protein to boost my low Protein intake. Try and get some regular exercise in daily.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Breakfast is the most important!

    Nope - no more than any other meal. - Why would it be?

    Hahaha because this is what kick starts your metabolism in the morning.

    Do you have some science that shows metabolism needs kickstarting? Or is this something you read on Facebook?

    My metabolism runs all day doesn't start, stop and/or need kickstarting.


    Weight loss= Calories in < calories out. Period.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)

    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Sugar is not the devil.

    Unless there is a medical issue, there is no reason to eliminate specific foods.

    Eat the foods you enjoy and experiment with new foods. Check out the recipe section here or google.

    HHHMMMM actually never said sugar was the devil. Secondly I have lost 47 lbs with eating this exact way and I have the toughest body to lose weight. I worked out 7 days a week. Ate all the non processed foods did the whole paleo crap and never could I lose weight. I gave advised to a MFP friend not you so don't judge. You want to give her advice then do so but don't knock something that has actually worked for over 25 years for many people try giving alternatives instead of putting others down for what has worked for them.

    Calories in vs. Calories out.

    You don't have the toughest body when it comes to losing weight. Everybody does.

    OP, don't listen to this person. Eat when you're hungry. I personally like eating at night and will skip breakfast, and I am still capable of losing weight that way. Eat what you want in moderation to meet your calorie goal. If you want some pizza, eat some. But also eat some nutrient dense food as well. You don't need to avoid any foods. Unless its covered in poo, then don't eat it.
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you to everyone that has posted in this topic!!! :) I think I might try what everyone said!!! I have been trying to eat healthier foods and not eat what my family does but by the end of the week going into the weekend I end up breaking my diet the whole weekend and eating what they do so its not really working out. :/ I do running daily!! And I am thinking about doing the 30 day Ab challenge along with it. I have 100 pounds to lose so I'm trying everything!!!!