Diet HELP!!!



  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    @ SmileyPeaches, if your diary is accurate, how you are not starving is beyond me?!!!
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Good on your for getting committed.

    Most important thing is weighing, measuring, and logging EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth - regardless of what it is.

    It's extremely difficult to make adjustments calorie-wise until you know where you're starting from.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    Thank you to everyone that has posted in this topic!!! :) I think I might try what everyone said!!! I have been trying to eat healthier foods and not eat what my family does but by the end of the week going into the weekend I end up breaking my diet the whole weekend and eating what they do so its not really working out. :/ I do running daily!! And I am thinking about doing the 30 day Ab challenge along with it. I have 100 pounds to lose so I'm trying everything!!!!

    What about getting a gym membership and start lifting weights? The Ab Challenge will be a waste of time, honestly.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Breakfast is the most important! Try something like two eggs and half a grape fruit. Even throw in some veggies like peppers into the eggs. This is very low calorie and carb so make sure to eat a small snack between lunch. For lunch each 2 cups of mixed veggies with some protein. For dinner eat the same as lunch about 8 oz of protein and 2 cups veggies.
    Veggies= peppers, celery, cucumber, spinach, raw onion (don't do cooked its only sugar) etc
    select veggies= only eat twice a week. tomatoes, green beans there's more but I can't think of them right now.
    Stay away from pastas and root veggies (potatoes, yams etc.) Don't eat carrots (only sugar)

    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Sugar is not the devil.

    Unless there is a medical issue, there is no reason to eliminate specific foods.

    Eat the foods you enjoy and experiment with new foods. Check out the recipe section here or google.

    HHHMMMM actually never said sugar was the devil. Secondly I have lost 47 lbs with eating this exact way and I have the toughest body to lose weight. I worked out 7 days a week. Ate all the non processed foods did the whole paleo crap and never could I lose weight. I gave advised to a MFP friend not you so don't judge. You want to give her advice then do so but don't knock something that has actually worked for over 25 years for many people try giving alternatives instead of putting others down for what has worked for them.

    Congrats. You found a calorie deficit. By the looks of your diary, you may want to hold off on giving advice to the general public.
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks!! I have been doing the logging up till this past weekend and then I completely stopped for some reason. I am NOT going to stop now though!! :)
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    OK one of the things you can do for breakfast is have any cereal you want... but use unsweetened Almond milk at 30 calories a cup you can't go wrong... and you will love the flavor the same! 1% milk has 103 calories per cup so you save 73 calories right there! I personally only use 1/2 cup because a serving of cereal is not a lot, typically 2/3 or 3/4 cups (make sure to read that on the box)

    Buy lean lunch meats (read those labels) so lets say 4 thin little slices is a serving (yep it is) make it appear bigger (your eyes can fool your brain into thinking you are having more) OK take the right edge of the meat slice, fold it to meet the left edge of the meat, now take the bottom and fold it to the top... see the little fan shape? it will make your sandwich bigger looking. Another thing use thick slices of tomatoes and use lettuce and onion too if you like it... buy light mayo too and light bread Sara Lee has one and there are these sandwich thins for 100 calories each (Walmart hamburger and hot buns are 90 calories... just READ things)

    make salads, and use salsa for the dressing! there are many different kinds (at Walmart they have many) some like White Corn and Beans, some have pineapple in it even just regular... these add bulk and flavor to your salads, roll up lunch meat or add tuna or chicken to them... read the lettuce packages and you will see how few calories there is a whole bag can have 50 or less calories! So use it to fill you up!

    They have plenty of low calorie soups now too and those are really good. I buy some at Target that have 100 calories a serving, with only 2 servings per can, that means you can have the whole can for only 200 calories!

    for dinners I typically have a serving of meat, any kind and a salad or lots of veggies, like 1 can green beans, with 1 can diced tomatoes and I add Italian seasonings the whole thing is under 100 calories!
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    I found out recently that I don't like gyms or the at home videos because I get bored of them and then I never finish :(
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    I might get flamed but just eat less of what you normally do. Enjoy life and all it's tastes and don't exclude yourself from anything!

    This. Really.

    Eat what you enjoy, just smaller portions. I eat bacon and chocolate nearly every day, plenty of vegetables and fruit, chicken and salmon, the occasional cheeseburger, eggs, greek yogurt, and cream in my coffee. I eat breakfast only if I am hungry. I hate skim milk and low-fat tastes terrible to me. I walk 30 minutes a day and I've lost nearly 35 pounds in the last 106 days. The only thing I have eliminated are the bags of candy I used to eat every day and the 3 tbsp of sugar in my coffee.

    Eat what you enjoy. You might consider planning your food the nigh before or first thing in the morning as a way of helping you feel like you've got a strategy for the day. Best of luck to you.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    For me, breakfast is most important because I wake up ravenous. :smile: No attempt at a scientific justification, I just know that if I don't eat a fairly substantial breakfast (~350-400 calories with a mix of protein, fiber and complex carbs) I'll be a grumpy bear.

    That said, if you give me 30 seconds, I'll open up my diary if you want ideas for what I've been eating at 1500 calories plus exercise.
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you!
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I have lost almost 60 pounds since January 8th... eating the same foods I ate before my diet, plus some healthier choices. I just eat alot less of everything. For me, portion control is everything. Read labels and know the nutritional content of your food. I keep three things handy at all times. An adjustable measuring cup, and adjustable measuring spoon, and a digital kitchen scale. Between those three things, you can know EXACTLY how much of a food you are eating and adjust the amount to fit your caloric goal.

    But whatever you do, don't deprive yourself of the foods you like. Find ways to make them healthier, eat smaller portions whenever possible and reward yourself for your hard work.

    Ditto! Feel free to check out my diary. I'm losing slowly but losing (I'm 4 lb from goal so losing VERY slowly) but that means I can enjoy my food and do the things that I want to do for life.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I think this was already suggested, but finding a schedule that works for you can be really helpful. I personally don't eat breakfast, but I do two daytime snacks, a larger dinner, and a late night snack. Being on a schedule sort of trained me to respond to time-specific hunger cues, which works well for me.

    Second, do eat the foods you love in small portions. However, if I did exclusively that I would be eating two fried chicken wings and two donuts every day and not much else. Finding a balance between small portions of foods that you love and larger portions of some new foods that you like is key. Play around with it and you'll find a balance soon!
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Also don't listen to the girl who's eating like 600-900 calories a day. There's no reason to do that to yourself.
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    Breakfast is important. It is also important to keep your body fueled throughout the day. I have found (just my personal opinion) that spreading out my meals throughout the day made a huge difference. I eat around 6x a day, and have smaller meals every three hours. I have been eating cleaner than usual just because I am looking to gain muscle and lower my body fat %. When I began dieting I experimented in the kitchen all the time. (The website has fabulous recipes!!) You can certainly take foods you LOVE and modify them to healthy versions.

    A couple examples for lunch/dinner i used to eat could be:

    If you like tacos, you can certainly make them with ground turkey. Find a good low-carb wrap for the shell. (Trader Joes makes a great one) Instead of buying taco seasoning packets, season the turkey with some sodium free seasonings (Mrs. Dash has a ton!) Add some hot sauce, and its delicious.

    You can also use ground turkey to make an excellent turkey chili. (I get most of the ingredients for this at Trader Joe's as well) You can add veggies and beans to this for a healthy mix!

    My boyfriend has a tough time eating chicken constantly. Once and a while I make him a modified healthy version of chicken cutlets. I use egg whites, wheat/gluten free flour, and whole wheat bread crumbs. I dip them lightly, and spray a pan with cocunut oil. I bake them in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, instead of frying in oil on a pan!

    Chicken can also taste yummy in a healthy version of a stir fry. Cook brown rice, cut up grilled chicken, and mix with broccoli/onions/peppers/mushrooms/even edaname beans. (You can also sub the chicken for steak)

    ^^^ These are a couple of ideas I tried in the past. Still delicious, and not a high calorie meal. They also make great left overs :)
  • kdoaks234
    kdoaks234 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks! :)
  • 10BlueDoves
    10BlueDoves Posts: 33 Member
    Yup, I agree with eat what you normally do. Just eat a portion that fits into your calorie goal. Over time, you will realize what foods are worth the calories/portions size and which foods simply are not worth it. If you give it time and figure out what works for YOU, you will be successful at this! If you listen to some random people on the internet who try to tell you a one size fits all solution, you will just be another failed weight loss statistic.
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    I actually find that eating breakfast makes me hungrier sooner. So I mostly skip it - don't fancy anything till lunch and have more cals to scoff, win win!

    Personally, I've found myself staying on the wagon and consistently losing over the last 6 months - longest time in years, seriously -by not over complicating it. I eat whatever I want, including treats like cake and chocolate, but I count everything, I make up for the bad days with ten times more good days, I walk anywhere from 2-4 miles every day (the dog loves me) and I don't lie to myself.

    The longer you keep at it, slowly but surely and not driving yourself mad, the less you are affected by a day where you go well over, or a week when you don't lose or appear to gain even thought you had the strictest week ever. The losses are not linear, they won't come every week, but they WILL come.

    Make a quiet commitment to yourself, get on it, and accept this as your eating style from now on. You're not on a diet, you're just taking fewer cals on board every day. Trust us, it really works. Good luck!! :)
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member

    there is a great recipe bit on here if you go there and ask there are great recipe swappers I hope this helps
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Breakfast is the most important!

    Nope - no more than any other meal. - Why would it be?

    Hahaha because this is what kick starts your metabolism in the morning.

    Laugh all you like but without evidence it means nowt.