No change in scale/inches or anything!!!

So I've been on a clean eating lifestyle change for almost 2 months now. I RARELY eat processed foods, the only food I eat that has more than 5 ingredients is the 100% whole wheat bread I eat in the mornings. I eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. I eat 2-3 servings of fruit, usually meet my carb limits, sometimes going a little over, eat my servings of veggies, proteins, and whole grains, and drink a ton of water. I also do strength training 3x a week doing full-body strength training, sometimes with a little hiit and I do cardio every once in a while going on long hikes and such. However, at first I thought I had lost about 7 ibs but it had been about 2 weeks since checking the scale so I wouldn't demotivate myself. When I checked again, I was up 4 ibs! I gave it the benefit of the doubt, thinking it might be water weight or something but when I weighed myself again the next week same thing! I have had NO weight loss!! I also measured myself and I haven't lost ANY inches! Plus I don't look any different and all my clothes fit the same. Also, I don't feel a muscle gain and my strength feels barely any different but I'm not seeing muscle changes anywhere! What on earth am I doing wrong?? I did a similar post to this but that was before I had weighed myself AND I thought I was at least losing some weight. Now I'm getting kind of discouraged because I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.


  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Are you weighing your food?
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    I would suggest increasing your cardio to drop some of the water and try drop sets when lifting weights. It will allow your muscles to work harder and burn fat more.
    I would say not to eat bread everyday, that is something I do to reduce weight. I use bread on days of a long cardio/workout session for energy.
  • Sgrounds
    Sgrounds Posts: 2
    I would give it a little more time, as 2 months is not long. But if this trend continues, you should see an endocrinologist. I was increasing my exercise and watching my diet, but gaining weight steadily the last two years. I finally went to see an endocrinologist and learned that I'm insulin resistant. He put me on metformin, and we'll see if it helps. If you are limiting calories and working out and not losing weight there may be something going on that needs treatment.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I would suggest increasing your cardio to drop some of the water and try drop sets when lifting weights. It will allow your muscles to work harder and burn fat more.
    I would say not to eat bread everyday, that is something I do to reduce weight. I use bread on days of a long cardio/workout session for energy.
    Err no. You could eat as much bread as you wanted and if you were at a calorie deficit would still lose weight.

    Looking at your diary my guess is your eating more than you think. A lot things measured in cups which is not an accurate measure for solids.
    Good luck

    Tighten up your logging and that should help this link should help you good luck
  • luvz2bake
    luvz2bake Posts: 9 Member
    Eating breakfast is very important to get your metabolism going in the morning and for me I eat smaller meals and split them up into six mini meals a day. That way I am eating something about every 2-hours and keeping my body fueled and metabolism going. I am on 1200 calories a day, eat bread only a few times a week and very little processed food or sweets and am on a average losing 2 lbs a week wiht no exercise (starting that tonight).
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Add some High Intensity Interval Training to your current routine. Do HIIT 3 times a week keeping everything the same, and you'll definitely drop weight.

    Good luck!
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    We could tell you so many things but it all depends on how your body works. Exercise is only about 20% of weight loss every thing else is diet. I had the same issues for a long time. I worked out 6 days a week doing cardio and martial arts and never would see any changes. I didn't even eat that bad. What helped me was cutting out sugar all together. This includes fruits. Until you loose your weight you may want to stop eating fruit because it gives your body sugar and so it will not burn the fat (even though fruit is a good sugar your body doesn't need it right now). Stop the whole grains. Eating non processed foods is great but again whole grains and fruits really hurt you with the carbs.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    So I've been on a clean eating lifestyle change for almost 2 months now. I RARELY eat processed foods, the only food I eat that has more than 5 ingredients is the 100% whole wheat bread I eat in the mornings. I eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. I eat 2-3 servings of fruit, usually meet my carb limits, sometimes going a little over, eat my servings of veggies, proteins, and whole grains, and drink a ton of water. I also do strength training 3x a week doing full-body strength training, sometimes with a little hiit and I do cardio every once in a while going on long hikes and such. However, at first I thought I had lost about 7 ibs but it had been about 2 weeks since checking the scale so I wouldn't demotivate myself. When I checked again, I was up 4 ibs! I gave it the benefit of the doubt, thinking it might be water weight or something but when I weighed myself again the next week same thing! I have had NO weight loss!! I also measured myself and I haven't lost ANY inches! Plus I don't look any different and all my clothes fit the same. Also, I don't feel a muscle gain and my strength feels barely any different but I'm not seeing muscle changes anywhere! What on earth am I doing wrong?? I did a similar post to this but that was before I had weighed myself AND I thought I was at least losing some weight. Now I'm getting kind of discouraged because I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
    Your eating, BREAD, Crackers,quaker oats and rice......... Basically get rid of the carbs keep your carbs UNDER 60
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    stop eating cereals, bread, cracks and rice... Kick them to the curb I did that and when i stick to it i lose.
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    Your eating, BREAD, Crackers, Basically get rid of the carbs keep your carbs UNDER 60

    There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    You're eating too much. Weigh and log your food with more accuracy. Track your workouts with a monitor. You're currently ating more than you burn - it's very easy to do. I maintain on 1750. I could go over that just raiding the fruit bowl, or having a bit more salad dressing, or adding more nuts to that salad. It's not hard at all to overeat.

    'Healthy' food isn't magically going to make you lose weight. 300 calories too much of fruit, pasta, chia seeds and steamed fish gets you just as fat as 300 too much in McDonalds.

    Better logging. It can be a real eye-opener.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    Theres something wrong with THOSE carbs
    >.cereals, bread, cracks and rice

    These carbs..........>vegetables and fruits are good carbs.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    calories in v calories out!!!! people on here eat crackers, bread, cereal, rice, chocs, sweets, fish and chips, mcds etc & have lost LOTS of weight!!

    if your not losing your eating more than you think..... Or over estimating your exercise

    You can eat whatever you want, within your calories
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    calories in v calories out!!!! people on here eat crackers, bread, cereal, rice, chocs, sweets, fish and chips, mcds etc & have lost LOTS of weight!!

    if your not losing your eating more than you think..... Or over estimating your exercise

    You can eat whatever you want, within your calories

    Thank you!!! I've lost weight eating all that. No carbs is just crazy talk.
  • sedwards102
    I'm going to give you my advice based off of my own personal experience. I had to change my diet and cut out all sweets and less carbs. This doesn't mean you should cut them out forever though, it's actually better to allow yourself these things every now and then. You might have already posted this but how many sweets do you eat? I found out that with myself, I had way too many "cheat" meals. I kept telling myself that it wasn't all that bad until I actually started to watch what I was doing. Now as far as exercise, I would try to do cardio for 30 mins each time you work out. I started with 3 days a week but now I've started to hit a plateau since I've lost so much. Since my plateau, I now do 30-45 mins of cardio 5 days a week in addition to full body workouts weekly. (I do not work my whole body every day or else that would damage your muscle tissue) But I would just try upping your cardio and watching sweets, other than that you're doing great! Don't give up! Keep going!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member

    My advise which is only based on my experience is to weigh food, measure liquid and to eat at deficit I have spent months highering lowering etc until I found what worked also watch sodium and ensure your hydrated. If inches are what you are looking to lose then I would recommend some resistance strength or weight training or all 3 and cardio too but not too much. I have been doing things like mountain climbers and squats lunges and planks etc to get some definition
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    So I've been on a clean eating lifestyle change for almost 2 months now. I RARELY eat processed foods, the only food I eat that has more than 5 ingredients is the 100% whole wheat bread I eat in the mornings. I eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. I eat 2-3 servings of fruit, usually meet my carb limits, sometimes going a little over, eat my servings of veggies, proteins, and whole grains, and drink a ton of water. I also do strength training 3x a week doing full-body strength training, sometimes with a little hiit and I do cardio every once in a while going on long hikes and such. However, at first I thought I had lost about 7 ibs but it had been about 2 weeks since checking the scale so I wouldn't demotivate myself. When I checked again, I was up 4 ibs! I gave it the benefit of the doubt, thinking it might be water weight or something but when I weighed myself again the next week same thing! I have had NO weight loss!! I also measured myself and I haven't lost ANY inches! Plus I don't look any different and all my clothes fit the same. Also, I don't feel a muscle gain and my strength feels barely any different but I'm not seeing muscle changes anywhere! What on earth am I doing wrong?? I did a similar post to this but that was before I had weighed myself AND I thought I was at least losing some weight. Now I'm getting kind of discouraged because I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
    Your eating, BREAD, Crackers,quaker oats and rice......... Basically get rid of the carbs keep your carbs UNDER 60

    Carbs make you retain water..especally refined ones.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    I don't subscribe to the idea that all grains are evil carbs. If you are trying that approach, fine. But it is not a universal and certainly not programmed into the myfitnesspal program. Oats and wholegrain bread can totally be a good part of a balanced diet.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I am guessing you are putting margarine or Butter on your toast... spend ONE week weighing absolutely EVERYTHING you put in your mouth...
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    So I've been on a clean eating lifestyle change for almost 2 months now. I RARELY eat processed foods, the only food I eat that has more than 5 ingredients is the 100% whole wheat bread I eat in the mornings. I eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. I eat 2-3 servings of fruit, usually meet my carb limits, sometimes going a little over, eat my servings of veggies, proteins, and whole grains, and drink a ton of water. I also do strength training 3x a week doing full-body strength training, sometimes with a little hiit and I do cardio every once in a while going on long hikes and such. However, at first I thought I had lost about 7 ibs but it had been about 2 weeks since checking the scale so I wouldn't demotivate myself. When I checked again, I was up 4 ibs! I gave it the benefit of the doubt, thinking it might be water weight or something but when I weighed myself again the next week same thing! I have had NO weight loss!! I also measured myself and I haven't lost ANY inches! Plus I don't look any different and all my clothes fit the same. Also, I don't feel a muscle gain and my strength feels barely any different but I'm not seeing muscle changes anywhere! What on earth am I doing wrong?? I did a similar post to this but that was before I had weighed myself AND I thought I was at least losing some weight. Now I'm getting kind of discouraged because I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
    Your eating, BREAD, Crackers,quaker oats and rice......... Basically get rid of the carbs keep your carbs UNDER 60

    Carbs make you retain water..especally refined ones.

    Can you not. Please stop spreading misinformation.

    Please provide me with a scholarly study (not one from Wikipedia or google), that proves that carbs make you retain water.

    My goal is 200 a day. And I've consistently lost weight with no issues "retaining water". And many others here on the forum will tell you the same thing.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    calories in v calories out!!!! people on here eat crackers, bread, cereal, rice, chocs, sweets, fish and chips, mcds etc & have lost LOTS of weight!!

    if your not losing your eating more than you think..... Or over estimating your exercise

    You can eat whatever you want, within your calories

    Thank you!!! I've lost weight eating all that. No carbs is just crazy talk.
    theres a difference between low carbs and no carbs.............