How Many Calories Do You Eat?

Currently im 150lb or 70 kg, going to restart on the second month of Insanity because It didn't work very well, I tried doing the whole insanity program without actually finding how many calories I gain and lost, but it seems that I only lost a single kg throughout the whole workout ( 2 months) I can somewhat see my abs and muscles, I also lost a couple of inches but not weight . I'm planning to eat less and lose more calories but im not sure how many calories should I eat.

Any recommendations how many calories I should eat? I tend to workout 4 times a week (Is it enough, I skipped both of the recovery during these past 2 weeks and of course the seventh day where you take a break or should I 1 recovery and 1 intense workout) Im 5'4 70 kg/150lb. How many calories should I normally gain If I want to lose weight? How many calories do you lose while doing the insanity program? What should I eat more?

PS: Need to buy a HMS, could not really judge how many I lost.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I'm not extremely active in my workouts - but I'm 145ish these days, 5' 5.5" and typically eat 1400-1600. I aim for a total daily deficit of 500 calories, have been losing weight steadily for almost 6 months now. I am very meticulous about weighing my food, logging everything as accurate as possible. That's the key.

    Now gotta get off my bum and get some stuff done. :)
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    I try to net 1600 and usually get there.

    I eat probably more like 1850 over the week on average eating back exercise calories.

    I'm 5'6" and weigh 228
  • almondize18
    almondize18 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'8", currently at 230 lb, and on days that I don't work out, I try to stick to 1200 - 1300 calories. If I am working out I can go a little higher, to 1400 - 1500 calories, but nothing more than that. Your basal metabolic rate is also affected by how much muscle you have vs fat. I have very little muscle so my BMR is lower (around 1580 calories), but if you've been working out the way you have been, you probably have more muscle so can eat a little more. Never go under 1,200 but you can safely cut up to 500 calories from your BMR.