Consulting physician???



  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    If you're just overweight then exercising and good nutrition will only improve all those things that you go to the doctor to ask.

    It's still a good idea to chat to your Doctor about it. Bloodwork is a good idea especially if you haven't been eating the healthiest diet. You feel dramatically better if you can correct (through diet or supplementation) any defficiencies. If you're cutting calories then you can be at risk for vitimin defficiencies. Doesn't hurt to check whether your hormones are okay as well so that you know what you're up against before you start

    They might also be able to help you out with anthing that could be a barrier to starting an exercise routine


    I agree.
  • rdavidson180
    rdavidson180 Posts: 11 Member
    My physician led me to MFP. He is in his later 30's and has cholesterol issues by his admission. I have had my blood tested roughly every 6-8 months and have high in Glucose for some years. I strongly recommend anyone starting with a new physician do a wellness panel before your first visit and have some records available.
    I had an AC1 and showed high in sugar.
    I have hypertension that is responding well to treatment, but no other issues.
    I was a bit delusional about my actual calorie intake and MFP has helped with that. I use the food log to micro-manage my diet. I log the exercise some but not as well as I should/
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Just a question... I've noticed a few of you think your doctors are crap & unhealthy. Why would you choose a doctor like that - they work for YOU, hire one (you are paying him/her - at least in the US) that has the same outlook on life that you do. If you are a runner pick someone who runs. If you are a smoker, probably a smoking doctor will understand your issues. Just sayin.'

    I picked my MD because he is into sports, supports local food initiatives, tries as many natural healing modalities as practical, and heads the Physicians against Nuclear Arms chapter in our local area. He also keeps up on his continuing education and does speaking engagements for other docs, too.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Hello beautiful people,

    I hope everyone is having a great week. just curious, how many of you guys consulted your primary physician before joining this wonderful journey to a healthier life? And if so, did you guys get various tests done, such as blood work? In addition, did you guys consult other health professionals for further advice about your health, such as a nutritionist?

    Ever since I was diagnosed with having costochondritis, I decided to get blood work done. I am waiting for my results and I am STRESSING OUT about it. I am very worried about my cholesterol and A1C levels. Sad to say but I am a huge worry wart (and my doctor knows that I am one) and I know that once I enter my doctor's office, my heart will start to race and my blood pressure will be high.

    Any support and reply will be much appreciated! :smile: :smile:

    Think of your doctor as a member of your team.
    I love my doctor -- we have been together for 5 years --- it almost took that much time to get used to each other.

    I have not seen a nutritionist. One would need a good recommendation. But sometimes they are helpful and can come at the situation from a different and helpful perspective.

    It is o.k. to be a worry wort. But good ahead and take some deep breaths and remind yourself that you are doing a good job of taking care of yourself both by going to the doctor and by benign here.
  • danicaone_101
    danicaone_101 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you everyone for the great advice! Much appreciated. :)

    I have a doctor's appointment this Wednesday to review my lab results. Even if I receive good or bad results, I know that I am taking the necessary steps to live a healthier life, just like everyone here.
  • dcnemesis
    dcnemesis Posts: 31
    I did not consult my physician but I am a healthcare professional so its a different situation for me.

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Sounds like you are doing everything right so far :) I'm sure you can do it, just don't jump in too quickly. Take it slow and listen to your body. Best of luck!
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    I did because my work will start charging people that don't get their biometrics done. It was the wakeup call I needed and it's free through our health plan.

    They also give us a healthy life coach that recommended this site and other things. They are also the ones that sent me to a specialist for blood sugar issues that I didn't know I had.

    This was in March and here we are in June and I'm 30lbs lighter and feel better than I ever have.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Just a question... I've noticed a few of you think your doctors are crap & unhealthy. Why would you choose a doctor like that - they work for YOU, hire one (you are paying him/her - at least in the US) that has the same outlook on life that you do. If you are a runner pick someone who runs. If you are a smoker, probably a smoking doctor will understand your issues. Just sayin.'


    I would not retain a doctor who doesn't help me.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I wonder about people continuing to go to crap docs too. Some of the problem may be due to one's insurance coverage but there has to be other options out there. If you don't like or trust them, find another one.

    My doc is amazing. She and I have very frank discussions and I trust her analysis of my health. I'd been going to her for at least 5 years before I started losing weight and knew it was something she wanted me to do so I didn't consult her before beginning.

    However, if we hadn't discussed it before and I had a medical condition that caused concern, I definitely would've asked. So my advice would be for you to make sure you mention it when you go in. It may be part of the plan anyway with your risks but ask about specifics like what are safe exercises, any dietary suggestions (or should you see a nutritionist/dietician?). Better to be safe than sorry!