Looking for friends...

alofay Posts: 127 Member
Not new to MFP but I am starting over. I am extremely depressed about gaining 75 of my 100 pounds lost back... Feel as if I am starting over and I need help now more than ever! 75 pounds seems impossible. I have several good days in a row, I'll lose 5-10 pounds and then I'm back to stuffing my face. Not sure how to get out of this hole. Definitely need help!



  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    Sure :smile:
  • ashleynpotts
    hello ! i am veyry much the same ! i was at the gym for weeks and running then i stop and gain it all back i have no idea why i do it either ! its driving me crazy!
  • fabir
    fabir Posts: 3 Member
    I've been there before too, I lost weight and gained it all back plus some.
  • Fithealthyyou
    Fithealthyyou Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys,

    My name is Melissa, I am a personal trainer from Brisbane Queensland. I understand what you are saying in regards to gaining and losing weight. A lot of it is due to self sabotage, we lose weight feel great then start to feel lazy fall back to old habits and suddendly we are back where we started. Their is many options to try prevent us from falling backwards
    1.Write goals -weight goals, fitness goals , life goals .... Make sure you add time frames and why you want to succeed. Ensure the date is achievable ...write how you feel now , how you want to want to feel once you achieve your goal and what has held you back and why this is no longer a issue ... Be it time,energy, knowledge etc no excuses... Do exercise that you love.. Not for the sake of exercise.

    Need any more help feel free to get in touch or join my Facebook page for tips and tricks
    Hope this helps... It's not easy .. It's a slow process of learning curves but the main thing is ensure you learn from each road block or challenge.

    Www Facebook.com/fithealthyyoufitness
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 578 Member
    Sending you a FR.....I keep losing and gaining the same few lbs....I've been good about logging in daily and I'll support you as much as i can!!!
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow, worry about today.

    Don't deprive yourself. Keep your diet at 80% healthy, 20% indulgence. Eat what you like but in smaller portions to stay under your calorie goals. This isn't a "diet" it's a lifestyle change and you need to create habits that you'll be able to continue after reaching your goal weight.

    Make sure you accurately count your calories. Get a food scale if possible, or at least measure your portions to get an estimate. Be careful because people tend to underestimate how much they eat. And overestimate the burn from exercise. Keep that in mind and eat back around half of your exercise calories so you don't accidentally go over.
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    Been there too - lost 100 pounds and gained it all back, kept losing and gaining about 15 pounds after that. Now I finally feel committed to lose at least 50 pounds, maybe more. The difference for me is focusing on eating healthy food, not just counting calories. Vitamin-rich vegis and fruit plus protein does fill me up better than "Lean Cuisine". OK to add me as a friend...
  • yvonneangelgoh
    yvonneangelgoh Posts: 34 Member
    hey you are not alone. I was 58kg and all of a sudden i became 69kg...gosh! how did that took place? Lets all keep the motivation going and I am sure 75 pounds will melt away!
  • DenaliMom
    DenaliMom Posts: 3 Member
    This is really good advice. It makes practical sense. Thank you for putting this out for everyone to benefit. Smaller portions -and- accurate measurements are my 'new' daily intent. Good luck to all of you in your journey. Add me as a 'friend', and we can offer encouragement to each other.
  • Arshfirru
    Arshfirru Posts: 4 Member
    Hello I would like to join with u guys
  • purple817
    purple817 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey! I'm back on the wagon and looking for friends - please feel free to add me!
  • FightingFitMom
    FightingFitMom Posts: 80 Member
    I myself tend to go off track every 3rd week. Sending you FR. :)
  • JoeDenison
    JoeDenison Posts: 18 Member
    I started about the same time as you. I was down 95 lbs by September 2012, but then gained back 60 during a time after I had started taking a med for anxiety and had stopped weighing altogether. In Oct 2013 I turned the boat around again and just now on Father's Day I have shed that 60 and am back on track. It took exercise and the right combination of diet and supplements. I have an issue with my thyroid that slows my metabolism, but I think I'm getting around that with the protocol that I'm following. I'm on fire so-to-speak, and see no issue eventually reaching my goal. I'm starting to blog about what has worked for me, and suggesting the same to others.

    My diary and blog are public, feel free to review them. FR me if you'd like to stay current, I try to help motivate those on my friend list.

    Best wishes to you!
  • LivvyMcG71
    Q. Guys.. How do I add people..

    But firstly .. people out there have lost MASSIVE amounts of weight.. Maybe people should actually look at themselves and say .. You're Awesome.... You guys really are.. so ok lets support each other but remind ourselves.. we're great too..

    My boyfriend is a trainer.. currently trains people in a group of various sizes.. one who is about a size 8 uk.. 8.7lbs.. yet she wasn't happy (in her mind ) so.. there you have it..

    I always think as long as my mind and heart is good.... I can achieve .. might be slowly but I'm still living and enjoying what I'm doing..

    Happy mummy.. happy children..

    I want to lose .. 5 lbs.. and it's kinda hard too.. but MFP is definitely helping .. I like it..
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member

    This sounds like me after my son I lost 3st and then gained most back and then had my daughter so I started pretty much back at square 1 but im on it now feeling great seeing results and this time its forever so feel free to add me and we can motivate eachother my new lease of motivation has come after learning that my dads terminal illness could've been prevented had he been healthier
  • JennyJ2015
    JennyJ2015 Posts: 154 Member
    you can do it !!! anyone can add me if you like !