I always go over on Protein

Is this going to affect my weigh loss?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    No. Not as long as you stay within your calorie goal. The protein recommendation on MFP is based on the US RDA but many people choose to aim for a higher level in order to build and/or preserve muscle mass.
  • NichelleHall
    NichelleHall Posts: 12 Member
    It's actually better for you. My breakfasts consist of high amounts of protein, keeping me fuller through to lunchtime with no severe cravings. I go over at least 30 grams what MFP recommends for me a day. My doctor tells me to load up on protein. They recommended 14 oz for my height and weight a day which is usually about 110-120 grams daily.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Is this going to affect my weigh loss?

    Only if you consistently exceed your overall calorie limit, which is of course defined by macronutrients. If you go over on protein (a good thing in itself), you need a compensatory reduction in carbs or fat.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    The only day I've gone over my calories this week has been Sunday when I got drunk on frozen cocktails! Cocktails are SO high in calories!

    But I did a 500cal fast on Monday to make up for it and plan to do another one on Thursday.

    I always go over my Protein but am usually spot on or just below my calories and I never seem to meet the sodium limit.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    I always go over my Protein but am usually spot on or just below my calories and I never seem to meet the sodium limit.

    Excess sodium will cause you to retain a lot of water (a process called osmosis).

    This may make it seem that you aren't losing weight. If this happens, you need to switch your mindset a little to fat loss rather than weight loss.

    And don't worry about cocktails. You need to enjoy yourself otherwise the whole thing becomes unsustainable.
  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about a night out drinking, one night out of the week will neither help nor manipulate your progress, but release some of the pent-up tension many experience when dieting. unless you're close to the finish line on cutting for abs.

    Most of the weight gained on nights out is water and will disappear shortly after

    Loosing weight - essentially - is about caloric deficit, calories in vs. calories out.

    The way you distribute calories amongst you macros is fine-tuning and I found it to be a way to deal with plateaus.

    However I found that protein intake is way overrated, some suggest 1.5gr per pound bodyweight... didn't experience any more gains but ****** up my digestion big time.

    And don't worry about the sodium intake, the lower the better, most meals on mfp don't include any information on sodium and a halfway proper nutrition is actually going to be high enough in sodium as it is...

    Sodium, in case you didnt know, makes your body retain water weight for physiological reasons.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Sorry by 'never meet my sodium limit' I mean I never get even close to going over on sodium. I don't even know how I would eat that much sodium!
  • tequilastuntman
    tequilastuntman Posts: 37 Member
    mmh... Just be careful with canned foods (includes canned vegetables) and convenience foods, McDonalds and Sodas.

    when I was cutting for abs first time in my life I hit a brick wall at like 11% BF, MFP didn't list any significant sodium surplus.

    Looked up stuff on the internet, left out everything mentioned above + did Intermittent Fasting + insane amounts of water before bed and I was seeing more striations every time i went past a mirror. The impact it made was amazing.

    However thats something to worry about once you get really lean and at that point your determination will be fierce either way ;-)

    Good luck!