trying to lose weight. up my calories when I workout?

I'm trying to lose weight. MFP put me at 1200 calories per day. On days I work out,I workout for about 2 hours. MFP then shows i have more available calories. Should I stay at 1200 or go by what MFP puts me at?


  • LanakilaGirl
    LanakilaGirl Posts: 41 Member
    Go by what MFP puts you at. You NEED that 1200 just to survive from day to day. That's what you need if you are purely going to sit on the couch all day and do absolutely nothing. Your body needs the extra calories when you exercise to burn fat, other wise you will start burning muscle instead. I don't know about you but, I work way to hard for my muscle.
  • fairyleo
    fairyleo Posts: 23 Member
    ok, thanks for the quick response LanakilaGirl! that's good news. yeah, I work hard for my muscles too and definitely don't want to lose those lol. :)
  • winw
    winw Posts: 15
    I appreciate your response, too. Am fairly new and didn't really understand that. It seemed like less is less, but want to avoid going into "starvation" mode (on one more diet!) and yo yoing myself. thanks for the help.
  • melanie92
    melanie92 Posts: 184 Member
    Yes Yes Yes! Depending on how many you have - Always eat your exercise calories!

    Please read

    It's on the main page of this message board.

    Good luck!!! :smile:
  • LanakilaGirl
    LanakilaGirl Posts: 41 Member
    Happy to help! Feel free to ask any other questions, I've been at this fitness thing for a long time. If I don't have an answer I will do my best to find one. : )
  • fitmom125
    Great post. I'm fairly new here and its good to know about the calories. I was confused at first.
  • shorty2021
    My gosh thank you for posting this it says i needed 1,300 cals an i would work out an lose alot of cals but i was not going over 1,300 an i was like starving but now that i know its ok to go over that an eat my exersise cals i feel so much better!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I found this last night because I too was wondering the same
  • pianolady189
    I was wondering the same thing. After I swim at 24 hour fitness, it gives me much more calories and I eat them. This is my first week and I haven't lost weight. What about you?