need some friends to help me stay motivated

I'm a 31 year o female with 90 lbs to lose. Looking for some friends to help keep me motivated! Thanks!


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You can add me. If watching other motivates you I am your person.
  • heidianne92907
    heidianne92907 Posts: 5 Member
    Please add me, I am 39 years old and I have 100 pounds to lose. I could use some motivation myself. If you want you could even email me.
  • diane1223
    diane1223 Posts: 43 Member
    Please add me. I'm struggling too. One day on, then off. Can't seem to stay focused.
  • doodie1969
    doodie1969 Posts: 8 Member
    It has taken me a long time to lose 100lbs, but finally did it..have 20 more to go to reach my goal..I have found Chris Powell's choose more to lose more for life is and awesome plan..lost 26lbs in 12 weeks..if you need any advice, just ask..will help if I can
  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    Been working at it since January. Its hard work but I'm finally seeing a pay off. Add me if you'd like
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    Feel free to add me. And definitely check out this helpful info:
  • diahann63
    diahann63 Posts: 11
    Please add me! Everyone can use another friend!
  • terra32907
    terra32907 Posts: 33 Member
    I can always use more positive, motivating friends that like the same in return. Feel free to add me!
  • haleymarlene
    I was doing so good for a couple months, but then I fell off the health train. I'm getting over a pretty hard heartbreak and I'm ready to make ME happy. To be sexy for ME. to make my life better for ME! add me and let's be accountability buddies!
  • KayStar728
    KayStar728 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm always on MFP and can respond quickly for motivation. Good luck to you all!!! Remember it can be done. It's a day to day process!! Let's do this together!!
  • TotallyGetFit
    Need some true friends during my weight lost journey its hard but i really need some encouraging words from some of you great people i am not picky idc where you come from i just need some people with the same struggle as me i am 19 and the last time i weighed myself i was 319 may be more because i stop my diet and give up which is the reason why i need friends to support me i need to lose 136 pounds to get to my healthy weight. SUPPORT MY JOURNEY / ADD ME
  • EddieV2
    EddieV2 Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!

    That goes for everyone here.

    Take a look at my diary and if anyone has any questions about anything, or would like tips, feel free to ask :)

    Everyone can do it! I made the big lifestyle change a year ago, permanently, and will not look back. In all honesty, I don't want to.

    In all of our lives, health is the one thing we have absolute, total control over. Take hold of it, and be proud of what you have created. Not only will you look better, but you will mentally feel amazingly better (it honestly does scientifically) and you will want to show yourself off everywhere.
  • pamelas9
    pamelas9 Posts: 29
    I am 31 with a long way to go, please add me, we can help each other (also others on this thread, feel free).
  • Order_66
    Order_66 Posts: 35
    I am 28 years old and just moved to OKC and have 192 pounds to drop. Would love to make some new friends as well for this journey! Would love as many peeps as I can to help each other!
  • joana1987
    joana1987 Posts: 2
    i keep getting off track, I do it for a while then I just stop. All of you can add me, it will help me hold myself accountable. I am trying to lose 32lbs.